Airfix Magazine - Contents Listing - Complete
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Airfix Magazine

Contents Listing 1960-1969

Vol.1 No.1 June 1960
Editorial; The English Electric Canberra; In the Air - current aviation news; Shipping Notes; Stamps; Jack Brabham - racing driver; Competition Page; New Books; "We're Boarding"; News from Airfix; Pictures of the Month; Realistic 'Victorious'; Motorise your Zero - Motorising a 1:72 A6M Zero; On Road and Track; New Kits and Models; Make it Authentic - Detailing the Airfix Bristol Superfreighter; Railway Layout Realism; Land Speed Record; Railway Kit Conversions; Cartoons; Railway Review
Vol.1 No.2 July 1960
Editorial; In the air - current aviation news; John Cunningham - biography; Shipping notes; Wessex joins the Navy; Stamps; Flight without wings; Cartoons; Where's that Tiger? - HMS Tiger; Some new books; Luftwaffe modifications - Messerschmitt Bf 110G-4/R3 night fighter radar nose kit conversion; Dornier Do 217E-2 with Saenger ram-jet conversion; Picture page; Layout realism; Railway review; Competition results; Reader's letters; News from Airfix; Railway kit conversions; Warpaint for a fighter - Fiat G-91; Make it authentic - Detailing the Airfix Grumman J4F-1 Gosling; New kits and models; On road and track.
Vol.1 No.3 August 1960
Editorial; Stabling the iron horse; News from Airfix; Rear Admiral Sir Matthew Slattery - biography; Shipping notes; Some new books; Rotating rotorplanes - Motorising helicopter kits; In the air - current aviation news; Mosquito - DH 98 article; Stamps; Picture page; Layout realism; Blue Riband of the North Atlantic; New kits and models; Railway kit conversions; Reader's letters; Cartoons; Make it authentic - HMS Victory; Railway review; On road and track
Vol.1 No.4 September 1960
Editorial; Donald Campbell - biography; New kits and models; In the air - current aviation news; Airfix's Lancaster has a double; Cartoons; Battle of Britain anniversary Biggin Hill; Air Force Secret Service - Westland Lysander Mk III; Railway kit conversions; Shipping notes; Layout realism; Profile: Fairey Swordfish; Festiniog Railway; Minor conversions for Spitfire, Sea Hawk, Fiat G-91, Lysander, Typhoon and Rufe; North Atlantic 21 - airmail service anniversary; Railway review; Reader's letters; Picture page; Stamps; On road and track; Some new books; Kitmaster story.
Vol.1 No.5 October 1960
Editorial; Shipping notes; Career in the Royal Navy; Stamps; Fokker Triplane - profile; News from Airfix; In the air - current aviation news; Some new books; John Surtees - biography; Railway kit conversions; Picture page; Profile: Hawker Seahawk; Layout realism; Proud St Pancras; Save the Sunderland - profile; New kits and models; Reader's letters; On road and track; Railway review.
Vol.1 No.6 November 1960
Editorial; Shipping notes; In the air - current aviation news; Railway review; New kits and models; The Lancaster that knew its way home - (R5868 'S' for Sugar); End of the Chesham Flyer; Sir Nigel Gresley - biography; On road and track; Tank Busting Hawker Hurricane Mk IID - conversion; Layout realism; Picture page; Stamps; Railway kit conversions; News from Airfix; Some new books; Junkers Ju-87 - profile; Reader's letters
Vol.1 No.7 December 1960
[First colour photograph on the cover] Editorial; Shipping notes; In the air - current aviation news; Railway review; New kits and models; Playing with plastic, Part 1; Squadron Leader Peter Latham - biography; On road and track; SS Oriana - profile; Stamps; Layout realism; Picture page; News from Airfix; Railway kit conversions; For the record - photography; Dam busting Lancaster - profile; Reader's letters; Some new books.
Vol.1 No.8 January 1961
Editorial; Shipping notes; In the air - current aviation news; Railway review; News kits and models; Playing with plastic, Part 2; Captain Clifford Edgecombe - biography; On road and track; Matchbox millions; Hawker Typhoon - profile; Picture page; Stamps; Layout realism; Cruisers and carriers - US Navy; News from Airfix; Diesels - locomotives; Railway kit conversions; Ship on a cushion of air - hovercraft; Reader's letters; Some new books.
Vol.1 No.9 February 1961
Editorial; In the air; Jack Fairman - biography; News kits and models; Douglas C-47 Dakota - profile; Shipping notes; On road and track; Stamps; Bovington Tank Museum; What were they like to fly - Hawker Hurricane; Layout realism; Playing with plastic, Part 3; News from Airfix; Railway review; Railway kit conversions; Fifty years of Vickers - aircraft; Reader's letters; Picture page.
Vol.1 No.10 March 1961
Editorial; In the air; Railway kit conversions; Shipping notes; de Havilland DH.88 Comet - profile; Wing Commander R P Beaumont - biography; Aircraft registrations - UK; On road and track; Spitfire into Seafire - conversion; Railway review; Green Goddess - MV Caronia; Picture page; 10 - 15 tons diesel hydraulic locomotive crane; Stamps; Wrenn 152 motor racing layout; New kits and models; Layout realism; News from Airfix; Reader's letters; Some new books.
Vol.1 No.11 April 1961
In The Air (misc aviation news, air dates); Star Personality: Sqn Ldr John F. G. Howe - 74 Sqn; What were they like to fly? Boulton Paul Defiant; On Road and Track; Picture Page; Shipping Notes; Car Number Plates; Railway Kit Conversions; Profile: Hawker Hunter (markings summary incl. 4 tone profiles); GPO Underground Railway; Railway Layout Realism; Railway Review; Stamps; New Kits and Models; News from Airfix; Readers Write; P-51 Mustang Markings; Some New Books
Vol.1 No.12 May 1961
Editorial; In the air; Shipping notes; Master Modeller Club; Railway kit conversions; Sunderland comes home; Changing numbers - locomotive numbering, Part 1; Picture page; Westland Lysander - profile; Railway review; On road and track; Layout realism; Jim Clark - biography; Some new books; Stamps; New kits and models; News from Airfix; Reader's letters.
Vol.2 No.1 June 1961
Editorial; In the air; Before and after - rebuild of Sopwith Triplane; Canberra in service; Captain D G Clutterbuck - biography; Railway review; Shipping notes; Ninety Two takes over - 92 Squadron Falcons Air Display Team; Picture Page; Railway kit conversions; Profile - Fokker F.27 Friendship - history; Changing numbers - locomotive numbering, Part 2; Stamps; Layout realism; On road and track; New kits and models; News from Airfix - PzKfw VG Panther, HMS Daring; Mayflight and Matador - Bomber Command exercises; Reader's letters; Some new books.
Vol.2 No.2 July 1961
Editorial; In the air; Railway review; Black Prince - figure model; Shipping notes; Stamps; Star personality - Captain G Mayhew - biography; New kits and models; Profile - Mosquito fighters, Part 1 - markings summary, four tone profiles; Picture page; Hot stuff - 1942 combat report, Western Desert Air Force; Layout realism; Dornier D-217 conversions; There's oil under Britain; On road and track; Railway kit conversions; Reader's letters.
Vol.2 No.3 August 1961
Editorial; In the air; Aviation in miniature - London model exhibition; Shipping notes; Suggestions corner; Some new books; Layout realism; Blimp at Miami - Goodyear blimp; Stamps; On road and track; Picture page; Profile - Mosquito fighters, Part 2 - drawings, markings summary, four tone profiles; Level crossing into wayside halt; Notes on the Mosquito; Goodbye to the petrol pump; Railway kit conversions; Models from the Continent; Railway review; New kits and models; News from Airfix - Sherman, Railway turntable; Reader's letters.
Vol.2 No.4 September 1961
Editorial; In the air; Some new books; Railway kit conversions; On road and track; Layout realism; Battle Class destroyer conversion; Dornier night fighter conversion; Picture page; Profile - Westland Whirlwind [S.51] - history, markings summary, four tone profiles; Suggestions corner; Stamps; Airborne bottleneck beater - DH Rapide; Old but not forgotten, Part 1 - Spitfire survivors; Shipping notes; Club for plastic modellers; Railway review; New kits and models; New from Airfix - Drewry shunter, Churchill tank; Reader's letters.
Vol.2 No.5 October 1961
Editorial; In the air; News from Airfix - 1:144 de Havilland Comet 4B, Sud SE 210 Caravelle, Austin Healey Sprite: Railway Review; Star personality - Alec Issigonis; Shipping notes; Suggestions corner; Picture page; Layout realism; Profile - Hawker Hart, Part 1 - markings summary, four tone profiles; How cars got their name - Part 2 - Alvis; Old but not forgotten, Part 2 - Spitfire survivors; Great Gable goes north - D4 diesel locomotive; On road and track; Railway kit conversions; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.2 No.6 November 1961
Editorial; In the air; Pilots of the future - Hamble Training Establishment; On road and track; Railway kit conversions; More mods - reader's railway kit conversions; Layout realism; Profile - Hawker Hart Part 2, Demon, Audax and Hardy - markings summary, four tone profiles; Stamps; Star personality - Mike Hailwood; Picture page; Proving a prototype - Avro 748; Shipping notes; Railway review; New kits and models; Central Hall Station - 7th Model Railway Hobby Show; Reader's letters.
Vol.2 No.7 December 1961
Editorial; In the air - War Lover filmed in the UK with B-17's; News from Airfix - HMS Nelson, Handley Page Halifax B.III; On road and track; Belvederes at Basingstoke - 66 Squadron shows its paces; Motorising a Rapier - car conversion; Profile - Caravelle, France's best jet - history; Layout realism; Star personality - Captain James Percy, pilot; Shipping notes; Stamps; Some new books; Railway review; Art reproductions of racing cars; Picture page; New kits and models; Halt at Holborn - Gamages story; Reader's letters.
Vol.2 No.8 January 1962
Editorial; In the air; News from Airfix - SS Canberra, Oliver Cromwell, HMS Campbeltown, 1:76 8th Army figures, 1:76 Foreign Legion figures, Renault Dauphine; Some new books, On road and track; How cars got their names - Austin; Railway kit conversions; Profile - Handley Page Halifax - Merlin engined versions - markings summary, four tone profiles; Stamps; Layout realism; Squadrons of the Royal Air Force, Part 1 - No. 21 Squadron; Shipping notes; Railway review; Picture page; Coin in the slot selling - the vending industry; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.2 No.9 February 1962
In The Air - RAF Alconbury (RB-66 flight, misc news); On Road and Track; How cars got their names - Bentley; Earls Court on Sea - International Boat Show; Railway Kit Conversions; Profile: Handley Page Halifax - Hercules engined versions (markings summary incl. 4 tone profiles) ; Stamps; Railway Review; Squadrons of the Royal Air Force, Part 2 - No.23 Squadron; Shipping Notes; Picture Page; Railway Layout Realism; New express yacht - Stavros Niarchos' Mercury gas turbine motor yacht; New Kits and Models; Reader's letters.
Vol.2 No.10 March 1962
Editorial; In the air; News from Airfix - electric slot racing; Morris Mini Minor; Charles I; Layout realism; On road and track; How cars got their names - Daimler; Stamps; Picture page; Railway review; Profile - Fairey Swordfish - markings summary, serials, four tone profiles; Railway kit conversions; Shipping notes; Reader's letters; New kits and models.
Vol.2 No.11 April 1962
Editorial; In the air - USS Wasp; News from Airfix - North American Harvard, Richard I; Picture page; Layout realism; Profile - North American Harvard - markings summary, four tone profiles; US naval aviation news; Railway news; Shipping notes; Railway kit conversions; On road and track; How cars got their names - Ford of Dagenham; Some new books; Reader's letters; New kits and models.
Vol.2 No.12 May 1962
Editorial; In the air - US 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean; News from Airfix - 1910 B type London bus; Railway kit conversions; Profile - Wellington bombers - markings summary, serials, squadron allocations; Picture page; Shipping notes; Layout realism; On road and track; Railway review; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.3 No.1 June 1962
In The Air (Shackleton Sales Weekend at Sywell, misc news); News from Airfix - Interfrigo goods van, Ventilated meat van; Picture Page; Shipping Notes; Railway Layout Realism; On Road and Track; How cars got their names - Hillman and Humber; Railway Kit Conversions; Profile: RAF Maritime Wellingtons (markings summary, serials, no tone profiles); New Kits and Models; Railway Review; Readers Write; Model Railway Club Exhibition; Some New Books.
Vol.3 No.2 July 1962
Editorial; In the air; Railway review; News from Airfix - Avro Anson, American Civil War figures; Picture page; Railway kit conversions; Shipping notes; On road and track; How cars got their names - Jaguar; Layout realism; Profile - Early RAF Mustangs - markings summary, four tone profiles; Some new books; New kits and models.
Vol.3 No.3 August 1962
Editorial; In the air - RAF Upavon Display, 19th June; News from Airfix - Heinkel He-111; Bismark; Picture page; Railway review; Shipping notes; On road and track; How cars got their names - Lagonda; Be your own table top general; Profile - Gloster Gladiator - markings summary, four tone profiles; Layout realism; Some new books; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.3 No.4 September 1962
Editorial; In the air; News from Airfix - Motor Racing sets. Scammell Scarab; Layout realism; Profile - Reconnaissance Ansons - markings summary, four tone profiles; Wartime Wellingtons - readers photos; Picture page; Shipping notes; Kit conversions - cars; On road and track; How cars got their names - Morris and MG; Railway review; New kits and models; Some new books; Reader's letters
Vol.3 No.5 October 1962
Editorial; In the air - Farnborough Show; News from Airfix - 1904 Mercedes, Wagon train, Chicane set; Picture page; Kit conversions, B type bus; Shipping notes; On road and track; How cars got their names - Riley; Layout realism; Railway review; Profile - Anson trainers - markings summary, four tone profile; Some new books; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.3 No.6 November 1962
Editorial; In the air - Battle of Britain Open Days; News from Airfix - 1:144 Vickers Vanguard, Motor racing power unit; Picture page; Some new books; Layout realism; On road and track; Railway review; Shipping notes; Minis for Airfix Racing; Profile - September markings, miscellaneous aircraft; Model railway round up; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.3 No.7 December 1962
Editorial; In the air; News from Airfix - 1:600 Queen Elizabeth; Endeavour; B-17G Flying Fortress; Picture page; Scammell Scarab conversions; On road and track; Layout realism; Shipping notes; Profile - Fortress markings - markings summary, serials, four tone profiles; Railway review; Some new books; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.3 No.8 January 1963
Editorial; In the air; News from Airfix - B-17G Fortress; Picture page; Railway kit conversions; Layout realism; Shipping notes; Railway review; On road and track; Profile - Bolton Paul Defiant - drawings, conversion suggestions, markings summary; Some new books; Squadrons of the RAF, Part 3 - No. 111; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.3 No.9 February 1963
Editorial; In the air - Avro Anson; News from Airfix - StuG IIIG, Scammell tank transporter; Picture page; Layout realism; Alvis Stalwart from plastic card; Shipping notes; Railway review; On road and track; Profile - Camouflage schemes for early Beaufighters - drawing, markings summary, four tone profile; Some new books; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.3 No.10 March 1963
Editorial; In the air; News from Airfix - Hawker P.1127; Stalin 3 tank, F.1A Lightning; First steps in spray painting; Layout realism; Wheelspin; On road and track; Railway review; Profile - Beaufighters with torpedoes and Merlins - drawings, conversions, markings summary; Shipping notes; Some new books; Picture page; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.3 No.11 April 1963
Editorial; In the air; News from Airfix - HMS Warspite, More Motor Racing developments, Betta Bilda; Layout realism; Wheelspin; Plastic modelling - tools of the trade; Shipping notes; On road and track; Profile - From Lancaster to Manchester - conversion, drawings; Railway review; Some new books; Picture page; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.3 No.12 May 1963
Editorial; In the air; News from Airfix - 25 pdr; Picture page; Working with plastic sheet; Some new books; Wheelspin; On road and track; Shipping notes; Profile - English Electric Lightning - history; Layout realism; Railway review; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.4 No.1 June 1963
Editorial; In the air - Biggin Hill Air Fair; Wheelspin; Layout realism; Shipping notes; Power to your elbow - miniature electric drill; Railway review; On road and track; Profile - Conversion possibilities with the Lancaster - drawings; markings summary; Some new books; Picture page; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.4 No.2 July 1963
Editorial; In the air - Paris airports; News from Airfix - BR Lowmac, JCB 3; 1:16 Ariel Arrow Super Sports; Wheelspin; Building a steam wagon; Layout realism; On road and track; Railway review; Profile - Heinkel He-111Z glider tug; Shipping notes; Some new books; Picture page; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.4 No.3 August 1963
Editorial; News from Airfix - Prairie tank; human skeleton, US Marines set; In the air - Paris Air Show; Picture page; Overhead travelling cranes - conversion; Layout realism; Churchill AVRE; On road and track; Profile - High flying conversions for the Airfix Wellington - drawings, markings summary; Railway review; Wheelspin; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.5 No.1 September 1963
NEW BIGGER SIZE. News From Airfix: Lockheed F-104G Starfighter, HMS Devonshire; In The Air: Bovingdon & filming 633 Sqn; Military Modelling: Scammell heavy artillery tractor, 7.2" howitzer conversion; Plastic Modelling: Overhead travelling cranes - Part 2 of travelling crane construction; Layout realism: model railways; Railway Review; Wheelspin: lap recorder; Profile: simple Supermarine Spitfire conversions part 1 (scale drawings); Shipping Notes: Worlds largest miniature passenger carrying ship; New Kits and Models: AMT 1:25 customising cars, Pyro Lincoln Continental & Fords, TT Scale figures, rail couplings, restaurant car, police van, service van, dinky toys; New Books reviewed; Letters to the Editor
Vol.5 No.2 October 1963
News from Airfix - 1:144 Boeing 707, Yak 9D, 1:32 Ford Zodiac; In the air - BAC-111; Motorising the Airfix Railbus; Wheelspin; Showcase for models; Layout realism; Naval modelling - Cruiser conversions from HMS Tiger; On road and track; Profile - Supermarine Spitfire conversions part 2 - Griffon engined Spitfire conversions - scale drawings; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.5 No.3 November 1963
News from Airfix - SS France, Jaguar E Type, Julius Caesar; In the air - Hawker Hunter; Military modelling - Sexton; Layout realism; Wheelspin; Shipping notes; Railway modelling - working lifting barrier level crossing, part 1; Profile - current aircraft markings - markings summary; Model Rail and Road Hobby Show; New books; Railway review; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.5 No.4 December 1963
News from Airfix - Royal Sovereign, Consolidated B-24J Liberator, Douglas Boston; In the air - RAF Flying Training Command; Railway modelling - working lifting barrier level crossing, part 2; Ballast for models; Military modelling - simple Sherman conversions; Layout realism; On road and track; Wheelspin; Slot car modelling - MG Sprite conversion; Profile - Auster conversions - drawings, markings summary; New books; New kits and models; Handley Page Herald markings - four tone profile; Reader's letters.
Vol.5 No.5 January 1964
In the air - Hawker Hart restoration; News from Airfix - Lockheed Hudson, J94 saddle tank; Military modelling - Panther conversions, Jadgpanther; Profile - Douglas Boston - drawing, markings summary; Profile - Auster appendix; New books; Slot car modelling - motorising the Ford Zodiac; Railway modelling - motorising the Airfix Prairie; Shipping notes; Layout realism; Railway review; Military modelling - Runway controller's caravan; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.5 No.6 February 1964
News from Airfix - L&Y saddle tank, 1:76 Russian infantry; New books; In the air - RAF parachutes, Westland SRN3 hovercraft, Jet Provost markings, Progress on the VC10; Military modelling - Scammell SV/2S breakdown tractor; Layout realism; Aircraft modelling - Fairy Swordfish floatplane conversion [first article by Alan W Hall]; Wheelspin; Railway modelling - Scammell Scarab; Profile - Douglas Havoc fighters - markings summary; Modelling tools; On road and track; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.5 No.7 March 1964
News from Airfix - Dassault Mirage, HMS Hotspur, Prestwin silo wagon; In the air - RAF Transport Command, RAF Lyneham; Layout realism; Shipping notes; Wheelspin; Railway modelling - cast metal locomotive kits, part 1; Naval modelling - HMS Warspite conversions - HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Valiant; Profile - Early British and American Liberators - markings summary; Railway review; New kits and models; New books; Reader's letters.
Vol.5 No.8 April 1964
In the air - V bomber camouflage, British based Hustlers; News from Airfix - Scharnhorst, Tiger 1, 1:76 Japanese infantry; Military modelling - Russian JSU assault guns; Railway modelling - cast metal locomotive kits, part 2; New books; Layout realism; Aircraft modelling - Hawker Hurricane Mk I and Mk IId kit conversions - four tone profiles, scale drawing; Railway modelling - first steps in layout planning; Wheelspin; Profile - Liberators with nose turrets - markings summary; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.5 No.9 May 1964
In the air - Skyfame Museum, Yeovilton Museum, Tiger Club; News from Airfix - Il-2M3 Stormovik, Bren carrier, 1:76 Arabs; Wheelspin; Military modelling - PzKfw III conversion; Layout realism; Display flying a Lightning T.4; Shipping notes; Profile - Lockheed Hudson - markings summary; Railway modelling - narrow gauge locomotives; Railway review; New kits and models; New books; Reader's letters.
Vol.5 No.10 June 1964
News from Airfix - F4U-1D Corsair; 1:32 Volkswagen; Mercedes Benz W125 1936 Auto Union slot racers; In the air - Air Sea Rescue; Railway modelling - motorising the Pug; Military modelling - Churchill bridgelayer; Wheelspin; Layout realism; Aircraft modelling - Gloster Gauntlet from Gladiator kit conversion - scale drawing; Railway modelling - track laying; Profile - Gloster Gauntlet - markings summary; New books; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.5 No.11 July 1964
In the air - Biggin Hill Air Show; 1964 RAF Acrobatic Team - Red Pelicans; News from Airfix - 1:144 VC-10; New books; Railway modelling - narrow gauge buildings; Wheelspin; Shipping notes; Layout realism; Military modelling - Morris Quad conversions; Railway review; On road and track; Profile - Westland Whirlwind fighter - markings summary; Latest BAC Lightning markings - photo; New kits and models; Reader's letters; News from IPMS; Bovington Tank Museum; Wargames Convention, Westminster.
Vol.5 No.12 August 1964
News from Airfix - Ju-88A-4, slot racing kits; In the air - Concorde developments, Blue Streak, Shuttleworth Museum; Naval modelling - HMS Hotspur conversions; Railway modelling - scenic effects; Wheelspin; Plaster casting; Aircraft modelling - Hawker Hunter T.7 kit conversion - scale drawing; New books; Layout realism; Profile - F4U Corsair; New kits and models; News fromIPMS; Reader's letters.
Vol.6 No.1 September 1964
News from Airfix - 1:144 BAC 111; 1:32 MG 1100; In the air - BAC Weybridge Works; Railway modelling - motorising the J94 saddle tank; Wheelspin; Layout realism; Shipping notes; Military modelling - Carrier conversions, part 1; Profile - Junkers Ju-88; New books; Railway review; New kits and models; News from IPMS; Reader's letters
Vol.6 No.2 October 1964
News from Airfix - Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina, Cutiss P-40 Kittyhawk, Folland Gnat; Military modelling - Sherman Crab, Morris truck; In the air - Farnborough Show; Layout realism; Wheelspin; Model power transmissions; News from IPMS; Aircraft modelling - Junkers Ju-88G-1 Night Fighter kit conversion (scale drawing); New books; Railway review; Profile - Folland Gnat (Trainer & Finnish AF Gnats); New kits and models; Reader's letters
Vol.6 No.3 November 1964
News from Airfix - Centurion, SdKfz 234 armoured car; Slot racing items; 1:76 Sheriff of Nottingham; In the air - Battle of Britain display, Benson restoring Farman Shorthorn, Mosquitos at RAF Bovingdon; Railway modelling - scenic effects; Wheelspin; Layout realism; Shipping notes; Military modelling - Special purpose Centurions; Railway modelling - lineside buildings; Profile - Farnborough, Colishall and autumn colours; New kits and models; New books; Reader's letters; News from IPMS
Vol.6 No.4 December 1964
News from Airfix - RMS Mauretania, HMS Suffolk, BR Evening Star, Stephenson's Rocket; In the air - Visits the Beagle Aircraft works, Shoreham, Douglas DC-9; Railway modelling - lineside buildings; Military modelling - 8th Army; Railway review; Wheelspin; Military modelling - Carrier conversions, part 2; Profile - Catalina - markings summary; New books; Layout realism; New kits and models; Reader's letters
Vol.6 No.5 January 1965
News from Airfix - Revenge, 1:32 Dennis fire engine; Grumman Wildcat; In the air - Army Air Corps; Layout realism; Military modelling - SdKfz 234 conversions, part 1, Pak 40; Railway modelling - Motorising the Evening Star, part 1; Wheelspin; Railway modelling - double track level crossing; Shipping notes; Profile - Kittyhawk and its predecessors - markings summary; New books; New kits and models; Reader's letters
Vol.6 No.6 February 1965
In the air - Short Belfast production, SR-N5 hovercraft, Canadair VTOL project, Douglas C-5A; News from Airfix - more slot racing items; Railway modelling - motorising the Evening Star, part 2; Military modelling - SdKfz 234 conversions, part 2; Layout realism; Wheelspin; Aircraft modelling - Curtiss P-36A - scale drawing; New books; Railway review; Profile - Martlet or Wildcat, Fleet fighter - markings summary; New kits and models; News from IPMS; Reader's letters.
Vol.6 No.7 March 1965
News from Airfix - Junkers Ju-52, Messerschmitt Bf-109G-6, City of Truro, 1:32 Lotus Cortina, Dog fight doubles - Albatros and Camel, Dr.1 and F.2B; In the air - BAC-111, Piaggio PD 808; Railway modelling - station platform, part 1; Wheelspin; Using the Airfix motor; Visit to the Fighting Vehicle research and Development Establishment, Chertsey; Military modelling - Centurion ARV Mk 1; Profile - Lockheed F-104; News from IPMS; Layout realism; Shipping notes; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.6 No.8 April 1965
News from Airfix - Roland C.II, 1:76 US cavalry; Pendon Museum; In the air - Near East Air Force; Military modelling - Japanese infantry equipment; Modern building models; Wheelspin; Layout realism; Aircraft modelling - Douglas A-20G Havoc conversion - scale drawing; New books; News from IPMS; Railway review; Profile 0 Junkers Ju-52; New kits and models; Reader's letters
Vol.6 No.9 May 1965
News from Airfix - LVT[4], Airacobra; In the air - HMS Sea Hawk, Culdrose; Railway modelling - point control; Shipping notes; N gauge launch; Wheelspin; Military modelling - Priest SPG; Layout realism; Profile - Airacobra - markings summary; New books; New kits and models; New from IPMS - launch of the magazine; Reader's letters
Vol.6 No.10 June 1965
In the air - 67th Air Rescue Squadron, Prestwick, USAF; News from Airfix - 1:144 HP 42, 1:32 Vauxhall Viva, Dog fight double - Roland C.II & R.E.8, slot racing set; Military modelling - Morris CDSW trucks; Wheelspin; Railway modelling - railway trucks; News from IPMS; Layout realism; Aircraft modelling - Hawker Hector conversion from Airfix Hawker Demon - scale drawing; New books; Railway review; Profile - French Air Force markings, 1940 - 1950; New kits and models; Reader's letters; Profile publications - first advertisement for Nos 1, S.E.5 - 24, Hawker Hurricane IIC
Vol.6 No.11 July 1965
In the air - Biggin Hill and Lakenheath Air Shows, Red Arrows; News from Airfix - B-25 Mitchell, Commonwealth CA-13 Boomerang, slot racing set; Railway modelling - Motorising the City of Truro; News from IPMS; Shipping notes; Military modelling - flame throwing Carriers; Layout realism; Focus on model photography; New books; Railway modelling - station platforms, part 2; Profile - Flights to Paris, 1919 to the present; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.6 No.12 August 1965
News from Airfix - HMS Ajax, Aichi D3A1 Val, 1:76 UK paratroops, slot racing cars; In the air - Paris Air Show, USAF Thunderbirds acrobatic team, USAF camouflage; Railway modelling - signals; Military modelling - Assault gun conversions; Layout realism; Wheelspin; Railway review; Aircraft modelling - Beaufighter Mk X - scale drawing, four tone profile; Focus on model photography; Profile - Paris Air Show markings; New books; New kits and models; News from IPMS; Reader's letters.
Vol.7 No.1 September 1965
News from Airfix - 1:144 Boeing 727, DUKW, 1:25 Corvette Sting Ray; In the air - Historic aircraft, New Skyhawk, Blue Angels - USN acrobatic team; Wheelspin; Slot Centre; Railway modelling - Colour light signals; Shipping notes; Railway modelling - station footbridge; Military modelling - Jeep conversions; Focus on photography; Layout realism; Profile - Summer, 1940 - Battle of Britain markings summary; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.7 No.2 October 1965
In the air - Britten Norman Aircraft; Military modelling - Churchill AVRE SBG assault bridge; Railway modelling - signal controls; Aircraft modelling - Gloster Gladiator Mk II - four tone profiles; Wheelspin; Layout realism; News from IPMS; Profile - Focke Wulf Fw-190; Railway review; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.7 No.3 November 1965
News from Airfix - Mitsubishi Dinah, Vertol 107-II, 1:12 Boy Scout; In the air - Kestrel Evaluation Squadron [P-1127]; Model horse power - cart models; Military modelling - LVT conversions; Wheelspin; Naval modelling - HMS Ajax conversions; Railway modelling - station buildings; Aircraft modelling - BAC Lightning F.3 conversion from Airfix F.1A - four tone profile; Profile - Coltishall's displays past and present; News from IPMS; New books; Far Eastern markings - photographs; Crash landings in Kent - Battle of Britain photographs; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.7 No.4 December 1965
News from Airfix - McDonnel F-4B Phantom II, LCM III, 1:25 '65 Dodge Monaco; In the air - McDonnel F-4 Phantom in the UK; Car modelling - Making a Minivan; Military modelling - Bergepanther; Wheelspin; Railway modelling - remote control cranes; Aircraft modelling - RCAF de Havilland Tiger Moth - scale drawing, four tone profile; New books; Profile - North American B-25 Mitchell - markings summary; Photopage - first occurrence; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.7 No.5 January 1966
News from Airfix - B-29 Superfortress, HMS Victory; In the air - Douglas DC-9 Development; Military modelling - Churchill conversions; Railway modelling - trackside depot; Wheelspin; Railway modelling - mechanical loading; News from IPMS; Aircraft modelling - North American Harvard Mk I - scale drawings, four tone profile; Photopage; Profile - B-29 Superfortress; New books; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.7 No.6 February 1966
News from Airfix - Grumman Avenger, Fairey Firefly; In the air - World Aerobatic Championships, Moscow; Car modelling - Mini Travellers and pick ups; Photopage; Military modelling - Red Army; Military modelling - Motorising the LCM III; News from IPMS; Modelling miscellany - kit photographs; New books; Naval modelling - HMS Cumberland; Profile - B-29 and its derivatives - scale drawings, markings summary; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.7 No.7 March 1966
News From Airfix: 1:32 scale 'Ole Bill' bus of 1914 & 'Ton-up Tony'; In the Air - Anti-sub Helicopter Ops; Basic Railway Modelling, Coal Traffic with the Airfix Wagons; Red Army Guns And Wagons from Airfix parts; Light up your Layouts; Photo Page: two  H.P. 42s Hengist & Helena, 2 X P-38s, Beaufighter, Swordfish; A Fiat for two, Fiat G91 into two seat trainer kit conversion; New Books reviewed; Profile: Fairey Firefly; New Kits and Models: Protar 500cc Gilera, Tamiya 1:50 scale Saiun C6N1, transfers, Dinky toy Cortina, Lindberg, Me 163, Fw 190-D, He 100, He 162, Revell Fw 200C, Profile Publications, Bellona colours; Letters to the Editor
Vol.7 No.8 April 1966
News From Airfix: 1:24 scale BOND Aston Martin, woodie Ford & Chrysler Imperial; In the Air - Vintage Aircraft Movements; Try Scratch Building, A bread van from Airfix parts and plastic; Military Modelling, On camouflage and markings; Wheelspin, Motorise and race the Airfix Dodge Monaco; Dinah with a difference, converting the Mitusbishi Ki 46-II to Ki 46-IIIA with drwgs; Photo Page: Sea Otter, Thunderbolt II, Wellington, 2 x Spitfires; Combined OPs 1966 style, visit to RN assault ship HMS Fearless; More Minis Make an Elf, 1:32 scale Mini conversion; Profile: Short Sunderland; New Kits and Models: narrow gauge, Revell Boeing PT-13 Kaydet, F-105 Thunderchief, Polish PZL P-11C, Europa Panhard, IMC Lotus-Ford 'Indy car'; Letters to the Editor
Vol.7 No.9 May 1966
News from Airfix - Westland Scout; Northrop F-5A; 1:76 WWI German and British infantry; In the air - Problems facing British airports, Gloster E28/39 25th anniversary, Skyfame Aircraft Museum; Railway modelling - private owner RCH wagons; Tray scratch building - Bread van, part 2; News from IPMS; Military modelling - Tiger variants; Aircraft modelling - conversion techniques, part 1; Aircraft modelling - folding wings for naval aircraft; New books; Photopage; Profile - Fairey Firefly - markings summary, four tone profile; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.7 No.10 June 1966
News from Airfix - HMS Ark Royal, M3 half track, 1:76 zoo animals; In the air - Hawker Siddeley HS 125 Dominie in RAF service; Military modelling - M3A1 Scout Car; Scratch building - Cycle Van; Aircraft modelling - conversion techniques, part 2; Naval modelling - Campbeltown conversions; Photopage; Vehicle modelling - single deck B Type; Profile - Westland Scout - AAC markings summary, four tone profiles; New kits and models; New from IPMS; Reader's letters; Easter MRC Show.
Vol.7 No.11 July 1966
News from Airfix - Westland Whirlwind HAR.1; New books; In the air - Airshow roundup; Vehicle modelling - Garret Caledon lorry; News from IPMS; Military modelling - M3A1 Scout Car ASSU, Churchill AVRE, M32 Recovery Vehicle; Railway modelling - coal depot; Vehicle modelling - Ford Zodiac; Aircraft modelling - McDonell RF-4C Phantom conversion - scale drawing, four tone profile; Photopage; Profile - Northrop Freedom Fighter - F-5 markings summary, four tone profile; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.7 No.12 August 1966
News from Airfix - 1:32 TR4A; 1:32 MGB; In the air - Hovershow 66, flying in the Short Belfast; Military modelling - 1914 - 18 British uniforms and equipment; Vehicle modelling - Military B Types; Vehicle modelling - Motorise the Aston Martin; Aircraft modelling - Catalina Mk IVb - PBY conversions scale drawing, four tone profiles; New books; Photopage; Vehicle modelling - 26 seat B Type; Profile - Colours and markings, Summer, 1966; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.8 No.1 September 1966
News From Airfix: Matador & 5.5 inch gun, Beam Engine, De Dietrich, Announcing next issue will be bigger; In the Air - Recent Navy Air Days;  Valve gear for Airfix locos, part 15; AEC Matador variants - Deacon SP 6 pdr conversion; Slot racing Mercedes, from spares & W196 body; Projected Garrett steam bus from Airfix bus parts; Westland Scout into a Wasp kit conversion with detail drwgs; New Books reviewed; Photo Page: Sea Hornets on HMS Vengeance, Bristol Boxkite replica, Sopwith Tripe replica, Curtiss Mohawk, Thunderbolt I, Me 262; Profile: Story of the F-4 Phantom; New Kits and Models: Nichimo Claude, Profiles, Merberlen battlefield sets, Real Photographs supplier, Heller Bloch 152, Amiot 143, Curtiss Hawk, Dinky toys; Letters to the Editor
Vol.8 No.2 October 1966
News from Airfix - Arado Ar-196A-3; 1:144 Hawker Siddeley Trident, slot racing news; In the air - Farnborough, 1966, Douglas DC-9; Vehicle modelling - civilian Matadors; Vehicle modelling - Motorising the MGB; Sherman Story, Part 1; Vehicle modelling - Garrett steam bus; Aircraft modelling - Spitfire Tr.9 - scale drawing, four tone profile; Figure modelling Norman knight; Aircraft modelling - Mustang Mk IIIB - scale drawing and four tone profile; Military modelling - King Tiger; Photopage; Profile - Farnborough, 1966; New Books; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.8 No.3 November 1966
News from Airfix - 1:25 1927 Lincoln Roadster, 1:76 WWI French infantry; Dogfight Double - Spitfire and Me-110D; In the air - Biggin Hill Air Museum, National Air Guard, RAF Hercules, New name for the P.1127, Air Traffic Control; Railway modelling - Motorising the Drewry shunter; Vehicle modelling - Converting motor racing figures; Sherman Story, Part 2; Naval modelling - HMS Ajax conversions; Marine aircraft of the 1914 - 18 war - photographs; Military modelling - Sturmtiger; Aircraft modelling - Me-262B-la/U1 kit conversion conversions - scale drawings, four tone profiles; New books; Profile - Colours of the day - latest RAF markings summary, four tone profiles; Photopage; New kits and models; Readre's letters.
Vol.8 No.4 December 1966
News from Airfix - P-47D Thunderbolt and 1926 'Bullnose' Morris Cowley; Building an Austin Van, conversion for the Airfix 1:32 scale Darracq; Military Modelling, runway van and SP guns; In the Air - Visits a Royal Navy communications Squadron; The Sherman story part 3: lessons of combat; More Me 262 jet fighter types - second instalment of conversion projects; Wheelspin: Energising the Airfix TR4A - converting 1:32 kit for slot car racing; Basic Railway Modelling, Southern Railway boxvans from Airfix components; Dornier Do 217K-1 kit conversion; Profile: Hawker P1127 3-view drawing with colour scheme; Photo page: Red Banner Academy Monimo, Ju 86K, Lockheed Neptune, Spitfire 22, Banshee, Fw 190, Hunter, Anson, Gosling, Meteor, Bloch 151, Fw Condor, Albacore's in flight; New Kits and Models - reviews section, Heller Breguet 693, Historex soldiers, car models, Rikochet motor, Merberlen Trench System, Epoxy Adhesive; Letters to the editor; New books reviewed
Vol.8 No.5 January 1967
News From Airfix: Stirling Bomber, Great Western Paddle Steamer and Bond; Military Modelling Josef Stalin 2, from Airfix JS3 kit; Odd Job - Building a Sea Devon, conversion from Airfix Heron kit with drwgs etc; More From Your Modelling, basic requirements for kit builders; Commonwealth Tribals, HMS Cossack conversions; B Type service van, Airfix bus conversion; Building a Nerfingham Special, spoof slot car from spares; Airfix Sea Otter from an Airfix Walrus conversion with sketch page; Military Matters The Sherman Story part 4 Special purpose variants; Profile: The Short Stirling Saga; Photo Page: B-29 'Boxcar', B-24, Kittyhawk, Fleet Finch, Mosquito, Auster 6, Late RAF Tiger Moth, Il-28, Vickers Valentia, Martlet, Catalina, Harvards, Fw 44, Walrus, Beaufighter, Bf 109, Wellington, Sunderland; New Books reviewed; Advert showing Chipmunk instrument panel; New Kits and Models: Revell MTB, Model Hobby TV characters, Aurora Guillotine, Minitanks; Letters to the Editor
Vol.8 No.6 February 1967
News From Airfix: Anglo-French Concorde, Dog Fight Double-Mosquito v Me262; In the Air - the HS Andover OCU; Basic Railway Modelling, detailing 'City of Truro'; Front wheel drive Mini, slot car conversion; Military modelling, Buffalo into Alligator conversion project; Stuka Conversions part 1 of 2 Ju 87D from Airfix kit with tone drwgs; New Books reviewed; Military matters The Sherman Story part 5 experimental versions; HMS Atropos (Hornblower?s ship)conversion from HMS Endeavour with drwgs; Articulated AEC, Matador conversion; Profile: Later Stirling Marks; More From Your Modelling, making a start with conversions; Photo Page: Anson, Warwick, P-38, Stirling, 2 x Dakota, 2 x Typhoon, Weird captured German floatplane, Spitfire, Fw 190, Fi Storch, Ventura, 2 x Wellington, Fulmar, Hurricane, Mosquito, Boston V; New Kits and Models: Aurora USS Enterprise, Minitanks, Aurora 'Corsair Privateer', Revell B-26, He 219, DC-9; Letters to the editor; Advert with Jet Provost instrument panel
Vol.8 No.7 March 1967
News From Airfix: Northrop Black Widow, Fieseler Storch, Boeing Clipper, 1916 Mk I tank, Triumph Herald, 1967 full colour catalogue; In The Air: Kittiwake light plane & RNAS aircraft; Building AEC Y Types Lorry conversions from Airfix bus; Wheelspin: De Dietrich slot racer; Household Cavalry, guard figure conversions; Carrier flight deck in 1:72 scale; Tank busting Stuka conversions for the Airfix Ju 87D part 2 The Ju 87G with drg's; New Books reviewed; Military Modelling Klimenti Vorishilov, conversion from Airfix JS3; The Seventh 'Devonshire' conversion for Airfix 'Suffolk'; Military Matters: The Sherman Story, part 6 Shermans in British service; Metalised finishes, using 'Metalskin'; Profile: A trip to the Netherlands, F-104's, Fokker Friendship; Photo Page: Avenger, Lockheed U-2, Kittyhawk, 2 x B-24, 2 x Cornell trainer & Harvard, Westland Whirlwind fighter, Argus, Hurricane, Baltimore, PT-17's, 2 x Mosquito, Gotha glider, Bf 109, Anson line up; New Kits and Models: Heller Rainbow Tri-motor & Bloch 174, Aurora Bell UH-1B Cobra, Bellona & Roco Minitanks, transfers, Fujimi Hellcat; Letters to the editor; Advert with Gnat cockpit
Vol.8 No.8 April 1967
News fom Airfix: World War 1 Americans, Monte Carlo Rally Set, Boxed OO/HO play-sets; In The Air: recent events, Meteor, Canberra; The Skybird Generation, a look back at pre-war solid modelling; The lorry bus completed, concluding part of Airfix Bus conversion; Military Matters, The Sherman story part 7 British Special Purpose Versions; Me262, story of conception & development; Simple 4-wheel drive, for slot cars; With beginners in mind, two easy conversions, Hawker Typhoon to Tornado & Navalised Hawker Hunter; The 'Weapons', 'Daring' class destroyer conversions; Military Modelling, Tanks of 1916, Airfix kit conversions with drwgs; New Books reviewed; Profile: Concorde, a new era in aviation; My Crimean War by Colin Jones part 1 The British; Photo Page, Dakota, 2 x F-5C's, 2  x Fulmar's, Curtiss Commando, Avro York, Stuka; The Saro Lerwick remembered; New Kits and Models: Impact Gladiator & Fury, Matchbox cars, transfers, Lindberg Do 335 & Hs 129, Historex model soldiers, Aosima Wildcat, Na C6N-1 & Ka E15K2; Letters to the Editor
Vol.8 No.9 May 1967
News From Airfix: Avro 504K & Fiat G.50; In The Air: current events; Basic Railway Modelling, A Mogul for your layout, loco conversion; Military Matters, The Sherman story, part 8 British experimental versions; Memories of the Avro 504K; Wheelspin: Motorise the Mercedes part 2 of veteran slot car conversions; Crimean War part 2 The Russians; New Books reviewed; Stirling Transport conversion to Short Stirling Mk V with drwgs; Retracting those wheels, making retractable landing gear for Revell B-26 Marauder & Airfix Short Stirling; Mould you own turrets, tips for armour modellers; Profile: The radio bombing Dornier Do 217K-2 + guided bomb carrier kit conversion with drwgs; Military Modelling, Sherman kit conversions; Photo Page: Albacore, Sturgeon I, Fairey Hendon, B-P Overstrand, 2 + 1 Wellington, Lysander, Bristol F2B; New Kits and Models: Russian kit of Mil Mi 10 'Flying Crane', Flatting agent (makes gloss matt) from Humbrol, LS 105m Howitzer SPG, in 1:35 scale, Hasegawa Emily in 1:72 scale, Minitanks, Modelcolor paint, Die-casts; Letters to the Editor
Vol.8 No.10 June 1967
News From Airfix: OO/HO Romans, 1:24 scale Pontiac GTO & Dodge Charger, Shipboard slot-racing, picture of B-17 Bit O' Lace pilot John Bauman; In The Air: Royal Visit to Parachute Brigade & events update; Military Matters, The Sherman story part 9 End of the line; Military Modelling, A Ram from a Sherman, armour conversion; Building a Le Mans 'start', slot car track feature; Basic Railway Modelling, Motorising the Mogul, 'City of Truro' conversion completed; From 'Suffolk to 'London', cruiser conversion; New Books reviewed; Profile: Mosquito with tone profiles; Crimean War 3, setting the scene; Changing of the Guard, Airfix Guard figure conversion; Air-sea-rescue H-19, conversion of Airfix S-55 Whirlwind helicopter with drwgs; Photo Page: 2 x Baltimore, Whirlwind Heli', Blenheim, 60 hp Deperdussin Monoplane, Warwick, Dakota, Swordfish, Sea Fury; Fiat finishes, tone drwgs for G.50bis FA-26; New Kits and Models: Revell 1:72 scale Boeing P-26A & Curtiss Hawk 75A, IPMS USA transfers, Aurora 1:48 scale F-111A, Midori JS-3, T-54 & M48A2, Hasegawa 1:72 scale Kawanashi H8K2 Emily, OO/HO bridging gear, Revell USS Arizona; K's GWR coach; Letters to the Editor
Vol.8 No.11 July 1967
News From Airfix: SPAD VII, Trevithick's locomotive, Aston Martin DB5 & Hump back bridge; In The Air: visit to Paris Air Show; Military Modelling, Soviet Scud-A missile carrier; Low Loader, Matador conversion; Avro 504N conversion project, with drwgs; Warpaint for Freedom Fighter, tone 3 view & detail; May Day in Moscow 4 x photo's; All at Sea Warship display ideas; Making a Privateer, conversion project for Liberator with drwgs; LCC No.1, fire tender from Airfix Dennis Fire Engine; Zulu War, part 1 The British; Profile: Armed Forces Day, 1967; Hot rod Ford, customising the Airfix-MPC 'Woodie'; The Churchill Tank, part 1 Development; New Books reviewed; New Kits and Models: Aosima, Brewster Buffalo, Douglas Dauntless, A6M2 Zero & Goshikisen, BMW blue label JS-3, Bellona, Menin Road diorama base, Renwall Aero-skin, Yamato, Mushahi, Myoki, Haguro & Shinona ship models, Hasegawa F1M2 Pete & LS kit of G3M3 Nell; Letters to the Editor
Vol.8 No.12 August 1967
News From Airfix: Flak 36 88mm gun, Douglas SBD Dauntless; Dauntless colour schemes with drwgs; In The Air, current aviation news; Military Modelling, Early marks of Churchill; Zulu War part 2 The Natives; Wheelspin, A Rolls for racing, vintage slot car conversion; The Aeromodels series, more solid modelling recollections; German Turret Numbers; Matador Crane Truck conversion for Airfix kit; More Guards conversions, figures; Basic Railway Modelling, The 93XX Mogul; The Churchill tank, part 9 Design Developments; Profile: The Mirage story; New Books reviewed; Two-seater TF-104G Starfighter, Airfix F-104 kit conversion, with tone drwgs; Photo Page, 3 x Spitfires, Japanese 'Topsy', Gannet, Avenger, Wellington & Bf109G; New Kits and Models: Revell Prinz Eugen, Aurora 1:25 scale fire engine, Bellona bases, Hasegawa 'Shinano' aircraft carrier, Tamiya SU-100 SPG, Aurora U Boat & Graf Spee, Corgi cars, Universal mounted vice, GWR King; Letters to the Editor
Vol.9 No.1 September 1967
In The Air - ASR comp & Brawdy Naval Air Day; News from Airfix - Sky Ranger flying model and Porsche Carrera slot car; 'Gnome' Whirlwind 1:72 scale helicopter conversion from Airfix S-55 kit; Flak 36 conversions in 1:76 scale; Cafe in Card a simple scenic (trackside) model; 'J-N' class destroyers - 'Cossack' kit conversions; Basic Railway Modelling 'City' into 'Aberdare'; Motorising the Airfix Herald (slot car) kit; Photo Page: English Electric Lightning's; York from a Lancaster - 1:72 scale balsa conversion; Settings for the Zulu War, third and last part; Fighting Colours Part 1 Fighters 1937-39; The Churchill Tank, Part 3 the combat variants; New kits and models - Heller 1:72 scale Loire et Olivier Leo 45, Floquil weathering paint, Lesney cars, Revell Macchi, Japanese Navy type O from Tamiya, AHM tank transporter, Soviet Minitanks 1:86 scale, Card T-34 kit, Profile Publications Tanks and prototype aircraft; Letters to the Editor
Vol.9 No.2 October 1967
News From Airfix - DH4, Chance-Vought Kingfisher, Ford Mustang Fastback Car, Porsche Carrera 6, MC J type Ford; In The Air - HMS Eagle; Bus models in OO scale; More Flak 36 conversions; Channel Comes of Age, short article on Channel Airways; Photo Page: WW2 aircraft of Middle East, Italy and NW Europe; US Civil War infantry; The Churchill Tank Part 4 the AVRE; Military Volkswagen, converting the 1:32 scale Airfix Beetle into a Kubelwagen; Kingfisher Camouflage - with photos & 3 view drgs; Mould your own fuselage, tips for advanced modellers; Fighting Colours Part 2 Fighters 1939-40; Two for Car Converts, Gorden-Bennet Mercedes & Birkin's Bentley; New its and models - Japanese Red Label 1:72 scale aircraft, Lesney plated collectables, Aurora '12 O'clock High' B-17 formation, Historex Ammunition wagon, Tamiya 1:25 scale Jagdpanther; New Books reviewed; Letters to the Editor
Vol.9 No.3 November 1967
News From Airfix - SM79 Sparviero Bomber, MiG-21c Fighter, 'Free Enterprise II' Ferry Ship, Porsche Carrera 6; In The Air - RAF Hercules, with 3 view colour scheme; The Churchill Tank Part 5 AVRE Variants; Military Modelling, A Japanese Tankette conversion; New Books reviewed; The Earliest Jet Provost - converting the Airfix Mk.3 to a Mk.1; Basic Railway Modelling 'County from a 'City'; HMS Daring class Destroyer conversion; Power for 1:24 scale (slot cars); US Civil War the cavalry; Fighting Colours Part 3 Summer of 1940; New Kits and Models - Aurora UK releases including Yamato battleship, Pyro replica fire-arms and table top ships, Bellona vac formed diorama/battlefield bases in OO/HO, K's GWR 57ft 'B' set coach, New imports from Japan; Letters to the editor; Fighters 1940 - a photographic supplement to 'Fighting Colours'.
Vol.9 No.4 December 1967
News from Airfix - 1:24 Ford J Type, 1:24 Chevrolet Mako Shark, 1:24 Monkeemobile; Vehicle modelling - refurbishing Airfix racers; Military modelling - Centurion ARV, Centurion III, Soviet DUKW; In the air - Orly - New York 707 service; Churchill Tank, Part 6; News from IPMS; Military modelling - US Civil War; Railway modelling - Building a Bulldog; New books; Aircraft modelling - Halifax B.II conversion from Airfix Mk III kit - scale drawings; WWI camouflage colours; Aircraft modelling - RNAS Camel - scale drawings, four tone profiles; Lieutenant D V Armstrong - Camel pilot biography; Fighting colours, Part 4 - Fighters overseas - markings summary, four tone profiles; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.9 No.5 January 1968
News from Airfix - He 111, Cutty Sark, F-111A & 007 WA-116 Autogiro; The Churchill Tank part 7 special purpose variants; Military Modelling Sherman Tank to M12 conversion; In The Air (visits to Westchester County Airport & Floyd Bennet Field, New York State ANG units); Defiant TT.III kit conversion (1/72 scale tone 3-view); US Civil War Figures; 1:32 scale Tram 'O' gauge (Old Bill bus conversion); Railway Halt; HMS Warspite as she was, retro fit of Airfix kit to 1915 trim; Codar 400X model railway control unit; Household Brigade of 1830 figures; Fighting Colours part 4: Over to the Offensive (Spitfire and Hurricane tone drwgs); Motorising the Aston Martin DB5; New Kits and Models - Aurora warships, Car Models, Transfers (decals) Revell kits, 1:72 Kiel Kraft Hurricane, Fujii & Nitto tanks; Letters to the Editor; Photo Page - Mustang, Sunderland, Walrus, Catalina.
Vol.9 No.6 February 1968
Roman Friends and Foes, 1:76 figures; SEAC Dakotas, profiles; Military Modelling Land-Rover variants; In The Air - Concorde 001 roll out; Basic Railway Modelling: Curved Bulldog conversion; The Churchill Tank part 8 Special Purpose Variants; Matador 6 wheeler truck conversion; New Books reviewed; DH9 from a DH4 conversion; Fighting Colours part 5: Fighters From Overseas (Curtiss Mohawk IV); US Civil War concluding part; New Kits and Models - Hawk 1:48 scale Lysander, Black & Decker powerdriver, Humbrol paint, Monogram 1:72 scale Bearcat, Tigercat and Curtiss P-36A, die-cast Berliet Aurochs, Wild West wagon kits, Imported paint, Decal sheets (NB: First mention of Decals as opposed to transfers); Photo Page - Avro 504J, DH4, DH9A, Stirling, Corsair & Fairey Battle; Letters to the editor.
Vol.9 No.7 March 1968
News from Airfix - Mig 15 v Mirage IIIC dog-fight double, Angel Interceptor, Tirpitz and new OO/HO figures; Wheelspin, motorized (slot car) Airfix 1:32 scale Bentley; Military Modelling German Assault Gun and Sherman 'Dozer' conversions; Building the 'Nine-Ack' DH9A conversion from DH4; The Churchill Tank part 9 Bridging Variants; Basic Railway Modelling The 'Bird' series Bulldog; In The Air - latest Harrier Development; Timber! making rail layout accessories; German Army 1914-18 part 1; Fighting Colours part 6: The Offensive in Europe; New Books Reviewed; New Kits and Models; Photo Page - Mosquito, Ju G58, Ju88G, 112 Sqn Tomahawk, VIP B-24, Fairey Gordon, Vickers Vincent, SM81, Catalina, P-40, Marauder & Grumman Goose; Letters to the editor
Vol.9 No.8 April 1968
News from Airfix, Hannover CLIIIa, Beagle Basset & 1:76 commando's; Military Modelling, WW1 British Tank conversions; German Army 1914-18 part 2 Later infantry uniforms; In The Air - RAF Jubilee celebrations; The Churchill Tank part 10 bridging variants; Where Are They Now? - survey of preserved aircraft from 1918-68; DH4 colour schemes with tone profiles; Faithful Annie Mk I to Mk XII Avro Anson kit conversion with drwg's; Per Ardua Ad Astra, 50 years of the RAF with profiles; Basic Railway Modelling building a GWR 'Dukedog'; New Kits and Models - 1:72 Nichimo Spitfire, motorised box wagon (rail), Minitanks, Military paints, Wagon Lithos, Sellotape, 1:35 Tamiya tanks, Hasegawa F-5 and T-38; Photo Page - Albacore, UK & US Seafire, He 111, Mk22 Spitfires, PB4Y & Harvard II; Letters to the Editor
Vol.9 No.9 May 1968
News From Airfix - Grumman Hellcat, Ford Trimotor & Motorace; Military Modelling Two Airfix M3 half track conversions; In The Air - DC-10, Jetstream, Nimrod; The Churchill Story part 11 post-war models; DH4 variants with tone profiles; Basic Railway Modelling, from Prairie to 2-8-0T; German Army 1914-18 artillery; New Books reviewed; Early Wimpy - Wellington Mk III to Mk I kit conversion with drwgs; Building a 4mm scale swing bridge (rail); Fighting Colours part 7 Night Fighters Supreme; New Kits and Models - Bellona AA positions, 1:35 scale Tamiya tanks, 1:12 scale Bandai flat 12 formula 1 Ferrari, New Transfers, Playcraft narrow gauge (rail), 1:76 Midori tanks.  Photo Page - Hurricane MkII's, Brisfit, DH9A, Bloch MB-152, Beaufort I, Avenger, Corsair, Firefly & Hellcats; Letters to the Editor
Vol.9 No.10 June 1968
News from Airfix - 1:35 Saladin Armoured Car, 54 mm paratroopers; Naval modelling - H Class destroyers; Military modelling - more '88' conversions; German Army, 1914 - 18, Part 4 - Jagers, Schutzen, Machine Gun troops; In the air - HMS Engadine and helicopter training; 88 story; Railway modelling - Flowers and Atbaras; New books; Aircraft modelling - Auster Mk IV - scale drawings, four tone profiles; Vehicle modelling - Motorising the Viva; Fighting colours, Part 9 - North Africa, 1940 - 1943 - markings summary, four tone profiles; New kits and models; Photopage; Reader's letters
Vol.9 No.11 July 1968
News From Airfix - T-34 tank and Motor Ace items; 'Puff the Magic Dragon' AC/FC-47 gunships with drwgs & colour scheme details; German Army Part 5 1914-18 technical troops and equipment; In The Air - events diary; T-34 (tank story) Part 1 The BT Series; Basic Railway Modelling, Wagons Galore; PR Mosquito PR.16 & PR.34 kit conversions with drwgs; Fighting Colours Part 9 The Middle East and Italy; New books reviewed; Military Modelling: T-34 conversions; New Kits and Models - Harbutts Replicars, Transfers, Minitanks, Humbrol Paints, Czech vintage cars, Mod-Roc, Simplas Chassis kits, Quality Prints; Photo Page - Blenheim, Mosquito, Roc, Swordfish, SM 81, Beaufighter, SM 79, Caproni 101, Swordfish; Letters to the editor
Vol.9 No.12 August 1968
News From Airfix - Hawker Demon, Bristol Blenheim IV and Fairey Battle; Cutty Sark Afloat, working version of Airfix kit; In The Air - RAF 50th anniversary celebrations; T-34 Part 2 Birth of the T-34; Messerschmitt Bf 109F converted to 109K with sketch page; Basic Railway Modelling, looking at narrow gauge; German Army 1914-18 Part 6 cavalry; New Books Reviewed; Building a Fairey Battle Trainer, Airfix kit conversion with drawings and tone profiles; Fighting Colours Part 10 Coastal Command Fighters; Military Modelling: Soviet 'SU' Types; Maxim's Machine Guns, inc drwgs; New Kits and Models - Hasegawa Emily, Minitanks, Monogram Ju87G, Letraset Transfers; Photo Page - Typhoons, Swordfish, Fi Storch, Fairey Flycatcher, Corsair, 4 x Bf 109; Letters to the Editor
Vol.10 No.1 September 1968
In The Air - disappearing types; German Army 1914-18 Part 7 Cavalry; New Books reviewed; Lightning for the RAF, Airfix P-38J kit conversion, with tone profiles & drwgs; Military Modelling: T-34 variants; T-34 Part 3 The Early Models; WW1 German Lozenge Camouflage Part 1 of 2 with drwgs & detail by P Leaman; Crusader tank in 1:76 scale from scratch with drwgs; Basic Railway Modelling, The 56XX class; Profile: A look at the HS Dominie (H.S.125) in RAF service with drwgs and tone profiles; Photo Page - Lockheed PV-1, Kittyhawk x 2, Mosquito, Douglas Digby, Meteor III, B-24 & B-17; New Kits and Models - transfers, Corgi cars, Revell B-25B in 1:48 scale, Revell Merchant Ship; Letters to the Editor
Vol.10 No.2 October 1968
News From Airfix - Fw 190D v Stormovik dogfight double, Skyraider, Henschel 129B, HS Dominie T1, 'Battle of Britain' class loco, 1912 Ford Model T; In The Air - visit to RAF Chivenor; German Army 1914-18 Part 8 Rear echelons; Basic Railway Modelling, layouts in narrow gauge; WW1 German Lozenge Camouflage Part 2 of 2; T-34 Part 4 The alter models; Easy crane loco 'Pug' conversion; New books reviewed; Radial Engined 'Lanc' - Avro Lancaster MkII kit conversion; Fighting Colours Part 11 New marks and new types; SEAC Memories - a Photo Page extra from South East Asia 1945; Photo Page - Catalina, Vickers Valentia's, Tempest II & V, 2x Venom's, Anson, Spitfire Vc trop', 2x B-26; Military Modelling: LAD Half-track & T-34 detail; New Kits & Models - Revell 1:32 Bell UH-1 & AH-1G Hueycobra, Harbutts Plastone, Hornby GWR 56XX 0-6-2 loco, Revell 1:144 scale C-130B, Wagon Litho's, PVA glue (NEW!); Letters to the Editor (good photo of B-29 model)
Vol.10 No.3 November 1968
In The Air: Farnborough and the Danish Air Force; News From Airfix: Ferrari 250LM and HMS Fearless; Changing the Chaparral, detailing Airfix's 1:24 scale 2C (car) kit; Basic Railway Modelling, narrow gauge baseboard; A Matador Crane Truck, lineside truck conversion; French Storch conversion of Fiesler Fi 156 to MS.502 & MS.505 versions with drwgs; Armoured Division Markings (British); Beaufighter with Merlins: MkII conversion with tone drwgs; Fighting Colours part 12 Fighters in the Far East War; New Books reviewed; Roman Friends and Foes part 2 Arab Auxiliaries; T-34 part 5 Special purpose variants; Military Modelling Salvage Tank (WW1); Photo Page: Hampden, Liberator's, Hudson's, Siskin, Ju 52, Fairey Dart & Fairey DIII; New Kits and Models: Loco prints, Transfers, Blick dry print transfers, OO/HO vintage cars, Floquil books!! Almark Transfers, Rub 'N Buff metal finish, Lesney die-casts; Letters to the Editor
Vol.10 No.4 December 1968
In The Air: submarine hunting; News From Airfix: Curtiss Helldiver & New Catalogues; New Books reviewed; Building a Churchill VII Crocodile (flame thrower trailer); More SEAC Memories, Buffalos & Hurricane; Make a BT-5 in 1:76 scale scratch build armour project; Two Horse power, lineside horse drawn delivery wagon; Basic Railway Modelling narrow Gauge Turntable; Roman Friends and Foes part 3 German Tribesmen; T-34 part 6 Post War Developments; Airfix Buccaneer NA 39 to Buccaneer S.2 kit conversion with tone 3 view drwg; Lightning F.6 conversion drwgs; Military Modelling scratch built PzKw 1, Ausf A in 1:76 scale; Fighting Colours part 13: The Year of Victory (Gloster Meteor III); New kits and Models: Monogram 1:72 scale P-6E Hawk, Curtiss F-11C-2 Goshawk & Boeing F4B-4, Heller Bloch 210 & Potez 63-11, Playcraft OO/HO lay-out kits, Ex-Frog 1:72 scale H.P. Herald & 1:96 scale Boeing 707, De Frey transfers, Tamiya M36, Dymo Labels, Humbrol Paints, Corgi 'Chitty', other die-casts; Photo Page: Barracuda, Sea Otter, York, B-24, C-47, RAF Mustang, Harvard, Hudson x 3; Letters to the Editor
Vol.10 No.5 January 1969
In The Air: A visit to British Air Ferries; News From Airfix: IL-28 'Beagle', 'Schools' class loco, Mercedes-Benz 280 SL, H.P. Hampden; Char B tank scratch build with drwgs; New books reviewed; Steam traction, trackside vehicles; Military Modelling, Panther models; Panzer 3 part 1 introduction; Basic Railway Modelling, motorising 'Biggin Hill'; Forge a Ferrari, slot or static 330P; Heinkel III 1940 style, Airfix Heinkel He 111H-20 to H-1 kit conversion with tone 3 views; Fighting Colours part 14: The post-war years; The Avro 504K (described) part 1 of 2 with drwgs by P Leaman; Photo Page: Catalina, Hudson, Hellcat, F-84E, Mustang, Harvard, Spitfire, Ju 88, Blenheim, Vickers Victoria; Roman Friends and Foes part 4 Roman Artillery; Photo's of readers Beaufighter Mk IF; New Kits and Models: Hasegawa SAAB Viggen, OV-10A Bronco, Playcraft loco, Jerry's Hobbies tank parts, Transfers, Frog Lightning F6, N A Sabre, Fw 190A, Ruch (polish) TS-11 Iskra, Minitanks, Fleischman catalogue, Humbrol paints, Playcraft wagons; 1968 IPMS Nat's champ' Harry Woodman; Letters to the Editor
Vol.10 No.6 February 1969
H.P. Hereford conversion, Avro 504K part 2;; In the Air: Interview with wartime P-47 ace J W Keeler; News from Airfix: RMS 'Queen Elizibeth 2', Handley Page 0/400, Petlyakov Pe-2; New books reviewed; Skybirds postscript, look back at old kits with 1936 price list; Basic Railway Modelling, details for 'Biggin Hill'; Panzer 3 part 2 Models A to H; The Avro 504K Part 2 of 2 by P Leaman with drwgs; H.P. Hereford conversion from Airfix Hampden with tone drwgs; The Battle of Britain, Saltzman FILM PREVIEW with photos; Military Modelling T-34 ARV & A-20; Roman Friends Foes part 5 Other Cavalry; Sail Plan, series on rigging sailing ship models part 1 standing rigging; Photo Page: Fairey Seafox, IIIF Floatplane, Battle trainer, Dak, Barracuda, Ju 52, Buckingham C1, Anson x 2, Spitfire V, Avenger; New Kits and Models: Otaki Puma, Nitto Weasel, Humbrol paint, Frog rebox of Hasegawa Bronco, F-105, G8N1 Rita, Bellona accessories, Heller Caudron 714, Mureaux 117, Transfers, Frog Lysander; Letters to the Editor
Vol.10 No.7 March 1969
In The Air: visits to RNAS Culdrose 'Instant' (distemper) Camouflage and RAF Coningsby Phantoms; News from Airfix: Grumman Duck, and Ancient Britons; Colour Schemes for the Airfix FM-2 Wildcat (4 tone profiles & plan views); Type 95 Tank 'Kyu-Go' scratch build; New Books reviewed; Basic Railway Modelling 'Biggin Hill' Locomotive Tender detailing; Airfix Porsche 906 cars and colours, mods for the Airfix kit; Panzer III part 3: Models J to N; Royal Auxiliary Air Force sqns & aircraft; AEW Skyraider conversion (1/72 tone 4-view drwg); Profile: Aircraft Colours 1968 (2 RAF Wessex tone profiles); Military Modelling Sherman tank to BARV conversion; Roman Friends and Foes part 6 War Elephants; Sailing Ship rigging part 2; Avro 548 conversion; New Kits and Models: F-100 Super Sabre, 1:72 scale from Hasegawa, Riko kits working SS Strathardle, (sci-fi)Tamiya Apollo 1 lunar vehicle, Marusan lunar half track & Ultra Hawk. Transfers, Lindbergh Do335, Tamiya 1:100 scale aircraft, trackside cars, Frog Blenheim, Showcase; Letters to the Editor; Photo Page: Beaufort, Hawker Nimrod?s, Swordfish x 2, Short ?C? class flying boat, DH Puss Moth, Marauder III, Miles Martinet, Walrus
Vol.10 No.8 April 1969
In The Air: Visit to the RAF Communications Sqn; News From Airfix: HMS Prince, Victor 2000 estate car, Honda CB 450 Motor cycle; Military Modelling, Tanks of 1917-18, Mk.V conversions for Airfix Mk1; Bombing Colours, part 1 Bombers before fighters; New Books reviewed; Panzer 3 part 4 Special variants; Roman Friends and Foes, part 7 Ancient Britons; Sail Plan, part 3 Seizings, shrouds and deadeyes; Water Tower in OO scale, engine shed conversion; The first Fortress, advanced conversion B-17 with drwgs; British Army Markings, armoured and infantry divisions 1944; Somua S35 scratch built tank with drwgs; Basic Railway Modelling, track and scenic work; Sopwith Pup, conversion with drwgs; New kits and Models: Potar Honda 'six', Stoppel transfers, Revell 1:32 Zero & Bell UH-1D and 1:72 PBY-5 Catalina & CH-54 Skycrane, Reboxed Frog Brittania in 1:96 scale, Otaki Honda S800, Marusan 1:50 scale Spitfire IX & Me 109, Historex figure kits, Almark & Humbrol releases; Photo Page: Loire et Oliver 451 x 2, Ju 52, Spitfire, 2 x views of Polish PWS trainer, v rare Zubr (Bison) & R-13 Army co-op, Vengeance, Harvard; Letters to the editor, photo of Danish Navy Avro 504 N
Vol.10 No.9 May 1969
In The Air: Harrier & DC-10; Panzer 3 part 5 Assault guns; New Books reviewed; Sail Plan part 4 Ratlines and blocks; Sopwith Camels of the 'Aces' conversion with drwgs; 'Swept Seahawk' P1052 conversion; Roman Friends and Foes part 8 The Picts; Basic Railway Modelling, Station in narrow gauge; Breakdown Landrover conversion; Short-Nose (Bristol) Freighter, conversion project with tone drwgs; Bombing Colours, part 2 Camouflage Introduced (H.P. Halifax); Easy narrow gauge loco, Airfix 'Pug' conversion; Military Modelling Light Tank Mk IV conversion; The Lee-Enfield rifles, guide for modellers; New Kits and Models: Tamiya 1:12 scale Porche 910 & 1:100 scale Fiat G91R, Almark transfers, Ratio Wagon kits, Narrow gauge HO-9, 0-6-2, Wagon sheets, Revell Charles W Morgan, Vintage cars, Revell 1:8 scale Dragster bike, Paul Hamlyn prints, Versaplane tool, Scale Craft plans; Letters to the Editor with photo's of Stirling & Chipmunk; Photo Page: Halifax II, Mosquito, Anson, 3 x Spifire & 2 x Dakota, Spitfire VIII, Vickers Vernon, Siebel Si 204 D, Ar 234, Kittyhawk, B-24.
Vol.10 No.10 June 1969
In The Air: FAA Phantom and airshow news; New Books reviewed; News From Airfix: Devastator and Jaguar 420G; Motorising QE2, model ship poject; Ordnance loads for modern British Aircraft; Panzer 3 part 6 Concluding part; German tank crew uniforms 1st of 3; Improving and detailing the Airfix Focke-Wulf Fw 190D, with sketch page; Military Modelling Stug IV and T76; Modelling Danish 'Cats' PBY-5A Catalina variants with drwgs; Bombing Colours part 3 The De Havilland bombers; Basic Railway Modelling simple loco for narrow gauge based on Airfix 'Pug'; Roman Friends and Foes part 9 Miscellany; Sail Plan part 5 Sails and Rigging; New Kits and Models: Nichimo 1:35 scale PzKw IV Ausf F2 & Charioteer, Plastic Rod from Slaters, Revised Frog kits, Bellona base, Bauanlitung 1:100 scale Caravelle, Transfers, New Frog Bf-109 and A-6A Intruder; Photo Page: Ventura, Cosair, 3 x Spitfires, Whitley, Harvard, Envoy, Lodestar, Anson Mk I; Letters to the Editor
Vol.10 No.11 July 1969
In The Air: Swissair; New Books reviewed; 'Battle' class Destroyers with drwgs; A 'Fireless' Locomotive From the 'Pug' small loco conversion; The British Army '14-18 uniforms and regiments part 1 infantry 1914; Basic Railway Modelling, 24 ton wagons; Pigeon Loft from a bus, Old Bill Airfix kit conversion; Modelling an Australian Mirage 1110 conversion with tone drwgs; Bombing Colours part 4 The Handley-Page Night Bombers; The Carrier Story (Bren) part 1 Development; A guide to the Fokker Dr.1 Triplane, part 1 details & drwgs by P Leaman V good; Military Modelling Austin Trucks; Photo Page: Boulton-Paul Overstrand, Blenheim x 2, Hurricane Mk1, Lodestar, Dornier Do 17, Lysander, Vicker Virginia, Wellington; New Kits and Models: Revell 1:32 scale Wildcat, Aliplast Fiat G.55, Monogram Do 17 in 1:72 scale, transfers, Imai Chieftain tank in 1:50 scale, Lesney cars; Letters to the Editor
Vol.10 No.12 August 1969
News From Airfix: RAF Emergency Set, OV-10A Bronco, Maudley Paddle Engine, BMW R69 Motor Cycle; New Books reviewed; In The Air: In flight refuelling; Markings for the Hunter, Hawker Hunter profiles; The Carrier Story part 2 The 'Universal' type; Basic Railway Modelling Tank wagon from 'spares'; The complete Josef Stalin, details for the Airfix JS3 tank kit; The British Army '14-18 part 2 infantry 1916-18; Fairey Fulmar from a Battle kit advanced conversion with drwgs & details; Dakota with a needle nose, simple conversion with tone profile; Bombing Colours part 5 Experimentation; A guide to the Fokker Dr.1 Triplane part 2 of P Leaman; German tank crew uniform part 2 Waffen-SS Panzer crews; New Kits and Models: Aurora 1:48 scale M45A3 Sherman, Tamiya Panther & Nitto LVT(A), 1:20 scale Lotus Europa, 1:16 Alfa Romeo, transfers, Tamiya 1:100 scale scale SAAB Draken, Frog B-47E, Aliplast Fiat G.55; Letters to the Editor with photos of Bristol Freighter, Mirage & Harvard x 2. Photo Page: Reggiane Re 2001, Blenheim, B-17, Spitfire, Beaufighter, Hudson, Wellington, Martinet, Baltimore, Walrus
Vol.11 No.1 September 1969
Fire engine via Hong Kong, Airfix parts plus toy conversion; More Matador conversions, lorry conversions; The British Army '14-18, part 3 Mounted Troops; New Books reviewed; Bombing Colours, part 6 Wartime Bombers in Post-war Service; T48 GMC, half track conversion; RAF Buccaneers, colour note with tone drwgs; Basic Railway Modelling, An Iron Ore Tippler; Manchester from a Lancaster, conversion project; German Army Horse-drawn transport, 1939-45. Profile: The Fairey Battle; The Carrier story, part 3 The Carden-Lloyd Carriers; New Kits and Models: Imai, 1:24 scale M5 gun Tractor & Scud missile carrier, Slater's Microstrip, Monogram Apollo models, rail rolling stock. Photo Page: Barracuda, Seafire, B-24, 2 x Venom, Fulmar on shore & on hangar deck on HMS Ravager, Anson, Marauder; Letters to the Editor; Cavalier Mustang, simple conversion project
Vol.11 No.2 October 1969
News from Airfix: BSA C15 motor-cycle, Ford 3 litre GT, 1:32 scale soldiers; In The Air: current aviation news; The Carrier Story, part 4 MG and Bren Carriers; 'Flower' class corvette ship models; Firefly Mk.1 conversion from Mk.V with drwgs; Basic Railway Modelling, container wagon; The OV-10A Bronco tone drwgs and details; Modelling the Ventura, Lockheed Hudson conversion, with drwgs; Bombing Colours, part 7 The DH 9A; A Guide to the Fokker Dr.I Triplane, final part of P Leaman's article; New Books reviewed; The JSU 152 SPG; Bedford 30 cwt truck conversion; The British Army '14-18, part 4 Artillery and Guns; New Kits and Models: aircraft kit conversion sets for Me 262, Me 110 & He 111, transfers, figures by Douglas Miniatures, Frog Beaufighter & Phantom, IMC Skyhawk, Aurora Boeing 747; Letters to the editor
Vol.11 No.3 November 1969
New Books reviewed; News from Airfix: Boeing 747, Orion Spacecraft, Waterloo Highlanders; In The Air: visit to Air Gregory; The Carrier Story part 5 Universal carriers; Grumman Avenger details and markings, with tone drwgs; War Emergency Destroyers, the 'O' to 'Z' class; The British Army '14-18, part 5 Machine Gun Corps and Tank Corps; Making Ansett's Short Sandringham 'Islander', conversion for Short Sunderland, with drwgs; Bombing Colours part 8 Single Engined Bombers; The Sopwith Baby, seaplane conversion; Basic Railway Modelling, Building a Shunters Truck; German Tank crew uniform, last of three, Afrika Korps and SP Artillery; Military modelling, The T2 TVR, M3 Lee conversion; New Kits and Models: Frog Griffon Spitfire, Monogram AH-1G Hueycobra, Decals, Tamiya Lockheed F-104J/G, Jones Bros 1937 Cord 812, Wills LNER A4, Tamiya Leopard Tank, Imai 1:24 scale M-60, Rareplanes introduced, Frog Tomahawk, Frog Battle of Britain 'Dogfight double', Letraset, Hawk 1:32 scale H-43B Helicopter; Photo Page: Rapides, Avro Aldershot, Kittyhawk, Hoverfly 1, 4 x Avenger; Letters to the Editor
Vol.11 No.4 December 1969
News from Airfix: Harrier, Cessna O-2A, M3 Grant/Lee tank, Sikorsky Sea King; New Books reviewed; In The Air: flying with Autair; Sailing the Endeavour, working sail conversion; Basic railway modelling, building a 'B1' from Airfix 'Schools'; Bombing Colours, part 9 The Virginia Night Bombers; The Carrier Story, part 6 Commonwealth and Special Types; Capt. Roy Brown's Sopwith Camel, with drwgs; More Dakota Conversions, C-47 into Soviet Li-2 and floatplane, with drwgs; War Emergency Destroyers, the 'O' to 'Z' part 2; Military Modelling, Grant ARVs, M3 Lee tank conversions; The British Army '14-18, part 6 Staff, Service Corps and departments; New Kits and Books: Viking HO scale vehicles, Tamiya MiG-21, die-casts, wagon bogies, Nitto SdKfz 251/1 in 1:35 scale, Aurora Roman 'bireme' warship, Tool tidy, Hawk MiG-15, Trackside, transfers; Photo Page: 2 x Vickers Valentia, 3 x Vickers Virginia, Harvard, Skyhawk, Ju 188, Spitfire, Ju 352; Letters to the Editor

Thanks to Chris Wildridge and others for their help with completing the Airfix Magazine pages.

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Airfix Magazine

Contents Listing 1970-1979

Vol.11 No.5 January 1970
News from Airfix; New Books; In the Air - RN Sea Kings; Royal Navy Sea King conversion from Airfix SH-3 (1/72 scale 2-view drawing); Simple M3 tank variants; Bombing Colours 10: Handley Page Night Bombers (2 tone profiles); LNER B1 loco tender; Wehrmacht Markings 1939-45 Part 1: Panzer Division emblems; Hamilcar glider scratchbuilt model (4-v 1/72 scale drwg + detail sketches and tone 3-v drwg); Bren Gun Carrier Story Part 7: MG and Flame-thrower Carriers; Fairey Battle Sabre engine testbed conversion (1/72 2-v drwg); British Army '14-18 Uniforms Part 7: Dominion Troops; Tetrarch Airborne Tank; New Kits and Models; Photopage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.11 No.6 February 1970
In the Air - RAF C-130 Hercules; Wehrmacht Markings 1939-45 Part 2: Tank markings; Sherman M4A3 HVSS; F6F Hellcat markings (4 tone profiles); Cierva C8R conversion from Avro 504K (1/72 scale detail sketches); Military Photopage; Bombing Colours 11: Boulton & Paul Day Bombers (2 tone profiles); Scrapyard locos; Deacon SP 6 pdr conversion; HC-130 Hercules conversion (1/72 detail drwgs + 1/144 tone 2-v); New Books; D49 class loco conversion; Bren Gun Carrier Story Part 8: Miscellaneous types; RAF Hercules colour scheme (tone 4-v drwg); British Army '14-18 Uniforms Part 8: RN, RNAS and RFC; New Kits and Models; Photopage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.11 No.7 March 1970
In the Air - RAF Harrier, Buccaneer and Nimrod at Hatfield; British Army '14-18 Uniforms Part 9: Divisional flashes and emblems; More M3 tank conversions; Photopage; PzKpfw 38(t) tank; 'Schools' class locos; Bombing Colours 12: Fairey Paul Day Bombers (4 tone profiles); British warship signal flags; Fokker Friendship Mk 200 conversion (1/72 scale tone 3-v drwg); Colours 1969 - annual review of aircraft markings in Britain (5 tone profiles + 2 tone detail drwgs); Model Soldiers in 54mm scale; Bren Gun Carrier Story Part 9: Specialised types; DH 4A conversion (1/72 scale tone 3-v); New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor
Vol.11 No.8 April 1970
In the Air - Short Skyvan, HS 748 at Farnborough, Puma helicopter; Military Photopage; Bren Gun Carrier Story Part 10: Vehicles in enemy service; Bren Gun Carrier to tank conversion; Narrow Gauge loco; Model Soldiers in 54mm scale; Rolls Armoured Car 1914; Phantom Quartet - four US F-4 colour schemes (4 tone profiles + detail drwgs); New Books; F-82 Twin Mustang conversion (1/72 scale 3-v drwg); HMS Blake; Bombing Colours 13: Hawker Hart Day Bomber (4 tone profiles); Seven Week War Part 1: Prussian Infantry; BMW R69S motor cycle conversion; New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor; Photopage
Vol.11 No.9 May 1970
In the Air - latest aviation news; Model Soldiers in 54mm scale; Armoured bulldozer; Railway Sand Wagons; Wehrmacht Markings 1939-45 Part 3: Tactical markings; New Books; SB2C Helldiver colours (6 tone profiles); Saddle Tank loco conversion; Slip-Wing Hurricane conversion + Twin-tail Beaufighter conversion (1/72 sketches); Bren Gun Carrier Story Part 11: Loyd Carrier; Simple Spitfire Conversions (1/72 Mk.16 tone 3-v + 5 side views of other marks); Bombing Colours 14: Hawker Hind (3 tone profiles); New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor; Seven Week War Part 2: Other 'Prussian' uniforms
Vol.11 No.10 June 1970
In the Air - story of the last Swordfish; News from Airfix; New Books; Tank loco conversions; Bren Gun Carrier Story Part 12: Windsor and T16 Carriers; 1970 air show dates; Ten Years On - first decade of Airfix Magazine; Colours 1960 - aircraft markings in the UK; Decade of Jet Provosts (T.3 tone 5-view + 9 tone profiles); British Warship Fire Control units; Hawker Osprey conversion from Hart or Demon (1/72 scale floatplane 3-v); Bombing Colours 15: Handley Page Heyford (1 tone profile); Model Soldiers in 54mm scale; New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor; Puma Armoured Car; Photopage
Vol.11 No.11 July 1970
In the Air - RN Phantoms, RN Sea King, 67th ARRS USAF; Sd Kfz 233 & 263 armoured cars; Seven Week War Part 3: Other infantry styles; 'R1' class loco; Profile: RAF Chipmunk markings (8 tone profiles); Model Soldiers in 54mm scale; Bombing Colours 16: Fairey Hendon (1 tone profile); Bren Gun Carrier Story Part 13: Conclusion; Halifax Mk VIII Freighter conversion (one 1/72 scale tone profile); GAZ trucks; New Books; Red Arrows Gnat (1/72 tone 3-v drwg); BMW Rennsport motor cycle; HMS Ariadne; New Kits and Models; Photopage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.11 No.12 August 1970
In the Air - Naval Jaguar, Red Pelicans team, USAF Open House shows, Flying Flea; New Books; HMS Discovery; Motorising HMS Discovery model; Seven Week War Part 4: The Cavalry; Narrow gauge coach; Model Soldiers in 54mm scale; Alfa Romeo 8C GP car conversion; Prototype Gladiator (1/72 scale side view drwg); Liberator LB-30 transport conversion (1/72 scale 3-view drwg); Bombing Colours 17: Harrow and Wellesley (Harrow 3-v tone drwg); Stalin Tank Part 1: KV development; Dorchester Command Vehicle; New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor; Photopage; Sd Kfz 231 & 234/3 armoured cars
Vol.12 No.1 September 1970
News from Airfix; New Books; In the Air - current WGAF; Improving the Tri-ang 'Hall' loco; Soldiers in 54mm scale; 'Airmodel' kits; British Warship Fire Control Part 2; New Gnat Training Command colour scheme (tone 2-v drwg); Hunter Trio - modelling Mk.1, P1109 and aircraft WB188 (F.1 tone 2-v drwg, P1109 scale 2-v drwg); German Trucks; Bombing Colours 18: Fairey Battle (tone 3-v drwg + 2 tone profiles); Stalin Tank Part 2: KV series; New Kits and Models; Photopage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.12 No.2 October 1970
In the Air - Nimrod, world aerobatic championships; Wehrmacht Markings 1939-45 Part 4: Divisional signs & camouflage; 'Mayflower' ship; Beagle Airedale conversion (1/72 scale 3-v drwg, sketches, tone profile); Ford Ambulance 1915; Seven Week War Part 5: Artillery & Support arms; Roman Fort; Staghound armoured car; Coastal Command Wellington conversion (1/72 scale drwgs, tone profile); Bombing Colours 19: Armstrong Whitworth Whitley (tone 4-v drwg); 'Saint' class loco; New Books; Soldiers in 54mm scale; New Kits and Models; Photopage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.12 No.3 November 1970
Rotabuggy Flying Jeep conversion (1/76 scale 4-v drwg + tone profile); Soldiers in 54mm scale; Old time saddle tank loco; In the Air - Trislander, F-111 in Europe, DC-10, Farnborough news; 'Leander' class frigates; GWR 3,500 gallon loco tender; Canadair CF-5/NF-5; HMS Sussex; He 111 carrying V-1 (1/72 scale side view); Bombing Colours 20: Bristol Blenheim (tone 3-v drwg + 2 tone profiles); Bofors Quad AA gun; Seven Week War Part 6: The Campaign; Stalin Tank Part 3: IS series; Photopage; New Books; New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor
Vol.12 No.4 December 1970
New Books; P-47N conversion (1/72 scale tone profile + sketches); Truck Conversions from Airfix RAF Emergency set; Sentinel Shunter loco; Soldiers in 54mm scale; Farnborough Colours 1970 (Argentine AF Canberra tone 3-v drwg); British Warship Fire Control part 3; Vampire Mk.1 (1/72 scale 3-v + sketches); Bombing Colours 21: Wellington and Hampden (Wellington tone 4-v drwg); 1815 Part 1: Anglo-Dutch Artillery; Stalin Tank Part 4: T-10 and SU series; In The Air - RAF Gatow, Berlin; New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor; Photopage
Vol.12 No.5 January 1971
News from Airfix; In the Air - misc aviation news; 'N' gauge model railways; 1815 Part 2: Anglo-Dutch Infantry; Fokker D.VIII (1/72 scale 3-view drwg); 'Hunt' class destroyers; Locomotive depot buildings; SEPECAT Jaguar colours (3-view camouflage drwg); Motorising the 'Iron Duke'; Books for modellers; MiG-21 Mongol trainer conversion (1/72 scale tone 2-view drwg); Bombing Colours 22: The Phoney War (3 tone profiles); Pzkpfw III Ausf M tank; Soldiers in 54mm scale; German Army 75mm Howitzer and Light Field Cart; New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor; Photopage
Vol.12 No.6 February 1971
In the Air - 849 sqn Gannets, Concorde at Fairford, Valetta scrapped; News from Airfix; 'Hunt' class destroyers; Little Signal Box; Modelling the Beagle Pup (1/72 scale 3-view drwg); Military models for scratch building...; ...and kit converting; Books for modellers; Avro Anson T.Mk.20 conversion (1/72 scale 3-view drwg); Soldiers in 54mm scale; Fine Scale Rolling Stock; Stalin Tank Part 5: The Missile Carriers and ARVs; Bombing Colours 22*: The Fight in Earnest (3 tone profiles); 1815 Part 3: Anglo-Dutch Cavalry; Photopage; New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor (* sic)
Vol.12 No.7 March 1971
In the Air - F-14, Swiss Hunters, RAF Pumas, OCUs, XV Sqn Buccaneers; 'N' Gauge Continued; 1815 Part 4: Anglo-Dutch Cavalry; Focke Wulf Ta 152 conversions (1/72 scale 2-view drwgs, sketches, 4 tone profiles); Modelling Hadrian's Wall; Soldiers in 54mm scale; Char B1 French tank; Books for modellers; Single Fin Liberators - postscript; Avro Anson T.Mk.1 conversion (1/72 scale tone 3-view drwg, 1 tone profile); Bombing Colours: Whitleys and Wellingtons (4 tone profiles); Armoured Traction Engine; T-34 Calliope Sherman tank conversion; New Kits and Models; Soviet Sea Power; Photopage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.12 No.8 April 1971
In the Air - Canadian Air Museum at Rockliffe; 1815 Part 5: French Cavalry; Israeli Sherman tank conversion; Sopwith Camel postscript; Soldiers in 54mm scale; Building a Beach Buggy; Books for modellers; Handley Page Airliners - conversion from 0/400; Harrier T.2 conversion (1/72 scale 2-view drwg); Anson Mk.1 conversion (1/72 scale tone 2-view drwg); Rhodesian Air Force markings (photos only); Military Model T Ford; Engine shed for narrow gauge railway; Bombing Colours 24: Short Stirling (3 tone profiles); New Kits and Models; Photopage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.12 No.9 May 1971
In the Air - Boscombe Down 50th anniversary; 1815 Part 6: French Infantry; Hawker Nimrod biplane conversion (1/72 scale tone 3-view drwgs); Making a Siege Tower; Narrow Gauge 'Lokie'; Books for modellers; Jagdtiger tank conversion; Cessna 337 (3 tone profile drwgs); King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery; Bedford QL-T Troop Carrier; Bombing Colours 25: Avro Manchester (4 tone profiles and plan view); Ruined building; Folland Gnat fighter conversion (1/72 scale tone 4-view drwg + sketches); New Kits and Models; Photopage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.12 No.10 June 1971
In the Air - Westland Lynx, Trident 3; 'River' class frigates; Medieval Siege Artillery; Narrow Gauge Station; Soldiers in 54mm scale; Three WW1 lorries; T-6G Harvard variants (1/72 scale tone 4-view drwg, 5 tone profiles); Books for modellers; American Half-Tracks Part 1: Introduction; Air Shows 1971; Bombing Colours 26: The Early Halifax (3 tone profiles and plan view); 1815 Part 7: The Prussians; New Kits and Models; Photopage; Letters to the Editor; News form Airfix
Vol.12 No.11 July 1971
In the Air - RAE Wessex, US Chinooks, Granger Archaeopteryx; 'River' class frigates part 2; 1815 Part 8: Prussian cavalry; Hanriot HD1 (1/72 scale 3-view drwg); Soldiers in 54mm scale; Build an Engine Depot; M5A1 Stuart tank; Harrier T.Mk.2 stencilling (tone drwgs + tone 5-view drwg); Modelling the Chesapeake (tone 3-view drwg, tone 2-view drwg); New Kits from Airfix; Books for modellers; American Half-Tracks Part 2: Personnel Carriers; Medieval Siege Weapons; Bombing Colours 27: On The Offensive (3 tone profiles and plan view); New Kits and Models; Photopage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.12 No.12 August 1971
News From Airfix; Books for modellers; In the Air - Jetstream; Spitfire VII and VIII conversions (1/72 scale tone 3-view, 2 tone profiles); Soldiers in 54mm scale; 1815 Part 9: French Artillery; Air Brush painting; American Half-Tracks Part 3: Multiple Gun Motor Carriages; Super Detailing the Airfix Messerschmitt Bf 110 (3 sketches); Crane 90 Ton Trailer Model; Railway Scenery Made Simple; Chieftain tank in close-up; Detailing the Airfix Austin ambulance; Bombing Colours 28: The 1942 Scene (2 tone profiles); New Kits and Models; Photopage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.13 No.1 September 1971
In The Air - Short SC1, UK-Canada air race, Trislander; Vought Corsair Part 1: Fleet Air Arm and New Zealand Service (1/72 scale 4-view tone drwg, 3+1 tone profiles); Soldiers in 54mm scale; Austin Armoured Car; Books for modellers; Fallschirmjager; Jagdpanzer IV; Model mines for railway layouts; Sikorsky S-61N Sea King conversion (1/72 scale 3-view tone drwg); Bombing Colours 29: Prelude to the Great Offensive (2 tone profiles + tone 3-view drwg); Photopage; American Half-Tracks Part 4: Multiple and Gun Motor Carriages; New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor
Vol.13 No.2 October 1971
News from Airfix; Racing E-type Jaguar conversion; In The Air - 74 Sqn Lightnings, Kingfisher rebuild, Canadian Sea Fury; American Half-Tracks Part 5: Miscellaneous Types; Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf D and J; Books for modellers; SAAF Harvards (3 tone profiles); More Medieval Siege Equipment; Agricultural Aircraft - Auster, Chipmunk, Tiger Moth, hopper vehicle (2 tone profiles + sketches); Bombing Colours 30: The Middle East (2 tone profiles); Soldiers in 54mm scale; Model loco showcase; Mining in Miniature; Fallschirmjager; New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor; Photopage; Fifth International Helicopter Rescue Meeting
Vol.13 No.3 November 1971
In The Air - Bf 110 wreckovery, Goodyear International Air Race, HS 125, Cranfield Show; DH Fox Moth conversion (1/72 scale 4-view drwg); 'Black Swan' class sloops Part 1: The Ships; Building a railway weed-spraying unit; Vought Corsair Part 2: USN, USMC, French and other services (1/72 scale 2-view tone drwg, 8 tone profiles, 5 1/72 scale detail drwgs); Books for modellers; SAAF Harvards (8 tone profiles and plan views); Scorpion AFV; Medieval Guns and Cannons; Geschuetzwagen III/IV 'Hummel'; Soldiers in 54mm scale; Fallschirmjager; New Kits and Models; Photopage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.13 No.4 December 1971
In The Air - RAF Pumas, Jetstream 200, FAA Sea Fury restoration, Shackleton; Medieval Castle; Royal Scots Greys figure; Su-76i Soviet SPG; Fallschirmjager; Luftwaffe Bombs - types and designations explained (1/72 scale drwgs); Trestle Bridges:1; Soldiers in 54mm scale; Bombing Colours 31: Japan enters the War (3 tone profiles); Blackburn Firebrand conversion (1/72 scale 3-view drwg); 'Black Swan' class sloops Part 2: The Models; Simple narrow gauge locomotive; Scorpion AFV family; Photopage; New Kits and Models; Books for modellers; Letters to the Editor; Two New Airfix Kits
Vol.13 No.5 January 1972
News from Airfix; Modelling the Sturmgeschuetz IV; Medieval Castle; Trestle Bridges 2; Books for Modellers; Coles Mobile Crane; Bombing Colours 32: The Bomber Offensive (6 tone profiles); Soldiers in 54mm scale; Avro Lincoln (1/72 scale sketches); Spitfire Floatplane (1/72 scale 2-view drwg); Stock Car Mini; Antonov-12 - conversion from An-10 kit (sketches); PhotoPage; New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor
Vol.13 No.6 February 1972
In The Air - 360 Sqn Canberras, Airbus A300, misc news; Fallschirmjager; More on the Amazon Coles Crane; Crusader in Close Up - tank pictorial; Medieval Castle; Basic Railway Layout Planning; Queen Mary Semi-Trailer; Junkers Ju 188A-2 (1/72 scale 3-view drwg); Modelling the Moth Major (1/72 scale 3-view drwg); American half-Tracks; Modifying the Royal Sovereign ship kit; Soldier Conversions in 1:12 scale; Bombing Colours 33: Prelude to Overlord (5 tone profiles); Books for modellers; New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor
Vol.13 No.7 March 1972
In The Air - HS748, RAF Jaguars, HMS Eagle, 747 freighter; News from Airfix; Books for modellers; Medieval Castle; Crusader Gun Tractor conversion; Fallschirmjager; Colour Schemes for the B-26 Invader (9 tone profiles); Hunter T.7 conversion (tone 3-view drwg + 4 tone profiles & 3 tone plan views); Soldiers in 54mm scale; Basic Railway Layout Planning; Bombing Colours 34: Finale in the Middle East (3 tone profiles); New Kits and Models; Photopage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.13 No.8 April 1972
Museum Diorama - Battle of Tewkesbury; 17 pdr Anti-tank gun; Vought OS2U Kingfisher (tone 3-view + 4 tone profiles); Russian Infantry Weapons of WW2 Part 1: Heavy machine guns; Basic Railway Layout Planning; SAAF Dakotas - colours and markings (7 tone profiles + scrap plan views); photoPage; Crusader AA tank; Books for modellers; Bombing Colours 35: Victory in the East (3 tone profiles); Soldiers in 54mm scale; Ford Model T Hot Rod; New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor; Sopwith 11/2 Strutter conversion
Vol.13 No.9 May 1972
In The Air - RAF Argosy signals calibration flight, USAF C-130, Northern Aircraft Preservation Society; How to Play a Napoleonic Wargame; Medieval Walled Town; Afrika Korps Models; Books for modellers; Leopard AA tank conversion; Brummbar AFV; Blackburn Firebrand postscript (1/72 scale 2-view drwg); Space Shuttle projects; Airfix Gloster Gladiator (1/72 scale tone 3-view + 2 tone profile drwgs); Turntables for freight yards; Airbrush Painting; Marmon-Herrington armoured car; Bombing Colours 36: The Battle is Won (6 tone profiles); New Kits and Models; photoPage; Letters to the Editor
Vol.13 No.10 June 1972
Rollason Condor conversion (1/72 scale tone 4-view drwg + 2 tone profiles + sketches); photoPage; Leopard ARV; Books for modellers; Coles Crane in Close-up; Railway water tower; Airfix 54mm figure colour details; Space saving modelling; Medieval Walled Town; The Yak Family - Yak-1, Yak-3, Yak-15 conversions (sketches + 2 tone profiles); Swiss Guards in 54 mm; Auto Blinda AB40; Afrika Korps Models; Model soldiers in 54mm; F.E.8 conversion (scale 3-view drwg); New Kits and Models; Letters to the Editor
Vol.13 No.11 July 1972
Weathering aircraft paint finshes; Medieval Walled Town; Afrika Korps Models; Beginners guide to NATO aircraft stencils; Books for modellers; Home-built projector for enlarging scale drawings; Kugelblitz AA tank; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 1: Scouts of the RFC (2 tone profiles); Three new Airfix kits; Messerschmitt Bf 109Z conversion (1/72 scale tone 3-view drwg); Fokker D.VI conversion (1/72 scale 3-view drwg); Shuttleworth model show; King's Royal Rifle Corps - 54mm figure; Leopard trainer tank conversion; GWR 'King' loco; Model soldiers in 54mm; Sd Kfz 222 scratch-build; New Kits and Models; photoPage; Letters to the Editor; In the Air
Vol.13 No.12 August 1972
News from Airfix; Model soldiers in 54mm; Anson - civilianised (4 tone profiles); Medieval Walled Town; CASA 2 111 conversion (tone profile + sketch); 'Algerine' class minesweeper; Afrika Korps Models; HP Jetstream prototypes conversion (3 tone profiles + scrap views); Oliver Cromwell - 54mm figure; Beetle 'Baja' VW conversion; Last of the Lancs - surviving Lancasters; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 2: Scouts of the RNAS (3 tone profiles); New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Great Day Out at RAF Valley; Letters to the Editor; photoPage
Vol.14 No.1 September 1972
News from Airfix; Chieftain tank with schnorkel; Motorising the Vosper MTB; NASA lifting bodies - HL-10 and M2-F2 (1/72 scale 3-view tone drwgs); Afrika Korps Models; Scratch-built Clubman Special car; Spring Colours - aircraft markings at RAF Bentwaters show (2 tone profiles each for one RF-4C and one F-4C); Lineside line lorry; 17th Lancer Officer in 54mm; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 3: Early pusher fighters (4 tone sketches); Medieval Church; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor; In the Air - Watkins monoplane, Sywell air display, RAF Canberra bomber retires
Vol.14 No.2 October 1972
News from Airfix; In the Air - Chivenor display, Yeovilton Firefly, RAF Brawdy history; Afrika Korps Models; Buildings for Wargames; Hurricane conversions (4 tone profiles + detail sketches); 17th Lancer Trumpeter in 54mm; Making a twin-screw Vosper MTB; Mystere IVA from Super Mystere conversion (1/72 scale 4-view drwg + 3 tone profiles); Small railway station building; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 4: Camouflage introduced (no tone drwgs); Model Soldiers; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.14 No.3 November 1972
In the Air - Farnborough 1972, Upper Heyford display; News from Airfix; Military Modelling - Mack Tank Transporter; First Principles; Ancient Warships - Rameses; Afrika Korps Models; Modelling the Egyptian Air Force; Charge of the Light Brigade - 17th Lancer Trooper in 54mm; Messerchmitt Bf 109 conversions (4 tone profiles); Buildings for Wargames; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 5: Factory FEs (propeller tone drwgs); Model Soldiers; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.14 No.4 December 1972
In the Air - RAF Wattisham display, FAAHF Firefly, 100 Sqn; Military Modelling - Flakpanzer PzKpfw IV conversion; Ancient Warships - Goliath; First Principles; Messerschmitt Bf 109H-0 conversion (tone 3-view drwg); Afrika Korps Models; Buildings for Wargames; Modelling the Britten-Norman Islander/Defender (tone 4-view + 2 tone profiles); Charge of the Light Brigade - 17th Lancer Trooper in 54mm; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 6: French Fighters in British Service (2 tone profiles); Model Soldiers; News from Airfix; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.14 No.5 January 1973
In the Air - RAF Museum Hendon; Modern British Army figures; First World War German hussar in 54 mm; Scratch built fire brigade; News from Airfix; Panther turret pill box; Pak 38 50 mm anti-tank gun; Ancient Warships - Phoenician bireme Melkart; First Principles; Lancaster B1 Special conversion (1/72 scale detail drwgs); Buildings for Wargames; The Christmas train set; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 7: Mid-war Sopwiths: 11/2 Strutter, Pup and Triplane (3 tone profiles); The Pike and Shot Society; Model Soldiers; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; photoPage; Letters to the Editor; Super-detailing model cars
Vol.14 No.6 February 1973
In The Air, Wright-Patterson Air Force Museum Ohio; Ford T Hucks starter in 1:72 scale; American Civil War observation balloon; Day Out at Old Warden, The Shuttleworth Collection described; Buildings for wargames, first of four; First Principles, improving the Humbrol paint tin; Lancaster B.I special conversion part 2, Colours Review part 1, aircraft markings seen during second half of 1972; Ancient Warships No.4 the Greek Trieme Achilles; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 part 8 Fighters with reservations - DH5 & Bristol Monoplane; Humberette light reconnaissance car, 1:32 scale conversion based on Monty's Humber Airfix Kit; Charge of the Light Brigade, three more 17th Lancers; New Kits and Models, Revell ship kits, Historex Diorama bases, Corgi Mack truck and aircraft, Revell rail dragster, Frog Firefly and Fiat, Historex Sable brushes, Tamiya 88mm Flak 36/37, Revell Kawasaki Ki 45; Books for modellers; Letters to the editor
Vol.14 No.7 March 1973
In the Air - SAAB Viggen; Military Modelling - Soviet SU76 SPG; Twin-seat Harrier conversion; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 Part One - introduction; Ancient Warships - Greek pentere Agammemnon; 7M85 Wehrmacht artillery gun; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 8: Sopwith Camel and Snipe (geometric shapes drawings); Charge of the Light Brigade 54 mm figure; Mosquitos galore - variants modelling (1 tone profile + sketches); Buildings for Wargames; Colours review Part two - aircraft markings during Autumn 1972; First Principles; IPMS National Championship; Model Soldiers in 54 mm; British International Toy Fair - Brighton; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.14 No.8 April 1973
In the Air - Sea Vixen; International Toy Fair - Nurnberg; Military Modelling - 38(t) 'Puraga' conversions; Present Arms '73; Westland-Aerospatiale Puma (3 tone profiles); Ancient Warships - Roman bireme Romulus; Mosquito NF XIII, NF XV and NF 30 conversions (3-view tone drwg + tone 2-view drwg + 2 half plan views + sketches); Charge of the Light Brigade 54 mm figure; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 9: RNAS Sopwith Camel and Snipe; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 10: SE5 and SE5a (1 tone profile); first principles; Model Soldiers in 54 mm; Buildings for Wargames; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 A-AH; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor; VAT for modellers and retailers
Vol.14 No.9 May 1973
In the Air - RNHF Firefly restored to the air; BEF 18/25 pounder gun; Model Soldiers in 54 mm; DH53 Humming bird (1/72 scale tone 4-view drwg); Military Modelling - more 38(t) 'Puraga' conversions; Charge of the Light Brigade 54 mm figure; Firefly AS Mk 7 and T Mk 5 conversions (tone 3-view + 2 tone profiles + sketches); Buildings for wargames; first principles; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 AI-9A; Afrika Korps photopage; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 11: Bristol Fighter (2 tone profile); New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.14 No.10 June 1973
In the Air - US Presidential Aircraft; Renaissance Warfare part 1 - introduction; 8th Air Force Mustangs (7 tone profiles); Charge of the Light Brigade 54 mm figure; Model Soldiers in 54 mm; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 B-BQ; First Principles; Finnish Air Force Gladiators (3-view tone drwg + 1 tone profile + sketches); Military Modelling - 15 cm Panzerwerfer 42 'Maultier'; Buildings for wargames; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 12: End of war fighters (1 tone profile); Commando forces in miniature - scale figures; Model Soldiers in 54 mm; Aviation photopage; News from Airfix; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.14 No.11 July 1973
In the Air - First Englishman to fly? Wisley airfield; 8th Army in the Desert part 1 - introduction; Panavia MRCA scratchbuilt (1/72 scale 3-view drwg + sketches); First Principles; Military Modelling - Light Dragon Mk III; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 BV-9B; Buildings for wargames; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 13: The Colourful Twenties (nil tone profiles); Renaissance Warfare part 2 - infantry weapons and organisation; Charge of the Light Brigade 54 mm figure; Model Soldiers in 54 mm; Aviation Photopage; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.14 No.12 August 1973
In the Air - Biggin Hill Air Fair, Paris Air Show; Charge of the Light Brigade 54 mm figure; Renaissance Warfare part 3 - infantry missile weapons; First Principles; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 C-CZ; 8th Army in the Desert part 2 - Headquarters troops; Dambuster Lancaster conversion (1/72 scale sketches); Military Modelling - Russian SU-152 SPG; Buildings for wargames; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 14: Gloster Grebe and Gamecock (7 tone profiles); New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.15 No.1 September 1973
In the Air - F-14 Tomcat, Geological Survey Islander; News from Airfix; First Principles; Matilda tank in close-up; Military Modelling - Matilda workshop crane; Airbrush afterthoughts; Second World War RNZAF Harvards (1/72 scale tone 3-view drwg + 3 tone profiles); Buildings for wargames; Model Soldiers in 54 mm; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 15: Colour controversy and the Woodcock (2 tone profiles); Halifax bomber recovery from Norwegian fjord; Charge of the Light Brigade 54 mm figure; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 C2-DS; 8th Army in the Desert part 3 - infantry; Renaissance Warfare part 4 - artillery; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.15 No.2 October 1973
In the Air - Greenham Common show, Middle Wallop show; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 DT-DX; Model Soldiers in 54 mm; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 16: The Siskin (6 tone profiles); 8th Army in the Desert part 4 - armoured formations; Modelling the BAC Canberra (4-view detail drwg + 2-view tone drwg); Renaissance Warfare part 5 - cavalry weapons and organisation; Charge of the Light Brigade 54 mm figure; Bovington camp open day; Buildings for wargames; New Kits and Models; First principles; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.15 No.3 November 1973
In the Air - Cranfield air pageant, Yeovilton air day; News from Airfix; Fw 190A-8/U1 two-seater (1/72 scale tone 3-view drwg); Shottesbrooke vehicle rally; Model Soldiers in 54 mm; 8th Army in the Desert part 5 - modelling the armour; First principles; Charge of the Light Brigade 54 mm figure; Renaissance Warfare part 6 - Henry VIII's army; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 17: The Bristol Bulldog (3 tone profiles); Aviation photopage; Buildings for wargames; Military Modelling - Alvis Stalwart; Mosquito footnote - some revisions to the conversion; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 DX-9D; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.15 No.4 December 1973
In the Air - Abingdon Battle of Britain day; News from Airfix; Model Soldiers in 54 mm; First principles; Curtiss P-40 variants (1 tone profile + sketches); Buildings for wargames; Bristol Bulldog TM + Bristol Fighter trainer conversions (1 F2B tone profile + Bulldog 1/72 scale tone 3-view drwg); 8th Army in the Desert part 7 - the artillery; 17 pdr Mk II AA gun; Resistance forces in miniature; Renaissance Warfare part 7 - Irish army of the 16th century; British European Airways; Charge of the Light Brigade 54 mm figure; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 18: Gauntlet (3 tone profiles); Military Modelling - German tank transporter; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 readers contributions; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.15 No.5 January 1974
In the Air - Heavy Weapons of the Luftwaffe; News from Airfix; Renaissance Warfare part 8 - The 'Universal Soldier'; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 EA-EL; Military Modelling - Matilda 'Baron' flail tank; German Sh Ah 115 tank trailer; P-38 Lightning conversions (1/72 scale tone 3-view drwg + plan view + 4 tone profiles); First Principles; 8th Army in the Desert part 7 (sic) - reconaissance units; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 19: Gladiator (2 tone profiles); Model Soldiers in 54 mm; Aviation Photopage; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor; In The Field - British Army Exercise in Malaysia
Vol.15 No.6 February 1974
In the Air - Canberra Miscellany; 8th Army in the Desert part 8 - lines of communication; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 EM-EW; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 20: Hawker Fury (3 tone profiles + 4 unit insignia); In The Field - Saab-Scania military vehicles; Experimental and Prototype aircraft No.1: Blackburn Cubaroo (1:144 scale tone 3-view drwg); British Infantry Conversions - 54 mm figures; Renaissance Warfare part 9 - The Swiss; News Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.15 No.7 March 1974
In the Air - RAF Germany; 8th Army in the Desert part 9 - engineer and ordnance units; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 21: Hawker Demon (7 tone profiles + 5 unit insignia); Renaissance Warfare - The Turks Part 1: the Spahis; Finnish Buffalos and Fiat G.50s (Buffalo tone 3-view, tone profile + markings details; Fiat G.50 tone 3-view + tone profile); Model Soldiers in 54 mm; In The Field - the Irish Army; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 EX-FO; Military Modelling - PzKw III recovery vehicle; Aviation Photopage; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.15 No.8 April 1974
In the Air - Sopwith Camel for Yeovilton Museum; News from Airfix; Renaissance Warfare - The Turks Part 2: Janissaries and others; 8th Air Force P-51D colour schemes (7 tone profiles); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 1; Miscellaneous News and Requests; Military Modelling - Humber FV1611 'Pig'; Fighting Colours 1914-1937 Part 22: End of an Era; In The Field - Leopard tank; Exercise Hardfall - British Army photo feature; 8th Army in the Desert part 10 - final part; Aviation Photopage; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.15 No.9 May 1974
In the Air - 1973 Air-Space Fair, Point Mugu; German National Markings 1914-1918 Part 1: Army aircraft 1914-mid 1916; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 2: 1st Regiment of Foot Guards 1685; Aviation Photopage; CAM-Ship Hurricanes; Military Modelling - FV432 APC; Junkers 88 night fighter variants (1:91 scale sketches + 8 tone profiles + 1:91 scale tone 3-view drwg); In The Field - FV 721 'Fox' armoured car; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 FO-F4; Renaissance Warfare - Part 12: The Scots; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.15 No.10 June 1974
In the Air - British Airways after the merger; Renaissance Warfare - Part 13: The Polish Army; German National Markings 1914-1918 Part 2: Army aircraft July 1916-Mar 1918; Detailing 'Monty's' Humber staff car; IPMS AGM; RNethAF F-104 marking schemes (8 tone profiles + details sketches); Model Soldiers in 54 mm; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 3: 2nd and 3rd Foot Guards 1685; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 F5-GP; In The Field - British infantry fire support vehicles + Chieftain ARV; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.15 No.11 July 1974
In the Air - Hannover Air Show; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 4: Artillery Train uniforms pre-1716; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 GQ-G4; News from Airfix; Modelling from vacuform kits; In The Field - Larkhill firepower demonstration; Renaissance Warfare - Part 14: Spanish Infantry; At home with the Fleet Air Arm; German National Markings 1914-1918 Part 3: Army aircraft Mar 1918-Nov 1918; F-84F Thunderstreak in close-up; Model Soldiers in 54 mm; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.15 No.12 August 1974
In the Air - Biggin Hill Air Fair; Military Modelling - SdKfz 251 Hannomag; German National Markings 1914-1918 Part 4: Naval aircraft Aug 1914-Nov 1918; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 4: The Grey Dragoons; Air Commandos in action - Royal Marine helicopter transports; Spitfire/Seafire variants - tabulations of variant features and various other data + 1:72 scale sketches of variant differences; Model Soldiers in 54 mm; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 G5-9G; Renaissance Warfare - Part 15: Spanish Ginetes to Caballos Corazas; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.16 No.1 September 1974
In the Air - Greenham Common 1974; Renaissance Warfare - Part 16: The French; German National Markings 1914-1918 Part 5: German Army serial numbers; Phantom detials and conversions - F-4 modelling (3 tone profiles + two 1:72 scale side views of variants); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 5: The First Troop of Horse Guards 1685; In The Field - Aldershot Army display; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 HA-HR; 8th Army in the Desert - simple figure conversions; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.16 No.2 October 1974
In the Air - RAF Binbrook open day; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 6: Coldstream Guards c1703-4; Detailing HMS Hood in two scales; News from Airfix; Renaissance Warfare - Part 17: The Imperialists; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 HR-H3; In The Field - Euromissile anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons; Return from Balaclava - 54 mm figures; The Fleet Air Arm in war and peace Part 1: The RNAS; German National Markings 1914-1918 Part 6: Naval serial numbers; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.16 No.3 November 1974
In the Air - Farnborough air show; SR-71 Blackbird; Return from Balaclava - 54 mm figures part 2; The Fleet Air Arm in war and peace Part 2: 1920s-30s; In The Field - Fort Widley military vehicle rally; Renaissance Warfare - Part 18: Persians and other easterners; News from Airfix; Experimental and Prototype Aircraft No.2: Bristol 138A (scale 3-view tone drwg); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 7: Marlborough's grenadiers; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 H4-9H; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.16 No.4 December 1974
In the Air - SEPECAT Jaguar; 8th Army in the Desert - more figure conversions; Army-Air Colours 1914-37 part 1 - prime role of the air arm; HS 1182 Hawk in 1:72 scale - scratch build (3-view scale drawing); Renaissance Warfare - Part 19: the Dutch army; The Fleet Air Arm in war and peace Part 3: Into WW2; Return from Balaclava - 54 mm figures part 2; In The Field - the Scorpion family; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 8: Marlburian Ensigns; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 IA-IO; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.16 No.5 January 1975
In the Air - Boeing future projects; Return from Balaclava - 54 mm figures part 3; Finnish AF Storchs and Lysanders (2 tone 3-view drwgs + 1 tone profile + sketches); Renaissance Warfare - Part 20: The Swedish army; Rocket-firing Hannomag conversion; Army-Air Colours 1914-37 part 2 - the first artillery observation aircraft (17 tone drwgs of RE8 unit markings); In The Field - German fortifications in Jersey; The Fleet Air Arm in war and peace Part 4: end of the war; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 9: Foot Guards in 1742; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 IO-I3; News from Airfix; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; News for the Wargamer; Letters to the Editor
Vol.16 No.6 February 1975
In the Air - misc. pictorial; The Fleet Air Arm in war and peace Part 5: post-war to the present day; 8th Army in the Desert - simple soft-skin vehicle models; Peninsular War figure conversions; Vickers Merchantman - conversion from Vanguard (1 tone profile); In The Field - The Rapier enters service; Army-Air Colours 1914-37 part 3 - Little Ack and Big Ack (5 tone drwgs of FK8 unit markings); Renaissance Warfare - Part 21: The Swedish army (continued); Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 I4-7I; Return from Balaclava - 54 mm figures part 4; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; News for the Wargamer; Letters to the Editor
Vol.16 No.7 March 1975
In the Air - 67th ARRS aircraft; Modelling the Fox armoured car; Scorpion in close-up; Rolls-Royce Flying Bedstead - scratch-built model (1/72 scale 3-view + sketches); Peninsular War figure conversions; Army-Air Colours 1914-37 part 4 - Close support (3-view tone drwg of Salamander markings); Renaissance Warfare - Part 22: The Muscovites; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 8I-JE; Return from Balaclava - 54 mm figures part 5; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 10: The 15th Foot circa 1750; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.16 No.8 April 1975
In the Air - Scottish Aviation Bulldog; Peninsular War figure conversions; Army-Air Colours 1914-37 part 5 - adapting the Bristol Fighter (4 tone profiles); Scratch-building large-scale tanks; In The Field - 105 mm Light Gun; Napoleonic Wargaming; Canberra conversions (1:72 scale sketches); Renaissance Warfare - Part 23: The Muscovites (continued); News from Airfix; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 11: The 1st The Royal Dragoons c.1742; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 JE-JT; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.16 No.9 May 1975
In the Air - North Sea oil rig helicopter operations; Peninsular War figure conversions; Napoleonic Wargaming; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 JU-9J; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 12: 20th Foot circa 1749; Modelling fictional figures; Grumman Avenger conversions (five 1:72 scale views + 4 tone profiles); Scratch-building large-scale tanks - part 2; Army-Air Colours 1914-37 part 6 - Armstrong Whitworth Atlas (1 tone profile); Renaissance Warfare - Part 24: The English Civil War; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.16 No.10 June 1975
News from Airfix; In the Air - 781 Squadron Royal Navy; Return from Balaclava - 54 mm figures part 6; 'Revenge' galleon; Artillery Museum at Woolwich; P-51H Mustang conversion (tone 2-view drwg); Cruiser tank Mk 1 in 1:35 scale; Army-Air Colours 1914-37 part 7 - Wapiti (2 tone rudder drwgs); Operation Sealion - the non-invasion; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 KA-KK; Napoleonic Wargaming; Peninsular War figure conversions; In The Field - A day with the TAVR; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 13: 1st Royal Dragoons c 1742; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Photopage - the Duxford RE8; Letters to the Editor
Vol.16 No.11 July 1975
News from Airfix; In the Air - Short Skyvan, air display dates 1975; Cruiser tank Mk 1 in 1:35 scale - continued; Japanese Brewster Buffalo (2 tone profiles); Operation Sealion - British forces; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 KK-KQ; Visit to the 'One Seventy Second Circle' - aircraft modelling group; Twin-seat Lightning T.4 conversion (1:72 scale tone 2-view drwg); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 14: The Royal Artillery 1742-1748; Army-Air Colours 1914-37 part 8 - Audax (2 tone profiles + 6 tone rudder drwgs); In The Field - British infantry weapons; Peninsular War figure conversions; 8th Army in the Desert - towed artillery; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.16 No.12 August 1975
News from Airfix; In the Air - Paris air show; Light Tank Mk VIB in 1:35 scale; Operation Sealion - 'Dad's Army'; 'Minesweeping' Heinkel He 111 conversion (3 small tone 4-view drwgs + 1:72 scale detail drwgs); Peninsular War figure conversions; Army-Air Colours 1914-37 part 9 - adapting for army co-op (no drwgs); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 15: The Royal Dragoons c 1767; Sultan of Oman Defenders (BN2A Defender tone 5-view); In The Field - The Royal Armoured Corps on display; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 KR-KZ; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor; Aviation photopage
Vol.17 No.1 September 1975
News from Airfix; In the Air - Metz AdlA open day, Hatfield open day; Operation Sealion - the German plans; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 K2-LE; Army-Air Colours 1914-37 part 10 - Hawker Hector (no drwgs); Matilda Mk I in 1:35 scale; Motorising model aircraft; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 17: Royal American Regt of Foot; Painting Luftwaffe camouflage; Satory '75 - French arms manufacturers exhibition; Peninsular War figure conversions; In The Field - Exercise 'Ardent Ground'; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.17 No.2 October 1975
In the Air - Middle Wallop Army Air Day; Operation Sealion - the German forces; Napoleonic military uniform research; In The Field - The Royal Engineers; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 18: The first light cavalry; Sea Harrier conversion (1:72 side view drwg + sketches); Von Barner's Brunswick Jager - military figure conversion; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 1 - Lysander (2 tone profiles + tone plan view); Detailing the 'Amazon' class frigates; The Lyndhurst Collection of military vehicles; Swiss Air Force at Dubendorf; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 LF-LJ; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.17 No.3 November 1975
In the Air - St Mawgan Open Day, Yeovilton Open Day; US Infantry figure conversion 1813-14; Operation Sealion - wargaming; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 2 - No 22 Group goes to war (no drwgs); Renaissance Warfare - figure conversions; 8th Army in the Desert - self-propelled artillery; Douglas AEW.1 Skyraider conversion (1:72 scale plan view + 2 tone profiles & detail views); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 19: The Regiment of Marines; In The Field - Modern British self-propelled artillery; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 LJ-LU; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.17 No.4 December 1975
News from Airfix; In the Air - USS Nimitz; Duplex Drive Sherman tank; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 3 - Lysander in action (4 tone profiles); Renaissance Warfare - figure conversions continued; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 20: 15th (The King's) Light Dragoons c 1778; MiG-21MF 'Fishbed J' conversion (1:72 scale 5-view drwg); Operation Sealion - wargaming continued; Mexican 11th Infantry of 1847 figure conversion; Royal Marines museum; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 LV-9L; New Kits and Models; News for the Wargamer; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.17 No.5 January 1976
[Now A4 page size]. A letter from the Editor; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; News from Airfix; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 21: Cuidich'n Righ (Help to the King); Operation Sealion as a wargame - nautical models; US infantryman of the Mexican War - 54 mm figure conversion; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 L-MO; Modelling Russian military trucks - GAZ AA, AAA & BA 10; Modelling the Ju 87B (1:72 scale 3v tone drwg + tone profile); Northern Militaire show; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 4 - Command and the Tomahawk (3 tone profiles + tone plan view); The gun of the future - FH70 artillery gun; New Kits and Models; News for Wargamers; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.17 No.6 February 1976
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 MP-M4; Modelling coastal fortifications; Adding detail to HMS Apollo; American Civil War Zouave in 54 mm; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 5 - Enter the Blenheim (no drwgs); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 22: Infantry uniforms in the 1790s; RB-57F conversion from a Canberra (1:72 scale sketches, 1:100 scale 3-view drwg); 8th Army in the desert - modelling specialised armour; F-14 Tomcat photo feature; Americans invade Dorset - Exercise Triple Jubilee; New Kits and Models; News for Wargamers; Photo Page; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.17 No.7 March 1976
Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Canada's Ram cruiser tank; General Dynamics F-111E (3 sketches + 1 tone profile); IPMS National Championships; Modelling inland fortifications; Dassault-Breguet and their aircraft (photos only); Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 M5-9M; Exercise Advent Express; American Civil War figures in 54 mm; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 6 - The Blenheim serves again (3 tone profiles + tone plan view); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 23: 2nd Dragoon Guards circa 1795; Model Engineer Exhibition 1976; New Kits and Models; News for Wargamers; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.17 No.8 April 1976
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 24: The Regiment de Roll; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 7 - Enter the Mustang (2 tone profiles + tone plan view); British infantry in North America - 54 mm figures; Renault R-35/40 tank in 1:76; Bleriot XI (tone 3-view drwg + detail sketches from rigging handbook); Updating HMS Devonshire; Operation Sealion as a wargame; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 NA-NE; Ram tank in service 1942-1945; New Kits and Models; News for Wargamers; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.17 No.9 May 1976
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 25: Royal American Regiment 1797; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 8 - The Mustang in action (2 tone profiles + tone plan view); Lutjens class destroyers; A week with the Air Training Corps; Finnish armour 1939-1945; Kirkby Cadet Mk III in 1:72 scale (1:72 scale 4-view tone drwg + detail sketches); Operation Sealion as a wargame; Royal Marines Corporal 1865 - 54 mm figure; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 NF-NH; Modelling the Ram tank; New Kits and Models; News for Wargamers; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.17 No.10 June 1976
Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 9 - The Hotspur, first of the gliders (no drwgs); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 26: The Regiments von Hompesch; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 NI-NR; Centurion Mk 5 in 1:76 scale; TSR 2 scratch built (1:72 scale 4-view and detail & section drwgs); 20 mm Oerlikon AA gun; Real story of the F-80 featured in the Airfix kit; Southern Militaire report; Anti-aircraft Bren gun team - 54 mm figures; New Kits and Models; News for Wargamers; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.17 No.11 July 1976
Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; TSR 2 postscript; Boer War armoured train part 1 - Armoured locomotive; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 27: Line infantry 1799-1800; Super Sabres! - Indiana ANG F-100 visit to Lakenheath; SP 25 pdr Sexton in 1:76 scale; Shuttleworth Spitfire conversion (1:72 tone 3-view + sketches); Model figures in Plastic Padding; Super-detailing the Bugatti 35B; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 NR-NV; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 10 - Continuing the Hotspur story (no drwgs); New Kits and Models; News for Wargamers; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.17 No.12 August 1976
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 28: Infantry jackets 1802-1815; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 11 - Hotspur markings (Mk II 3-view tone drwg + Mk I tone profile); Dingo scout car and AEC Mk I; B-57 A to D - Canberra conversions (1:72 scale drwgs + sketches); HMS 'Ulysses'- modelling Dido Class cruisers; Boer War armoured train part 2 - Gun, rifle and searchlight trucks; Present Arms '76; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 NV-OA; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.18 No.1 September 1976
Modellers Diary; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Boer War armoured train part 3 - Maxim gun truck; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 29: Infantry headdress 1812-1815; Night Fighters part 1 (Sopwith Camel 1:48 scale tone 3-view); Hungarian armour during World War 2; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 12 - Enter the Horsa (4-view tone drwg); Infantry weapons for the 1980s; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 OB-ON; Talking wargaming; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.18 No.2 October 1976
Modellers Diary; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 13 - Horsa operations commence (no drwgs); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 30: The Light Dragoons 1784-1800; Sherman 'Crab' flail tank; Night Fighters part 2 (Defiant tone 3-view + sketches + 2 x Bf 109 & 2 x Fw 190 tone profiles); Pioneer, German Sturmbattalion - 54 mm figure; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 ON-OT; World War 2 armoured trains; Talking wargaming; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Photo Page; Letters to the Editor
Vol.18 No.3 November 1976
Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; military vehicle extra details; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 14 - By Horsa to Normandy (no drwgs); Maryland drummer, 1814 - 54 mm figure; Farnborough 1976; Modellers Diary; Battlegroup in Action - Canadian training range for British Army; Night Fighters part 3 (Turbinlite Havoc & Beaufighter tone 3-views + sketches + 2 x Mosquito tone profiles); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 31: Dragoons and Dragoon Guards 1796; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 OT-5O; New Kits and Models; News for Wargamers; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.18 No.4 December 1976
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 15 - To cross the Rhine (no drwgs); Battlegroup in Action part 2 - Canadian training range for British Army; Talking wargaming; Modellers Diary; Night Fighters part 4 - Ju 88 variants (Ju 88G-7a tone 3-view + sketches + 7 x Ju 88 side views); Lee & Grant tanks; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 32: The Light Dragoons 1811-1816; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 6O-PG; New Kits and Models; News for Wargamers; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.18 No.5 January 1977
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 33: Hussars 1796-1815; The 'Thuds' at Lakenheath - ANG F-105 markings; Battlegroup photopage; Tornado by the tail! (2 sketches of prototype tail mods); Viking on the Plain of Gold - Mars lander (11 drawings); Lee & Grant tanks part 2; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 PH-PL; Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 part 1; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 16 - Operation 'Market' (no drwgs); 1:32 scale AFV crew figures; Modellers Diary; Talking wargaming; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.18 No.6 February 1977
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Strong Arm of the Low Countries - Dutch & Belgian F-104s (4 sketches, 1 tone 3v); Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 PM-PP; Talking wargaming; Modellers Diary; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 34: Royal Regiment of Artillery 1815; 'City' Class cruisers - HMS Belfast conversion; Soviet assault helicopter - Mi-24 Hind A (scale 3-view + 8 sketches); Alligator! - Buffalo to LVT(A)1 conversion; Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 part 2; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 17 - Operation 'Market' continued (Horsa 3-v drwg); Northern Militaire show report; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; News for Wargamers; Letters to the Editor (5 Defiant side view variant drwgs)
Vol.18 No.7 March 1977
Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Modellers Diary; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 18 - Hamilcar tank transports (no drwgs); Champion lads! - IMPS National Championships; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Part 35: Royal Horse Artillery; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 PQ-PS; Talking wargaming; Strong Arm of the Low Countries part 2 - Dutch & Belgian F-104s, F-5s, Mirage 5s (8 squadron insignia tone drwgs), USAFE F-4s; Japanese Tank Markings 1941-1945; Avro Tudor - vacform kit (no drwgs); Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 part 3; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; News for Wargamers; Letters to the Editor (Horsa 3-view drwg)
Vol.18 No.8 April 1977
Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics (incl Canberra TT.18 details); Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 part 4; Modellers Diary; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 19 - Hamilcar tank transports (3v tone drwg); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Infantry 1816-1820; Twins that played triple roles - the warship twin 4-inch Mk XVI AA gun; Hitler's Atlantic Wall; Soviet tank designations; Built a 'Brick' - Slingsby Sedburgh Mk 1 glider (scale 5v drwg); Air wargaming part 1; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 PT-PY; New Kits and Models; News for Wargamers; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.18 No.9 May 1977
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Royal Australian Navy cruiser conversions by I.M. Fleming; Modellers Diary; Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 part 5; Canadian Armoured Snowmobile; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 PY-P2; Handley Page Heyford (no drwgs); Air wargaming part 2; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Infantry uniforms 1820-1830; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 20 - Hamilcars in action (2v tone drwg); Talking wargaming; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.18 No.10 June 1977
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Modellers Diary; Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 part 6; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 P3-3P; HMS Hotspur 'Hero' class destroyer; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 21 - Gliders from the USA (no drwgs); Talking wargaming; A-10 Tank Buster! (cutaway drwg); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Officers 12th Lancers 1829-1831; Air wargaming part 3; Land-Rover Rescue Tender; Glorious Hunters - Hawker Hunter F Mk 6/GA Mk 11/FGA Mk 9(5 tone 2v drwgs); New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; News for Wargamers; Let's make a date...; Letters to the Editor
Vol.18 No.11 July 1977
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Modellers Diary; Photo Page; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Royal Horse Guards 1822-1830; BMSS Annuals; Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 part 7; The Last of The Thunderbolts - P-47N conversion (3v drwg + 4 sketches); Operation Griffon - Panzer 150 Brigade; Aggressor Squadron - 527th TFTAS at Alconbury (no drwgs); Talking wargaming; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 8P-QJ; Air wargaming part 4; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 22 - Gliders from the USA continued (no drwgs); New Kits and Models; News for Wargamers; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.18 No.12 August 1977
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 23 - Slingsby Hengist glider (no drwgs); Modellers Diary; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 QK-QO; Neapolitan Cavalry 1807-1815 part l; 15 cm schweres Infantriegeschutz field gun; Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 part 8; Paris Air Show; Long-nosed Thunderbolt - XP-47H conversion (3v drwg + 1 sketch); Indian Cavalryman of 1914; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.19 No.1 September 1977
Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Rail Review; Workhorses of World War One - British A type lorries; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 QO-QW; Sukhoi Su-7 scratch-build (5v scale drwg + 3 sketches); Murat's Kingdom - Neapolitan uniforms part 2; Photo Page - armour only; MAFVA Showtime; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 24 - Enter the Rotary Wing (3 tone drwgs of Rotachute III & 2v drwg of Hafner PD6); Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 part 9; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; News for Wargamers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.19 No.2 October 1977
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Finningley Flypast; Spithead review; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 Scots Greys 1815-1820; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 QX-8Q; Wheels of the RAF part 1 - Introduction; Rail Review; Whirlwind - WW2 fighter (3v tone drwg); Duxford military vehicle rally; Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 part 9; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 25 - target towing (no drwgs); The day of the Scorpion - Scorpion AFV family; First of the 'Counties' - HMS Suffolk; New Kits and Models; News for Wargamers; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.19 No.3 November 1977
Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 RA-RF; Wheels of the RAF part 2 - RFC MT; BMSS Inter-Branch 1977; Japanese Self-Defence Force AFVs; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 26 - providing target facilities (no drwgs); Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 part 10; Lewis Machine Gun; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 1st Dragoon Guards 1890; Bi-Centennial F-111E (tone 3v drwg + 3 sketches); Rail Review; Lynx navy helicopter (no drwg); New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.19 No.4 December 1977
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Jaguar Jamboree - RAF Jaguars close-up; Skink AA Tank conversion; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 RG-RO; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 3rd Light Dragoons 1832; Trip in a TriStar (2 tone profiles); Wheels of the RAF part 3 - RNAS and the early AFVs; Rail Review; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 27 - Providing target facilities continued (no drwgs); To honour the Queen - Hercules in Finningley flypast; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.19 No.5 January 1978
News from Airfix; Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Wheels of the RAF part 4 - MT and the Commonwealth Air Forces 1915-1919; Rail Review; Bugatti 35B photo feature; Napoleonic Campaigning; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 RP-RT; Model 56 Pack Howitzer; German Phantoms - Luftwaffe F-4F & RF-E use (unit badges + 2 tone profiles); British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 The Rifle Brigade c1833; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 28 - The ideal target towing aeroplane (no drwgs); Franco-Prussian War 1870-71 part 12(sic); Lancashire Fusilier circa 1900; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.19 No.6 February 1978
New from Airfix - Jungle Outpost, Focke-Wulf Fw-190F-8, Golden Hind; Air, land and sea; Northern Militaire; Marine Corps small arms; Army Air colours, 1937 - 1945, Part 29 - Ideal target towing aeroplane, Part 2 - scale drawing, four tone profile; Rail review; Wheels of the RAF, Part 5 - Formative years; Steam gun boats - scale drawing; Nieuport enigmas; Franco - Prussian War - modelling figures; British Army uniforms, 1660 - 1900 - 12th or East Suffilk Regiment, c. 1846; Squadron codes and colours, 1939 - 56 - RT - SD; New kits and models; New books; Reader's letters.
Vol.19 No.7 March 1978
Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; IPMS champions; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 SE-SK; Wheels of the RAF part 6 - The Crossleys; Rail Review; 7th US Cavalry part 1; Calculated Modelling - scale sizes from photos; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 The 92nd Highlanders c1847; HMS Tiger kit conversions by I.M. Fleming; Danish Hussar 1813; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 30 - An eye for the guns - The Auster Story (no drwgs); Jubilee Colours - aircraft markings review; Photo Page - Bf 109G-6; Model Engineer Exhibition 1978; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.19 No.8 April 1978
Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics (including RAF between the wars photos); '58 Pattern Webbing; Armoured Warfare in the Far East part 1; Corporal of the Ross-shire Buffs; Rail Review; FV 180 combat engineer vehicle; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 SL-SS; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 31 - Auster development and use in the Med. (no drwgs); 7th US Cavalry part 2; "HMS Ulysses and all that" (conversion of HMS Ajax to Alastair McLean's fictional cruiser) by I.M. Fleming; Wheels of the RAF part 7 - The Leyland monopoly; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; News for Wargamers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.19 No.9 May 1978
Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Type 92 Japanese howitzer; Wheels of the RAF part 8 - Motorcycles; Fw 190A-8 part 1 (7 sketches); Magnetic MG - MG K3 Magnette racer; German Infantry Weapons - WW2 weapons; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 32 - Observation for victory (tone 4-view drwg); Armoured Warfare in the Far East part 2; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 19th Regiment of Foot 1852; Rail Review; 'Perth' Class DDGs; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 SS-9S; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.19 No.10 June 1978
News from Airfix - 1:8 Honda Road Racer, Dornier Do-17, English musketeer; Air, land and sea; Focke Wulf Fw-190A-8, Part 2 - four tone profiles; British Army uniforms, 1660 - 1900 - 74th Highland Regiment of Foot, 1850 - 1851; Wheels of the RAF, Part 9 - WWII camouflage and markings; Rail review; Napoleonic Wargames figures, Part 1; Hansa Brandenburg W.33 - scale drawings, four tone profile; Naval modelling - County Class cruisers scale drawings by I.M. Fleming; Army Air colours 1937 - 1945; Tunbridge Wells Wargames Day; Vehcile modelling - Karrier charabanc; Squadron codes and colours 1939 - 1956 - TA - T3; New kits and models; New books; Reader's letters; Nieuport notes
Vol.19 No.11 July 1978
Air, land and Sea - misc armed forces news & pics; Army-Air Colours 1937-45 part 34 - The last rounds (no drwgs); 2 pdr QF Mk VIII naval gun; Camofoliage - realistic foliage effects; Rail Review; Voodooo! - 81st TFW use (2 tone profiles, 3 tone fin and wingtip drwgs, 4 unit badges); Napoleonic Wargame Figures part 2; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 T4-UP; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 The Heavy Brigade at Balaclava 1854; Wheels of the RAF part 10 - WW2 Type Number Markings; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.19 No.12 August 1978
Air Land and Sea - Bassingbourn Anglo American Air Festival, Biggin Hill Air Fair, B-25's over Gloucestershire, Thruxton War Day; Royal Navy, Coastal Forces part 1; Napoleonic Wargames Figures part 3-the British; JUMBO! Modelling the M4A3E2 Sherman in 1:76 scale; Wheels of the RAF Part 11 - World War 2 theatres and campaigns; Rail Review, girder bridge conversions; Russian Flying Colours Part 1 - British Influence; Fiat G.91T conversion (1/72 plans); Japanese small arms; Royal Marine Corps Grenadier; Squadron Codes and Colours 1939-56 UP to UV; New Kits and Models - reviews section: ESCI military vehicles, Italerei figures, Matchbox militaria, Heller figures, Heller Saab J 29, Tamiya Crocodile, ESCI Hs 129, ESCI Hs 123, Hornby Diesel Loco; Book reviews - the Mosquito Manual, Komet the Me 163, Soviet Aircraft of Today, The RAF a pictorial history, The Observers Book Of Aircraft, Janes Pocket Book 20 Helicopters, Janes Pocket Book 2 Major Combat Aircraft, Aircraft Museums Directory, Hitler's Germanic Legions, Military Flags of the World 1618-1900, After The Battle No 20; Letters to the editor
Vol.20 No.1 September 1978
News from Airfix; TAC Air '78 - TAM 1978 at Wildenrath; Royal Navy Coastal Forces part 2; Napoleonic Wargame Figures part 4; Wheels of the RAF part 12 - The postwar scene; Duxford - air display photos; British Army Uniforms 1660-1900 The Royal Artillery in Crimea; Luftwaffe Lysander - Henschel Hs 126 (7 sketches); Aldershot - Army Equipment Exhibition; Russian flying colours 1911-1920 part 2 - the aircraft go to war (4 national markings drwgs); Thunderchief - F-105 in Europe (3 tone profiles); The 'Thuds' Return - AFRes F-105s visit Sculthorpe; Rail Review; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 UW-9U; New Kits and Models; Books for Modellers; Letters to the Editor
Vol.20 No.2 October 1978
News from Airfix - CMP artillery tractor and Whirlwind helicopter among new releases; 'Queen Elizabeth' class battleships - conversion ideas from the Airfix Warspite kit by Ian Fleming; Puzzle Corner - A little conversion competition to test your wits; Model Soldier Course - First of a new series on plastic figure construction by Roy Dilley; Squadron Codes and Colours 1939-1956 VA-2V described by Michael J. F. Bowyer and John D. R. Rawlings; Military DC-10 - KC-1OA details and drawings for conversion fans (3-view drg); Build this model shipyard - an ideal 'industry' for model rail layouts or dioramas by Michael Andress; Wheels of the RAF Part 13 - tanker vehicles and their markings by Bruce Robertson; Royal Naval Coastal Forces Part 3 - the Vosper Type 2, by John Lambert; Barracuda Mk V Conversion - project for all naval aircraft enthusiasts by Alan Butler; Roof over Britain - How the AA gun sites were laid out, plus 3.7-inch AA gun drawings and models by John Sandars; Which Signals? - A Look at the best in signal kits for British Model Railways by Michael Andress; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models Reviewed; Bookshop - New publications of interest to modellers; Mailbox - Letters to the editor from our readers; Classified Advertisements - bargains in small ads
Vol.20 No.3 November 1978
News from Airfix - Westland Whirlwind, USS Forrestal; 54 mm British infantry, 1939 - 45, Multiple train control system, Orion 2001 Spacecraft; Aircraft modelling - Tank Ta-152H in 1:32 - scale plans; Wheels of the RAF, Part 14 - Trailers for airfield and recovery use; Napoleonic Wargames Figures - Baden infantry, 1805 0 14; Russian Flying Colours, Part 3 - Farmans and Voisins; Railway modelling - main line station; Military modelling - Model soldier course; New books; Royal Naval coastal forces - post war developments - scale drawings; Squadron codes and colours, 1939 - 1956 - WA - 9W; Foden family - low and medium mobility trucks; Aircraft modelling - de Havilland Tiger Moth - scale drawings, four tone profiles; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.20 No.4 December 1978
The Military Landrover - Nearly 30 Years Of Service Recalled by John Reed; Wheels of the RAF Part 15 - the Ford Model T and the Hucks Starter by Bruce Robertson; Modelling the Fairey P4/34 - Take One Me 110 Kit and Transform It with Alan Butler (1/72 scale 3-view line drgs); Napoleonic Wargames Figures - Minor German States described by Terence Wise; Any Old Iron? - A Railway Scrap Yard Makes A Compact Lineside Industry by Michael Andress; Farnborough '78 - A Look At Significant Exhibits By Peter Guiver; Model Soldier Course - Simple Figure Painting By Roy Dilley; 192 Windsor Carrier - Intricate But Interesting Conversion By M. W. Starmer; Twin Conversion: Spitfire / Seafire - Choice of Two Similar Projects by K. Northmore; Napoleonics to Normans - Interesting 54 mm Figure Conversions by Chris Gravett (1/72 2-view scale line drgs); Squadron Codes and Colours 1939-1956 XA-2X described by Michael J. F. Bowyer and John D. R. Rawlings; Bookshelf - New Publications of Interest to Modellers; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models Reviewed; News from Airfix - Stutz Bearcat and Stuka Released; Mailbox - Letters To the Editor from Our Readers
Vol.20 No.5 January 1979
Modelling the Bison - concrete armoured vehicles; Whirlwind Memories - WW2 fighter (3 drwgs); Make a Lockheed 14 (4 1:72 scale drwgs); Make a diesel depot - railway building; Wheels of the RAF part 16 - Standard AFVs between the wars; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 YA-Y3; Ark's Angels - HMS Ark Royal air group 1978; British Infantry 1939-45 - infantry small arms; Roy Dilley's Model Soldier Course; The later 'Manxman' - warship; Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; News from Airfix; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor
Vol.20 No.6 February 1979
News from Airfix; Messerschmitt 109 Miscellany - improving Bf 109 kits; Battle of Britain Museum, Hendon; Napoleonic Wargame Figures part ?; Iwo Jima - figure diorama; Modelling African Railways; Wheels of the RAF part 17 - Basic signals vehicles; Saviem-Berliet Trucks; Squadron Codes and colours 1939-1956 ZA-ZP; Russian flying colours 1911-1920 part 4 - Moranes, training and fighting (13 small tone drwgs); Armoured Model T - Ford car conversion; Tiger Moths Abroad (9 tone profiles); The Prussian Army 1808-1815 part 1; Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Photopage; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor
Vol.20 No.7 March 1979
Royal Air Force Jaguars part 1 - 226 OCU (4 tone profiles); Post-war Tigers - UK Tiger Moths since 1945 (11 tone profiles + 2 tone plan views); Wheels of the RAF part 18 - Cranes and lifting vehicles; Green Goddess - fire engine; A Yard in a Yard - railway layouts; Roy Dilley's Model Soldier Course; Pugs with a difference - loco conversion; Russian flying colours 1911-1920 part 5 - Captive aircraft and Nieuports (3 tone drwgs); Royal Navy Fast Minelayers by I.M. Fleming; Make a camouflaged Jet Provost 4 (4-view tone drwg); Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; Photopage; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor
Vol.20 No.8 April 1979
News From Airfix; Airfix Multiple Train Control; Royal Air Force Jaguars Part 2 aircraft and markings of RAF Coltishall; Volvo and Stonefield cross-country vehicles; The Prussian Army 1808-1815, uniforms in detail part 2; Russian Flying Colours Part 6 the later Nieuport's; Make a Ram Kangaroo, armour conversion information; USAF Europe Squadron Codes, a short series identifying all codes and units, Part 1; A Yard in a Yard, a tiny OO/HO rail layout with big possibilities - part 2; Military Ford Model T, conversion projects for the 1:32 Airfix Model T kit; Napoleonic Wargames Figures, modelling troops of Holland, Italy, Naples and Poland; Wheels of the RAF, Part 19 - fire/crash vehicles; Model Soldier Course, Part 1 on making larger group settings for diorama's; Bookshelf - book reviews; Hobbyshop - new kits and models reviewed, including Railways, mine loader & Piko DR class OI 4-2-6, Breyer Stablemates 54mm scale horses, Mackenzie Kardsmen, 54mm scale 'flat' figures, Revell Foxbat, visible Ford Engine, ESCI Dassault-Breguet Mirage F1C 1:48 scale, Heller 'La Belle Poule' 1:200 scale ship, Jack Kine Scenic Modelling set, Nova 1:72 scale Avro Vulcan B2, Airframe Martin-Baker MB.2 1:72 scale; Photopage; Mailbox
Vol.20 No.9 May 1979
News from Airfix; Hawker Henley in 1:72 scale (scale 2-view drwg + sketches); Make stone buildings this way; Russian flying colours 1911-1920 part 7 - The Emergent Nations (6 tone drwgs); Air Display Diary 1979; Bedford QL Portee/GS - truck conversion; Corps of Guides Cavalry - figure conversion; Making cast models from kits - assembling metal car kits; Ferris schemes - Ferris aircraft camouflage (12 tone profiles + 7 plan views); Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; Roy Dilley's Model Soldier Course; The Prussian Army 1808-1815 part 3; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor
Vol.20 No.10 June 1979
News from Airfix - Focke Wulf Fw-190D, GWR Conflat, Supermarine Spitfire Mk I; Spitfire memories - Spitfire Mk I - markings summary, four tone profiles; Railway modelling - Royal Scot revisited; Napoleonic Wargames Figures - Spanish and Portuguese troops; USAF Europe squadron codes; RAF Squadron Codes, 1939 - 1956 - YS - 9Y; Military modelling - Model soldier course; Early mechanised manoeuvres - British armour between the wars; Photopage; Royal Air Force Jaguars, Part 3 - RAF Germany Strike Wing; Wheels of the RAF, Part 20 - Ambulances; Railway modelling - Yard in a yard, Part 3; New books; Planning a diorama; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.20 No.11 July 1979
News from Airfix; A True Marine - multipose US Marine figures; SS-type airship in 1:72 (4 pages scale drwgs + sketches); Low relief structures - buildings for layouts; The Prussian Army 1808-1815 part 4; USAF Europe Squadron Codes part 3; Try epoxy resin tanks - resin AFV kits; Hawker Hurricane memories (7 tone profiles); British AFV markings between the wars; Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; A scrapyard for your railway layout; Russian flying colours 1911-1920 part 8 - Spads and Sikorskys (8 tone drwgs); Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor
Vol.20 No.12 August 1979
News from Airfix; Two for beginners - 2 figure conversions; British Fortifications 1940 part 1; Oil storage - feature for railway layout; The Prussian Army 1808-1815 part 5; Tank recovery in the 1930s; Make an Aussie Bird Dog - O-1 conversion (2 tone profiles + plan view) + Australian Army pictorial; Soviet infantry small arms 1941-45; Spitfire parade (4 col profiles of Spitfire Mk I); The Gloster F.5/34 in 1:72 scale (scale 3-view drwg); The Royal Air Force 63ft High Speed Launch; Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; Russian flying colours 1911-1920 part 8(sic) - Mainly Sopwiths (4 tone drwgs); Roy Dilley's Model Soldier Course; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor; PS - Editor's notebook
Vol.21 No.1 September 1979
News from Airfix; The Cougar File - F9F (2 3-view drawings); Update the 'Forrestal'; British Fortifications 1940 part 2; The T-50 infantry tank; Modelling the Sea Harrier - Harrier conversion (profile drwg + small 3-view drwg); Russian flying colours 1911-1920 part 9 - The Revolution period (4 tone profiles); Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; Roy Dilley's Model Soldier Course; Napoleonic Wargame Figures part ?; Wheels of the RAF part 21 - Aircraft Tractors; British Army Trucks and Infantry vehicles of the 1930s; Uniform details for the Airfix Skinner's Horse; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor; PS - Editor's notebook
Vol.21 No.2 October 1979
Making cast models from kits - assembling a metal traction engine kit; The De Havilland Chipmunk (7 tone profiles + 2 plan views); The Prussian Army 1808-1815 part 6; The uniform of 1st Skinner's Horse 1895-1914; Mustang Memories - P-51Bs in the UK (no drwgs); Back Projection photography; Napoleonic Wargame Figures part 10; Moving Day - moving house with your models; SS-type Airship Addenda; XM-1 - US Army battle tank; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor; PS - Editor's notebook
Vol.21 No.3 November 1979
News from Airfix;BAC One-Eleven (2 3-view drwgs + 3 sketches); Modelling fairground transport; The RAAF Mustags (3 tone profiles); Building the Airfix model RAF High Speed Launch; British Army Artillery vehicles between the wars; Four from the Desert war - 4 figure conversions; Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; British Fortifications 1940 part 3; To war on motor skis - Soviet Aerosan snow vehicles; Saab's latest Viggen - JA37 (no drwgs); Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor; PS - Editor's notebook
Vol.21 No.4 December 1979
Royal Navy 'A' to 'I' class destroyers by I.M. Fleming; Chipmunk footnote - airframe lettering (tone 3-view + instrument panels); Napoleonic Wargame Figures part 11; Wheels of the RAF part 22 - Trolleys; MB3 in 1:72 scale - Martin Baker MB3 (3-view scale drwg); Elite Company Corporal - 2nd Hussars 1813; Lancaster in colour (2 col profiles); Thirty years of Canberras part 1: Early marks (no drwgs); Rolls-Royce Cargo truck; Scammell Lorries; Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Photopage; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor; PS - Editor's notebook

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Airfix Magazine

Contents Listing 1980-1989

Vol.21 No.5 January 1980
News from Airfix; Bulwark's New Air Group - visit to HMS Bulwark; British officers, 2nd Madras Lancers 1886-1914; US Army Europe 1941-45 uniforms part 1; Hawks for the Red Arrows (1:72 smoke pod drawings); Thirty years of Canberras part 2: Conversion variants (no drwgs); Russian flying colours 1911-20 part 11 - later Soviets (no drwgs); Liberators on parade - the B-24 (3 col profiles); Photopage - A-10 in close-up; Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; From 'Forrestal' to USS 'Enterprise'; Modelling the Avro Manchester (1:144 scale partial 2-view drwg, 3 profile drwgs, 1:72 scale partial 2-view drwg); Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor; PS - Editor's notebook
Vol.21 No.6 February 1980
US Army Europe 1941-45 uniforms part 2; Thirty years of Canberras part 3: Overseas orders and production (no drwgs); Modelling the Avon Sabre (2-view drwg); German Half-track conversion - KMm 8; Roy Dilley's Model Soldier Course part 6; Russian flying colours 1911-20 part 12 - Airships and Naval Aircraft (1 tone profile); Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; The 3.7 story - British AA gun; MGB 43 boat; Photopage - Canberra; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Airfix's new 1:48 Bf 109F; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor
Vol.21 No.7 March 1980
Making a model air display; US Army Europe 1941-45 uniforms part 3; The Prussian Army 1808-1815 part 7; British officers, Corps of Guides Cavalry 1880 - uniforms; Brown Bess - musket; Hurricane Markings 1940-43 (8 tone profiles); Make a Maultier half-track - Opel Blitz conversion; Wheels of the RAF part 23 - Bridge Classification Markings; Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; The German Flying Bombs (4 side view drwgs); News from Airfix; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor
Vol.21 No.8 April 1980
The Flak 2 cm story; F-15 Eagle (no drwgs); Indian Army Headress; Make an Exocet Leander - warship conversion; Two for beginners - two simple 54 mm figure conversions; British soft skins between the wars - vehicles; B-29s on parade (3 col profiles); Conversation piece - 1:12 scale figure conversion; Hurricane in close-up (1 profile drwg); Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; Russian flying colours 1911-20 part 13 - Red, White and RAF (2 tone profiles); All About Big Rigs - American trucks; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor
Vol.21 No.9 May 1980
Modelling the RAE Hercules W.2 (scale drwgs); US Army Uniforms 1941-1945; Cross-kitting Sherman Tank Models; Battle of Britain Diorama; Grenadier Conversions - 54 mm figure; RAF High Speed Launch; Cast Your Own Army! - making solider figures; American Special Duty Vehicles; Royal Air Force Thunderbolts part 1 - the P-47 in RAF service; Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor
Vol.21 No.10 June 1980
News from Airfix; Rendezvous with a Thunderbolt - A-10 air tanking mission (camouflage scheme 5-view drwg); Wheels of the RAF part 24 - Cars; HMS Invincible; Building a 1:72 Bisley - Blenheim conversion (3 sketches); Fleet Air Arm of the 80s; British Phantoms part 1 (6 tone profiles); The Ship that does it all! - visit to USS Saipan; Royal Air Force Thunderbolts part 2 - SEAC service (4 tone profiles); Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Airfix's new 1:48 Hurricane; Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; Photopage; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor
Vol.21 No.11 July 1980
News from Airfix; Battle of Britain 1980 - Exercise 'Elder Forest 80'; Modelling the MB5 - Martin Baker fighter (3-view drwg); Thirty years of Canberras part 5: Camouflage and Markings (5 tone profiles + 4 fin and 2 nose drwgs); Front-line Sea Harriers - 800 Sqn; British Phantoms part 2 - RAF Germany (8 tone profiles); Sowar of the 7th Light Cavalry, circa 1922; The Royal Hussars' Museum; Royal Air Force Thunderbolts part 3 - SEAC finale (2 tone 3-view drwgs); Hobbyshop - New Kits and Models; Bookshelf - Books for Modellers; Mailbox - Letters to the Editor
Vol.21 No.12 August 1980
Editor's Notebook - 20th anniversary of Airfix Magazine; The Workhorse - 18 pdr field gun; Hercules C3 - C-130K conversion (5 drwgs); Workshop - a place to work; Pink Pups! - Sopwith Pup (3-view tone drwg); Close up on the Mirage F1 - detail photos; The Legendary Fury - biplane fighter; Munich Crisis Fury - enhancing the Airfix 1:48 kit; American Lightweights - US trucks; Up in Smoke...Rothmans Style - display team; New Books; New Models; Post Box
Vol.22 No.1 September 1980
Editor's Notebook; Workshop - the tool kit; Build this 63ft Motor Anti-Submarine Boat; The Workhorse - 18 pdr field gun: part 2; Wheels of the RAF part 25 - Special Purpose Vehicles; Hurricane Modelling (cutaway drwg, internal detail sketches, 1 tone profile, 4 side view line drwgs); Three simple Hurricane models you can build; American Medium Duty and Light-heavyweights - US trucks; Get started on Truck Conversions; New Books; New Models; Post Box
Vol.22 No.2 October 1980
Editor's Notebook; Airfix News; The New Valiant - Vickers tank; RAF Phantoms (sic) part 3 - RAF Coningsby (6 tone profiles); Royal Air Force Thunderbolts part 4 (no drwgs); Royal Marines Officer, 1823; Spanish Cruisers, Baleares and Canarias - Spanish warships by I.M. Fleming; Big scale Roman Legionary; Workshop - stretching sprue; New Models; Three simple Hurricane models you can build; New Books; Index to Volume 21; Post Box
Vol.22 No.3 November 1980
Editor's Notebook; Airfix News; Bismark to Tirpitz; Jupiter Fighter - Bristol Fighter conversion; Farnborough International '80; Workshop - steam forming; 14th-Century Archer in 1:12 scale; RAF Phantoms (sic) part 4 - Air Defence Squadrons (6 tone profiles); Modelling the Dart Dakota (3 tone profiles); New Books; Modelling a Jeep and an Ambulance Jeep; Hints & Tips; Royal Air Force Thunderbolts part 5 (4 tone profiles); The Self-Propelled Bofors Anti-Aircraft Gun; Canberra TT18 Postscript - 2 sketches; New Models; Playing with a Porsche - Rally car conversion; Post Box
Vol.22 No.4 December 1980
Editor's Notebook; Airfix News; Tactical Air Meet Eight Zero (TAM 80); US Army Airborne Forces Part 1: Uniforms; Royal Air Force Thunderbolts part 6 (1 tone 3-view drwg); A Diamond 'T' Heavy Breakdown Truck; Post-War RAF Flying Clothing; The Morris Commercial 6 x 4 Pre-war series; Combat Colours No.1 The Bristol Scout (5 tone profiles); Modelling The Bristol Scout (1:72 scale 3-view); New Books; Workshop - plastic card; In Focus - three photos; Hints & Tips; New Models; Post Box
Vol.22 No.5 January 1981
Editor's Notebook; Airfix News; Australian Army Kiowa (14 sketches + 4 tone profiles); Royal Air Force Thunderbolts part 7 (1 tone 3-view drwg); Opel Blitz Conversions; From Rifleman to Montagnard - figure conversion; RAF Phantoms (sic) part 5 - Air Defence Squadrons cont'd (4 tone profiles); Combat Colours No.2 The Sopwith Pup (5 tone profiles); Modelling a Whitehead Pup - simple Sopwith Pup conversion (1 sketch); New Books; 'Atlanta' class cruiser - US warships; The Navy Lynx - Westland Lynx colour details; New Models; Workshop - embossed plastic card; Post Box
Vol.22 No.6 February 1981
Editor's Notebook; Combat Colours No.3 ? (? tone profiles); US Army Airborne Forces; Carabinier Trumpeter - 54 mm figure; Fire Department Chevy Rescue Truck; J, K and N class Destroyers - warships by I.M. Fleming; Focus on Phantoms - photo feature; British Armoured Cars at War part 1; Royal Air Force Thunderbolts part 8 (? drwg); More on that Diamond 'T' Wrecker - vehicles; The 17 pdr - A Modellers' Guide; Building the Airfix 17 pdr; New Books; New Models; Post Box
Vol.22 No.7 March 1981
Editor's Notebook; Build a Miles Master II (2 side view drwgs); The Jolly Green Giant - story of the CH-53; German Half-tracks, British Colours - captured vehicles; Boomerangs of the RAAF - modelling the Commonwealth Boomerang (6 sketches + 8 tone profiles + plan view); New Books; The L & M Class Destroyers - warships by I.M. Fleming; Focus on the Morris D Type/30 cwt 6x4 Pre War Series - military vehicles; Close-Up on the Lysander - detail photos; The Hagglund BV 206 All-Terrain Carrier - Swedish tracked vehicle; New Models; Post Box
Vol.22 No.8 April 1981
Editor's Notebook; Airfix News; Simple Banshee Conversions - F2H Banshee (no drwgs); Operation Plain Fare - diorama ideas; Royal Air Force Thunderbolts part 9 (1 tone profile + 1 tone 3-view drwg); HMS Invincible 1925 - warship; Close-Up on the Fw 190 - detail photos; New Books; Combat Colours No.4 The Sopwith Triplane (5 tone profiles); Modelling The Sopwith Triplane (no drwgs); Exhibitions and Events; Build a 'B' Type Lorry; Workshop - airbrushes; New Models; M47 in 1:35 scale by Italaerei - building the tank kit; Post Box
Vol.22 No.9 May 1981
Editor's Notebook; Airfix News; From EIII to EIV - a simple Fokker conversions (no drwgs); British Armoured Cars at War part 2; New Books; Soldiers of the Seven Years War; Combat Colours No.5 The Avro 504K (6 tone profiles); Build the Avro 504K Night Fighter (1 side view drwg); Air Display Diary; New look at an old Sherman - improving the Airfix tank kit; 'Discovery' of the Antarctic - modelling Captain Scott's ship part 1 by I.M. Fleming; New Models; Canberra - The Old Lady Who Still Has Teeth! Modelling the RAAFs Canberra (5 1:144 scale tone 3-view drwgs); Post Box; Photographing Your Models; Workshop - Airbrushing part 2
Vol.22 No.10 June 1981
Lancaster ASRIII (2 pages sketches + 3 tone profiles + 1 plan view); New Books; Mulberry Harbour part 1; Combat Colours No.5(sic) The SE5a (5 tone profiles); 'Discovery' of the Antarctic - modelling Captain Scott's ship part 2 by I.M. Fleming; Commando V-150 - US armoured car; Modelling the SE5a (no drwgs); Soldiers of the Seven Years War - cont'd; Royal Air Force Thunderbolts part 10 (2 tone profile drwg); Make a Working Amphibious Jeep; New Models; Air Display Diary; Post Box
Vol.22 No.11 July 1981
Editor's Notebook; Crimean War Conversions; Yesterday's Sportsplanes - photo feature; Zuk, Nysa, Tarren, Star and Jelcz - Polish commercial vehicles; Focus on Phantoms - USAF 186th TRG RF-4E Phantoms photo feature; Phantoms go grey - RAF Phantom markings (2 tone profiles); Officers of Madras Cavalry 1846; Combat Colours No.7 The DH2 (5 tone profiles); Modelling the DH2 (no drwgs); Morris Commercial 6 x 4 Touring And Saloon Command Cars; Mulberry Harbour part 2; Spanish Messerschmitt - modelling the HA-1112-M1L (sketches + 3-view drwg); The Modern Submarine Service; Sikorsky CH-53E Super Sea Stallion (1:72 scale 3-view drwg); New Models; The German 7.5 cm Light Infantry Gun; Airfix Fw 190A; Post Box; New Books
Vol.22 No.12 August 1981
Editor's Notebook; Airfix News; Mulberry Harbour part 3; The Modern Submarine Service part 2; Kite Balloons and the Balloon Service - vehicles used; The SAS at Prince's Gate - 54 mm figure; British Armoured Cars at War part 3; USS Prinz Eugen; Modelling the Beagle Pup (4-view scale drwg); The Lavochkin Fighters - La-5 to La-11 (16 tone profiles); From La 5 to La 7 - simple conversion; Focus on the Morris D Type/30 cwt 6 x 4 Pre War Series; New Books; New Models; Post Box; Index to Volume 22
Vol.23 No.1 September 1981
Editor's Notebook - Comments and News; RAF Thunderbolts - Geoff Thomas Completes the History of the P-47 in the RAF (2 tone side views); Bookends - Suggestions for Small Kits by Michael Andress; The Modern Submarine Service: Part 3 - A Look at Wargaming by Andrew Ambrose; Six-ton Trucks - Details and Specifications of These Military Vehicles by Mike Conniford; Tropical Uniforms - Peter Redman Begins A New Series; A Roman Legionary Modelled in DAS - How to Scratch Build A Model Soldier by Mike French; Combat Colours: The Bristol Monoplane - Peler Cooksley gives Details and Colour Schemes (2 tone side views); Modelling the Bristol Monoplane - Chris Ellis shows how it's done (1/72 scale 3-view line drg); The 17 pdr in Action - A Personal Photographic Account of This Gun by Des Reed; The Matilda Canal Defence Light Tank - Conversion Details Given By Fred Wrigley; Mulberry Harbour: Part 4 - Geoff Futter Continues His Story With The 'Gooseberry' Breakwaters; New Books - Latest Publications of Interest to Modellers; Making A Moose - the Yakovlev Yak-11 is an easy conversion from the Airfix Yak-9D, an Interesting Conversion Described by Alan Laird (1/72 scale 3-view line drg); Aviation Index Our Year by Year Reference: 1960; Modelling the Spitfire PR MkX - Paul Adams Sets To Work on the Model (1/72 scale line drgs with scrap views); New Models - Recent Kits And Products Reviewed; Post Box - Letters and Ideas from Readers (1/144 scale line drg of Bristol type 89A Jupiter trainer); Hints and Tips - Useful Information for Modelling
Vol.23 No.2 October 1981
Editors Notebook - Canadian Tracker; Tropical Uniform part two: 'The Desert War'; Combat Colours No.8 The Bristol F-2B; The Aircraft of Scott Air Base, USAF Types and Colour Schemes; The Flamethrower Story, The Flame Weapons of World War II; Phantom in the RAAF, 1:32 scale Revell kit; British Armoured Cars at War, The First Fifty Years Part 4 - the guardian and empire (1919-1939); Modelling The Bristol Fighter, an easy one in 1:72 scale, Airfix kit build; Aviation Index 2 - aviation articles from 1961; The Modern Submarine Service part 4; Royal Air Force Harrier Squadron Markings, photo's and profiles; Reviews section; Post Box - Jungmeister correction, 1940 mobile airfield radar (France), Ship recognition, Legion Condor
Vol.23 No.3 November 1981
Editor's Notebook - Comments and news; The 1934 Melbourne Air Race - Christine Lake tells the story of an epic event; Bulldogs Extraordinary - The famous Bristol Bulldog, complete with some Colour Schemes, by Peter Cooksley (1/48 scale 2 tone side views with scrap views of wing markings); Tropical Uniforms - Peter Redman continues his recollections; Mulberry Harbour Part 5 - the 'Phoenix' Breakwaters: Geoff Fufter Carries on with his detailed history; HMS 'Hood' 1920 - M.W. Williams with a detailed 1:600 scale conversion project; RAF Harrier Squadron Markings Part 2 - the RAF Germany Harrier Wing: The survey completed by S.J. Hazell (2-tone side view drgs with scrap views of squadron emblems); Modelling Wire Wheels - Enhance your model cars using this technique; Combat Colours No 9 - The Albatros DIII, Peter Cooksley starts on the German aircraft (2-tone side view drgs with scrap views of a/c insignia); Modelling the Albatros DIII in 1:72 scale - Late production machine converted by Chris Ellis; Aviation Index - All-Time guide by Phil Hunt reaches 1962; The Vikings - Tony Little looks at their ships with wargamers in mind; New Books - Latest publications of interest to modellers; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers; New Models - Latest kits and models reviewed
Vol.23 No.4 December 1981
Editor's Notebook; Airfix News; British Armoured Cars at War part 5; Flying Fire Engines - California fire bombers pictorial; Rolls Royce Armoured Car Models; The Flamethrower Story part 2; HMS Hood 1931; The Ilyushin Il-28 'Beagle' - (18 tone profiles); From Beagle to Macot - Il-28 trainer conversion (1 side view drwg); New Books; CVR(T) Family - Spartan, Scimitar etc; Scorpion Strikes Again - conversion to Striker; The Seventh Regiment - American Civil War; Post Box; New Models
Vol.23 No.5 January 1982
Editor's Notebook - Comments and news; Mulberry Harbour Part 6: the Phoenix breakwaters continued - Geoff Futter continues with the detailed history; The Marchwood Depot - John Reed describes the British Army's fine port facility; Modelling the Pfalz D.III - Chris Ellis modifies the Veeday model; Combat Colours No 13: The Pfalz D.III - Classic German aircraft described by Peter Cooksley (2 tone side views); Northern Militaire 1981 - Outstanding models at this event described by Brian Monaghan; HMS 'Hood' 1941 - M. W. Williams describes the ship as she might have been after 1941; Hong Kong Colours - Current aircraft and equipment at Hong Kong, by Paul Beaver; Cats and Cathedrals - I.M. Fleming looks at some Airfix frigate conversions; Aviation Index 4 - aviation articles from 1963, All time guide by Phil Hunt; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers; Modelling With Plastic Figures part 1: Types of plastic - First of a new series by Roy Dilley; New Books - Recent publications of interest to modellers; New Models - Recent kits and models reviewed
Vol.23 No.6 February 1982
Editor's Notebook - Comments and notes; Petlyakov's Masterpiece: The Pe-2 - detailed story and illustrations by Peter Cooksley (2 tone side views); Modelling the Pe-2 - Chris Ellis Converts the Airfix kit to the trainer version (1:72 scale 2 tone side views); Pounding Away! Terry Gander tells the story of the British 60pdr gun; Veterans at Las Vegas - Ford elderly Trimotors by Peter F Guiver; Resin - A look at recent resin-moulded military kits by Les Freathy; Mulberry Harbour Part 7: the 'Whale' pierheads and floating roadways - Geoff Futter continues his detailed coverage; Scalextric and Slot Racing - Christine Lake takes a look at the current slot racing scene; Officer 1st Foot 1739 - Conversion for 54mm scale modellers; Torpedo Bomber Colours Part 1: The Torpedo - Bruce Robertson starts a new series; Post box - Letters and ideas from readers; Can a jerry be a merry? - There's more to jerricans than you may think Arthur North reports; New Books - Latest publications of interest to modellers; New Models - Recent kits and models reviewed
Vol.23 No.7 March 1982
Editor's Notebook - with a look at some 1982 new models; The DFW 'Mars' - The first German aeroplane to go to war by Harry Woodman (1/72 3-view scale line drg); Combat Colours No 14: the Fokker DVII - Peter Cooksley describes and draws this famous fighter (2 tone side views); Modelling the Fokker DVII - Working on the Revell Kit with Chris Ellis; Torpedo-Bomber Colours Part 2: the torpedo-carriers of World War 1 by Bruce Robertson; The G-H Lancasters - marking details by Peter Cooksley; Photopage - Aircraft in Thailand; Tornado Weapons conversion Unit formed; Mulberry Harbour Part 8 - Geoff Futter looks at the pierhead spud pontoons; The Bofors L40/70 L3 Gun - An account of this once widely used gun, by Charles Mackay; The Flamethrower Story Part 3: German, Russian and Japanese flamethrowing equipment - the final instalment in John Reed's series on flame weapons; Aviation Index 5 - All time guide by Phil Hunt Reaches 1964; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers; The Admiral Class 1919 - How to model a ship of the projected 'Admiral' class by M.W. Williams; New Models - Latest kits and models reviewed
Vol.23 No.8 April 1982
Editor's Notebook - Comments and notes; The Seventeenth Virginia - R.A. Warren describes a Confederate regiment; New Books - Latest publications of interest to modellers; Escort Service - A look at escorts for the Airfix Forrestal by Andrew Ambrose; Supermarine Spitfire - An examination of wing types and armament by Robert Humphries (line drgs of wing shapes); The Lewis Gun - An old favourite described by Peter Redman; The Miracle Drivers - Modelling the RAAF Mirage 111O And 111D Fighters in service by Gary Byk (2 tone side views); Bedford QLs in quantity - Conversions from the Airfix 1:76 scale kit by Mike Conniford; Showing Off - some notable aircraft and markings of 1981 by Peter Guiver; Torpedo Bomber Colours Part 3: the experimental Carriers of World War 1 - Bruce Robertson continues his interesting series; British Utilities - The main utility types of World War II by Les Freathy; Tent Pegging - R.H. Bartlett with an interesting military conversion; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers; New Models - Recent kits and models reviewed
Vol.23 No.9 May 1982
Editor's Notebook - News and comments; Display Diary 1982 - Summer events compiled by Peter Guiver; Young Eagle - Australia's Winjeel trainer described and modelled by Gary Byk (2 tone side and plan views); More Matadors to Make - Conversions from the Airfix kit by Mike Conniford; US Army Uniforms - The 1941 Pacific uniforms described by Lee Russell; Modelling With Plastic Figures - Roy Dilley suggests Household Cavalry conversions of 1815; Farewell to the Avro Vulcan - The Vulcan story told by Mike Taylor (3-view 2-tone drg); Torpedo-Bomber Colours Part 4: Decade of the Dart - Bruce Robertson continues with the inter-war period; British Battlecruisers - M.W. Williams starts a chronology of all RN battlecruisers; Scratch-Built Terrapin - Simple but interesting World War 2 amphibian by W.Cane; Polish Legions - R.A. Warren looks at the Polish troops in the Austrian Army 1914-17; New Books - latest publications of interest to modellers; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers; New Models - latest kits and models reviewed; Aviation Index 6 - aviation articles from 1965, Series continued by Phil Hunt
Vol.23 No.10 June 1982
Editor's Notebook - News and comments; Modelling the Albatros D.V from the Esci D.III kit - Chris Ellis Converts a D.III to a D.V; RASC Workshop Diorama - Modelling a workshop unit in 1:76 scale by J. R. Linsley; Marked for Life - Ian Huntley describes small markings on RAF aircraft in the 1920s and 1930s (scrap views showing a/c marking locations and size); Design Detail - the 6in 26cwt howitzer detailed by Terry Gander; Torpedo-Bomber Colours Part 5 - This month Bruce Robertson looks at the Ripon; Combat Colours No 15 - the Albatros D.V by Peter G Cooksley (2 tone side views); Japanese Infantry 1914 - R. A. Warren describes A uniform that has changed little over the years; British Battlecruisers Part 2: The Lion, Princes Royal, Queen Mary And tiger have their stories told by M.W. Williams; Squash Bomber - The Republic F-105 as described by Vic Carter; Search and Destroy - John Curran models in plasticine; Nery - A report on the battle by Peter Redman; New Books - Latest publications of interest to modellers; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers; New Models - Latest kits and models reviewed; Profile on the DH88 Comet - Useful details by V. W. Clarkson
Vol.23 No.11 July 1982
Editor's Notebook - Comments and Notes; Chipmunks in Berlin - two elderly Mk10s keep the British presence very visible report from Colin Tredwell; HMS Invincible - Modelling the Ship In 1:600 Scale by Andrew Ambrose; Combat Colours: The Tupolev Tu-2 - Peter Cooksley looks at the Bat (2 tone side views); Modelling the Tupolev Tu-2 - Details by Chris Ellis; Women Wanted - Christine Lake examines the role of Women in World War 1; Israeli M32 ARV - A Conversion Job by Tim Neate; Aviation Index 7 - aviation articles from 1966, Phil Hunt's guide continues; Mulberry Harbour Part 9 - Geoff Futter continues his fascinating series with a look at the LST pierhead; How to Scratch-Build A Maus - Don't miss W. J. Cane's step by step instructions; US Army Uniforms: Pacific 1941 - Detailed description of army clothing by Lee Russell; Torpedo-Bombers Part 6 - Renewal of the Baffin by Bruce Robertson; New Models - Recent kits and models reviewed; New Books - Latest publications of interest to modellers; Post Box - letters and ideas from readers
Vol.23 No.12 August 1982
Editor's Notebook - News and comments; Airfix News - Six new kits released and described; The Prussian Army - Don Fosten Describes Hussar uniform of Napoleonic days; Sabouter Trooper - Small but nimble assault vehicle, described by John Reed, and complete with scale drawings; Samurai Special - Plasticine modelling expert John Curran gives complete details for making a mounted figure try it yourself!; Tough Truck - John Reed describes the latest Scania with modellers in mind; More On Spitfires - D. Moss gives details for modelling the captured Luftwaffe test version with DB engine from a Bf 109 (small 2-tone side and plan view with scrap details); Index for Volume 23: The year's coverage compiled by Elizabeth Elliot; Torpedo Bomber Colours Part 7 - the Hawker Horsley, Bruce Robertson continues his series (2 tone side views); Tiny Russian - Complete details for modelling the Soviet T60 Tank By Tony Little, Make It In 1:76 Or 1:35; Introduction to Radio Control - First of a short series by Mike Purser which will concentrate on RC plastic models; New Books - Latest publications of interest to modellers; Combat Colours No 16 the Roland DII - Peter Cooksley continues his 1914-18 coverage (2 tone side views with scrap views of a/c insignia); New Models - Latest kits and models reviewed; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers; Airfix Modellers' Club - Interesting news for younger readers
Vol.24 No.1 September 1982
Editor's Notebook - News and comments; Torpedo-Bomber Colours Part 8 - Bruce Robertson continues his series with the Bi-plane Experimentals; Falklands Report - A look at the colours of British and Argentine planes used in the conflict, researched by Pete Cooksley (2 tone side views and scrap views of a/c insignia); New Books - Latest publications of interest to modellers; Mulberry Harbour Part 10 - The 'Whale' Floating Roadways By Geoffrey Futter; Radio Control For Models Part 2: Mike Purser makes the Tamiya XR3 11 and puts it through its paces in this introductory course; Fairey Seafox - Story of a famous spotter-plane by Bruce Robertson (2 tone side views); GKN Sankey AT105 - The new British troop carrier by Mike Conniford; British Battlecruisers Part 3: M. W. Williams examines the Renown and the Repulse; Herons in all Colours - Alan C. M. Laird gives an extensive selection of colour schemes for modellers (12 - 1:72 scale 2 tone side views); Instant SP guns - John Reed Describes Vickers' new howitzer; Making a Lloyd Carrier 1:76 scale model - A simple 1:76 conversion for AFV enthusiasts by W.J. Cane; Eye Of The Phoenix - Part 1 introduction: Geoff Thomas begins a new series on photographic reconnaissance in South East Asia Command; New Models - Latest kits and models reviewed; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers
Vol.24 No.2 October 1982
Editor's Notebook - News and Comments; Airfix News - Four new kits released and described; Modelling Plastic Figures - Roy Dilley makes an 8th Army Officer; Camera in Space - David Whenhan's photographic studies that are literally 'out of this world'!; Falkland Facts and Feats - A round up of equipment and events by Peter Cooksley; German Canberras - An interesting colour scheme of the Canberra Mk 2 by Simon Murdoch; New Books - Latest publications of interest to modellers; Panzer IV Ausf H - John Bishop converts the Airfix kit to a later model; South Atlantic Sea Harriers - Facts, diagrams and superb photographs from service in the Falklands; Torpedo Bomber Colours: Part 8 - Bruce Robinson continues his interesting series; The Blackburn Dart - Harry Woodman tells the story of this famous torpedo bomber; Italian Infantry 1914-1918 - R. A. Warren gives a detailed description of Italian uniform of this period; Roller Power - R. Wood describes and models a peculiar floating ship project of the late 19th century; New Models - Latest kits and models reviewed; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers
Vol.24 No.3 November 1982
Editor's Notebook - News and Comments; Merlin-engined Wimpey - Brian Monaghan Converts the Wellington Mk II from the Airfix kit (1:72 scrap views and small line drgs showing code positions); New Books - Latest publications of interest to modellers; Submarines - An in-depth illustrated article on the Alliance submarine museum at Gosport, by Andrew Ambrose; Farnborough '82 - Peter F. Guiver reports on this year's international air show; Eye of the Phoenix Part 2 - The SEAC photographic reconnaissance story continued by Geoff Thomas; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers; Churchill Carpet Layers - J. Cane makes two intricate 1:76 conversions from an Airfix Churchill tank; Torpedo Bomber Colours Part 10 - Bruce Robertson Continues his series with the Blackburn Shark (2 tone side views); USS Ohio - SSBN 726 - The ultimate weapons system by M. W. Williams; Combat Colours Part 17: The Pfalz DXII - this month (2 tone side views); Supporting Roles - Some of the latest UK defence industry equipment and vehicles considered by John Reed; Where's That Fire? - Jeff Brooksmith Models Modern Firemen; Sky Patrol - behind the scenes with the Automobile Association in flight; New Models - Latest kits and models reviewed
Vol.24 No.4 December 1982
Editor's Notebook; Police Helicopters - John Reed examines aerial law enforcement; Modelling The T44 In 1:76 Scale - John Burrows converts the Fujimi T-34/85 kit; The Home Guard - R. A. Warren describes and draws more uniforms; Torpedo Bomber Colours Part II - The Fairey built Swordfish by Bruce Robertson; Fort Riley and the Big Red One - The first instalment of John Reed's Visit; Sea Harriers Return - Harrier schemes aboard Invincible and after; Aviation Index Part 9 - aviation articles from 1968; HMS Saint George - A 1:700 scale conversion by M. W. Williams; Bristol Blenheim Mark V - Brian Monaghan converts the basic Airfix kit; Polish Cavalry In 1:35 scale - Tony Little makes an officer and lancer; Fighters for the Future - Aircraft for the 80s, by Richard Gardner; Food For Thought - Les Freathy's ideas for model mobile canteens; New Books; New Models; Post box; Aviation Photopage
Vol.24 No.5 January 1983
Editor's Notebook; Falklands Sea Kings - Richard Gardner updates our Falklands information; Aviation Index Part 10 - index to aviation articles from 1969; All Wound Up - Peter Redman investigates puttees; Eye of the Phoenix Part 3 - A further instalment in Geoff Thomas' SEAC series; Radio Control for Models Part 3 - Mike Purser makes the Airfix Crusader Mk III mobile; British Battlecruisers Part 4 - The 'Outrageous' class by M. W. Williams; Modelling a 4th century Persian foot soldier - Pete Loveday makes a conversion from various Multipose figures; Torpedo Bomber Colours Part 12 - The Fairey Albacore, by Bruce Robertson; Improving the Matador - Gordon Huntley upgrades the basic Airfix 1:76 scale kit; Penpals; Aviation Photopage; Louisiana Zouaves - R. A. Warren looks at American Civil War Uniforms; New Models; Post Box; New Books
Vol.24 No.6 February 1983
Editor's Notebook - Comments from the Editor; RAF Binbrook's Lightnings - Current units and colour schemes by Mike Taylor; New Books - Recent publications of interest to modellers; Israeli Centurion Tank- Tim Neate updates the Airfix model; Combat Colours: Fokker DVIII - Peter Cooksley's look at a 1918 fighter; True Colours - Geoff Thomas sorts out service colours for modellers; Mig-15 - In which we look at colour schemes and variants; HMS 'Hood' in later days - Conversion details by M. W. Williams; Workers' Combat Groups of East Germany - Rarely seen uniforms, drawn by R. A. Warren; The Fuehrer Transports - Modelling Hitler's Ju 52 and Fw 200, by Brian Monaghan; Canadian Sea King - Modelling and Detailing the CAF shipborne S-61; Polish Mountain Troops - Unusual World War 2 conversions; New Models - Reviews and news of recent kits and releases; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers
Vol.24 No.7 March 1983
Editor's Notebook - Comments from the Editor and 1983's new products; Airfix Sea King Conversion - S. Slater makes the HAS Mk 1, Mk 2 and Mk 2 AEW; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers; British Battlecruisers Part 5 - The last battlecruisers reviewed by M. W. Williams; Beginning Modelling - Suggestions for a basic tool kit; Building a Russian T26 Tank - Wood modelling in 1:32 scale, by Dennis J. Murphy; Men of the Crimea - H. M. Parkinson converts two Airfix figures; Falklands Air Power - Military Aviation in the South Atlantic surveyed by Richard Gardner; Eye of the Phoenix Part 4 - More on SEAC Photographic Reconnaissance, by Geoff Thomas; Fort Riley and Big Red One Part 2 - John Reed looks at Big Red One; Uniforms of the Spanish Civil War - The Air Force, studied by R. A. Warren; New Books - Recent publications of interest to modellers; New Models - Reviews and news of recent kits and releases; From Constellation to C-69
Vol.24 No.8 April 1983
Editor's Notebook - Comments from the Editor; Combat Colours Part 19: Peter Cooksley looks at the BE 2c; Modelling the BE 2 in 1:72 scale - S. W. Foster examines the possibilities; British Phantoms - Early days and Royal Navy service of this aircraft, by Steve Richards; A closer look at the Cadillac V-16 Town Car - Helen M. Jerome makes the Revell 1:16 model; Radio Control for Models Part 4 - Making Tracks with Mike Purser; Police File - R. S. Kidd's survey of the US Police forces; Equipment File - Photos of American Police equipment; Conversion of the Airfix Cessna 0-1E Bird Dog - S. Slater models the Siai Marchetti 1019; Battleship Life - On board the Rodney in the 1930s by M. W. Williams; Aviation Index 11 - aviation articles from 1970; New Kits 1983; Modelling the Daimler Mk I Armoured Car - Paul Adams converts the Hasegawa Mk II; 4th Century BC Persian Standard Bearer - Airfix 54mm figure parts given an alternative assembly by Pete Loveday; Torpedo Bomber Colours Part 13:- The Blackburn-built Swordfish, by Bruce Robertson; Polish Mountain Troops Extra; Rare Warbirds - F. Bulmer throws light on some little-known warplanes; New Books - Recent publications of interest to modellers; New Models - Reviews and news of recent kits and releases; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers
Vol.24 No.9 May 1983
Editor's notebook - Manchester Air and Space Museum, Gloster Sea Gladiator restoration; Tin donkeys of Dessau - Junkers aircraft, 1915 - 1918, Part 1 - scale plans; Mulbery Harbour, Part 11 - Whale floating roadway bridge spans; Aircraft modelling - Boeing DH-4M-1; British Phantoms, Part 2 - Into service with the RAF - four tone profiles; American battlecruisers; Beginning modelling, Part 2; Italian uniforms, 1936 - 1943; Fighting Maple Leaf, Part 1 - Introduction; Figure modelling - SAS, Jabal Akhdar, 1958; Northern Militaire, 1982; Reader's letters; New kits and models; 1903 pattern bandolier; Display diary, 1983.
Vol.24 No.10 June 1983
Editor's Notebook - Comments from the Editor; Bringing the Battle of Minden to Life - Part One of John Curran's modelling feature; New Books - Recent publications of interest to modellers; Tin Donkeys of Dessau:- Part 2: The Flying Furniture Van, by Harry Woodman; Military Airlift Command Part 1 - John Reed examines the origins and development; Surcouf 1942 - M.W. Williams converts the Heller 1:400 kit; Argentine Aircraft of the Falklands Conflict - Conversions to the A-4 Skyhawk and the IAI Dagger, by S. Slater; AEC Mk III Armoured Car Part 1 - How to make an impressive model from wood, by D.J. Murphy; Eye of the Phoenix Part 5 - Geoff Thomas continues his series on SEAC; New Models - Reviews and news of recent kits and releases; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers
Vol.24 No.11 July 1983
Editor's Notebook - Comments from the Editor; Valetta Conversion - Brian Monaghan transforms the Wellington; Tin Donkeys of Dessau Part 3 - The final instalment of Harry Woodman's series covers the Riesenflugzeuge Projects and Final Developments; British Matilda Tank Mk I - 1:35 and 1:76 scale model conversions; The Westland Aerospatiale Gazelle in Close Up - Bill Beeson looks at some of the British users of this plane; SMS Osffriesland-1921 - America's Battleship H, target ship, by M. W. Williams; New Books - Recent publications of interest to modellers; Bringing the Battle of Minden to Life - John Curran concludes his unusual modelling feature; New Models - Reviews and news of recent kits and releases; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers; Constructor - The newsletter of the Airfix Modellers' Club
Vol.24 No.12 August 1983
Editor's notebook; News from Airfix - 1:144 scale Boeing 727, 1:25 Fall Guy truck; Aircraft modelling - Vickers Valetta; Donkeys of Dessau - Junkers aircraft, 1915 - 1918, Part 3 - Reisenflugzeuge projects and final developments - scale plans; Military modelling - Matilda Mk I; Westland Aerospatiale Gazelle; SMS Ostfriesland, 1921; New books; Figure modelling - Battle of Minden; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.25 No.1 September 1983
Editor's Notebook - Comments from the Editor; The Goodyear built F2G-2 Corsair - Brian Monaghan shows how to make this conversion; Monte Cassino - Andrew Thompson's 1:32 scale diorama; Falklands War Series Part 1 - The Argentinian A-4P Skyhawk starts Ken Morris series; Military Airlift Command Part 2 - John Reed looks at MAC's organisation; How to build the AEC Mk III Armoured Car Part 2 - Dennis J Murphy completes his wooden model; The sinking of the Roma - On the 40th anniversary of an Italian battleship's end, M. W. Williams looks back; Mulberry Harbour Part 12 - Geoffrey Futter's series covers the "Beetle" floats, Shore Ramp Float and Intermediate Pierhead Pontoon; Events etc - Forthcoming dates for your diary; Post Box - Letters and ideas from readers; Eye of the Phoenix Part 6 - More on photographic reconnaissance in South East Asia Command, by Geoff Thomas; New Books - Recent publications of interest to modellers; Beginning Modelling Part 3 - S. Slater gives some useful hints to new modellers. [Last issue edited by Chris Ellis].
Vol.25 No.2 October 1983
Editor's notebook; New kits and models; News from Airfix - Star Wars kits; Aircraft modelling - Avro Lancaster; Police vehicles, Part 1 - Cars and motor cycles; Radio control for models; Dealing with dinosaurs; Professional modelling; Figure modelling - getting the most from model figures; Fighting Maple Leaf, Part 3 scale drawing; Vehicle modelling - 1:24 Esci Golf; Combat colours, Part 19 - de Havilland D.H.9A - four tone profiles; New books; Reader's letters.
Vol.25 No.3 November 1983
Editor's notebook; New kits and models; Figure modelling - getting the most from model figures; Police vehicles, Part 2 - Specialised support vehicles; HMS Exeter; Combat colours, Part 20 - Nieuport 17 - four tone profiles; Vehicle modelling - 1:12 Tamiya Ferrari 312T; Avro Vulcan four tone profiles; Paris Air Show, 1983; New books; Photopage.
Vol.25 No.4 December 1983
Editor's notebook; Aircraft modelling - Harrier GR.3; Vehicle modelling - Suzuki RGA-500; Combat colours, Part 21 - Sopwith Snipe - four tone profile; Aircraft modelling - Vacform biplane; Forbes Museum of Military Miniatures, Tangier; Aircraft modelling - Hercules C Mk 1 and C Mk 1 [K] - scale drawing; New books; Reader's letters.
Vol.25 No.5 January 1984
Editor's notebook; Model review - Airfix Northrop F-5E Tiger II, Panavia Tornado GR.1, 1:48 Sea Harrier; Die cast model transport; Lockheed Shooting Star - markings summary, four tone profiles; Warbirds No. 1 - McDonnell F2H Banshee; Constructor's guide to modelling, part 1; Space modelling; West Malling Air Display; Vehicle modelling - Brabham BT50 BMW; Background data No. 1 - Hawker Hunter - markings summary, four tone profiles; Aircraft modelling - Cessna O-1E Bird Dog; New books.
Vol.25 No.6 February 1984
Editor's notebook; Model review; Die cast model transport; Introduction to 54 mm wargaming, Part 1; On display - review of 1983 air displays; Warbirds No. 2 - Northrop F-5A Freedom Fighter; Constructor's guide to modelling, Part 2; Space modelling; Naval modelling - Beatty's battle cruisers in 1:3000; Background data No. 2 - British Aerospace Lightning - markings summary, four tone profiles; RAC Rally; Fighting Maple Leaf, Part 4 - scale drawings
Vol.25 No.7 March/April 1984
Editor's notebook; Model review; Looking back - Airfix Magazine March 1962; Flying bomb, Part 1 - history; Part 2 - V-1 in model form; Warbirds No. 3 - Douglas Skyraider; Space modelling; Background data No. 3 - Boeing B-17 - markings summary, four tone profiles; French police uniforms; Bo-105 rescue helicopter - markings summary, four tone profiles; New books; Reader's letters.
Vol.25 No.8 April 1984
[Not issued separately].
Vol.25 No.9 May 1984
Editor's notebook; Model review - Airfix Avro Vulcan B.2; BAC Hawk - kit review; 1984 Toy Fair Report; Aircraft modelling - 1:48 Sea Harrier; Warbirds No. 4 - Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt; War in the air - US in Korea; Background data No. 4 - Messerschmitt Bf-109 - markings summary, four tone profile; Airbrush for beginners, Part 1; Display diary, 1984; Gloster Meteor - markings; New books; Reader's letters.
Vol.25 No.10 June 1984
Editor's notebook; Modeller's notebook; Airfix - a personal history - book review; New kits and models; Lockheed U2 - kit review, scale drawing; Die cast model transport; Airbrush for beginners, Part 2; Meccano corner, Part 1; Warbirds No. 6 - McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom; Vehicle modelling - Escort RS 1800; Avro Vulcan - history and kit review; Background data No. 5 - Fairey Firefly - markings summary, four tone profile; New books
Vol.25 No.11 July 1984
Editor's notebook; Modeller's notebook; Die cast model transport; Introduction to 54 mm wargaming, Part 2; New kits and models; Recce - aircraft photographs; Beirut Multi National Force - uniforms; Navwar's 1:3000 British battle cruisers; Sepecat Jaguar GR.1 - Hasegawa review; Vehcile modelling - Esci 1:24 Audi Quattro; Background data No. 6 - Heinkel He-111 - markings summary, four tone profiles; Vehicle modelling - Ertl 1:25 AC Cobra; Meccano corner, Part 2; New books; Reader's letters.
Vol.25 No.12 August 1984
Editor's Notebook - News and Views; Contrasts at Mildenhall - Peter Guiver visits the Mildenhall Air Show; Star Wars Diorama - A Reader's Photos; 'New Off The Sprue' - Latest Models Reviewed; A Beginner's Guide to Airbrushing No.3; Hot Off The Press! - Airfix Kamov Ka-25A/C (side view Line Drg); Diecasts and Plastics - model transport reported By Iain Hines; Le-Mans 1984 race - Fred Game Scoops the Auto Press!; Mulberry Harbour Part 13 - Whale Floating Roadway; Background Data 7 - Hurricane (markings summary, four tone profiles); Vehicle modelling - Tamiya's 1:12 Porsche - Builder's Report; Spot the Difference - Winners; Meccano Corner PArt 3 - It Gets Harder; New Books - Latest Publications; Post Box - The Reader Strikes Back!
Vol.26 No.1 September 1984
Editor's norebook; Modeller's notebook; USAF Thunderbirds visit Europe; New kits and models; Die cast and plastic model transport; Aircraft modelling - Mil Mi-24 Hind D scale drawing; Battle of Britain - summary; Battle of Britain - Spitfire Mk I and Messerschmitt Bf-109E - modelling summary; British Grand Prix; Background data No. 8 - Sopwith Pup - markings summary, four tone profiles; Aircraft modelling - Sopwith Pup; Model aircraft photography, Part 1; Fighting Maple Leaf, Part 5; Index to Volume 25; Reader's letters.
Vol.26 No.2 October 1984
Editor's Notebook - News and Views; Modeller's Notebook - With James Bradbury; Airshow '84 - Peter Guiver's Camera in Action; 'New Off The Sprue' - Latest Kits And Pieces; Roland C.II - Building the Airfix Kit; Diecast & Plastic Model Transport News; Airbrushing - Fourth Part By Ian Peacock; Background Data 9 - Handley Page 0/400 (2 tone side view drgs); Modelling 'The Bloody Paralyser' Ray Rimell; Legionnaire - 54mm Conversion; Saloon Car Photo Special - By Fred Game; Modelling Dennis - Fred Game's Fire Engine; Some Gear Configurations - Hubert Carr; Last Of The Armoured Cruisers - Warship Feature; New Books - Latest References; Post Bag - The Reader Strikes Back!
Vol.26 No.3 November 1984
Editor's notebook; Farnborough 1984; Die cast and plastic model transport; New books; New kits and models - Airfix 1:48 AH-64 Apache, Rockwell B-1; White metal kits; HMS Revenge and SMS Baden - scale drawings; Military modelling - super detailing the 1:35 scale SAS Jeep; World of sprints and hill climbs, Part 1; Fairey Swordfish - photographs; Aircraft modelling - Israeli Air Force theme, Part 1; Henley Mecanno Exhibition; Meccano corner; Background data No. 10 - de Havilland Mosquito - markings summary, four tone profiles; Reader's letters.
Vol.26 No.4 December 1984
Editor's notebook; Showtime '84 - photographs; New kits and models; Meccano models of yesterday; Aircraft modelling - Israeli Air Force theme, Part 2; Figure modelling - 54 mm French Foreign Legionnaire, Spain, 1837; World of sprints and hill climbs, Part 2; New books; Naval modelling - 1:388 HMS Hood, 1:388 - scale drawings; Aircraft modelling - AH-64 Apache; Die cast and plastic model transport; Background data No. 11 - Consolidated B-24 Liberator markings summary, four tone profiles; Reader's letters.
Vol.26 No.5 January 1985
Editor's notebook; Return of the Tigers - re-forming 74 Squadron with Phantoms; Starting a model railway, Part 1; New kits and models; Photopage; Airbrush for beginners, Part 5; Evolution of IJN battleship Hiei; Spanish Police Forces - uniforms; Die cast and plastic model transport; Fighting Maple Leaf, Part 6 - scale drawings; Meccano corner; Background data NO. 12 - North American P-51 Mustang - markings summary , four tone profiles; Reader's letters.
Vol.26 No.6 February 1985
Editor's notebook; RAF's new VC-10's; In Flanders' skies, Part 1 - RAF BE2 - history, markings summary, modelling notes; IJN battleship Akagi; New kits and models; Die cast and plastic model transport; Figure modelling - French Foreign Legionnaire, Grenadier Company, Algiers, 1845; New books; Vacform modelling; Photopage.
Vol.26 No.7 March 1985
Editor's notebook; Reader's letters; New books; New kits and models; Die cast and plastic model transport; In Flanders' skies, Part 2 - Avro 504 - history, markings summary, modelling notes; Battle cruisers of the High Seas Fleet; Audi Quattro; Military modelling - 1:76 modern Russian infantry equipment; Making your own airbrush compressor; Starting a model railway, Part 2; Vehicle modelling - Ford RS1800; Meccano corner.
Vol.26 No.8 April 1985
Editor's notebook; Modeller's notebook; Reader's letters; New kits and models; Aeronavale Lynx - photographs; In Flanders' skies, Part 3 - Fokker Monoplane - history, markings summary, modelling notes; Vehicle modelling - 1:24 Jaguar E Type; New books; Naval modelling - USS Monitor, 1862; Die cast and plastic model transport; RAC Rally in retrospect; Meccano corner.
Vol.26 No.9 May 1985
Editor's notebook; Reader's letters; New books; Air show diary, 1985; Aircraft modelling - Hawker Kestrel; Die cast and plastic model transport; Meccano corner; Il'ya Muromets - history, scale drawings; Figure modelling - WWII diorama; Naval modelling - USS New Jersey, Part 1; In Flanders' skies, Part 4 - Sopwith Tabloid - history, markings summary, modelling notes; Fighting Maple Leaf, Part 7 - scale drawing
Vol.26 No.10 June 1985
Editor's notebook; Reader's letters; Modeller's notebook; Naval modelling - USS New Jersey, Part 2; Die cast and plastic model transport; Figure modelling - Legionnaire, Algeria, 1850; Naval modelling - HMS Hood, 1942; 25 years of the Airfix Magazine supplement; In Flanders' skies, Part 5 - Taube monoplanes, history, markings summary, modelling notes; Meccano corner; New books; New kits and models
Vol.26 No.11 July 1985
Editor's notebook; Modeller's notebook; Reader's letters; Norwich Air Fete; Aircraft modelling - Legion Condor; New books; New kits and models; Military modelling - 1:76 NATO infantry equipment; IJN battleship Kaga; In Flanders' skies, Part 6 - Bleriot Monoplanes - history, markings summary, modelling notes; Meccano corner; Viva Zapata! Revolution uniform data, Mexico, 1910 - 1920; Die cast and plastic model transport; Vehicle modelling - 1:24 modelling notes; Photopage.
Vol.26 No.12 August 1985
Editor's notebook; New books; Observer's Diary [Royal Observer Corps], Part 1 - July 10, 1938 - October 30, 1939 markings summary; Cruiser tanks, Part 1 - scale drawings; Bagged and boxed Bristols - kit review; Model transport; Meccano corner; Paris Air Show, 1985; Le Mans, 1985; Where are they now? - IMC kits; Aircraft modelling - Bristol Fighter; Photopage; In Flanders' skies, Part 7 - Bristol F2B Fighter - history, scale drawings; New kits and models; reader's letters.
Vol.27 No.1 September 1985
This month; New books; Military modelling - Other Panthers, Part1 - scale drawings; In Flanders' skies, Part 8 - Morane Saulnier L - markings summary; SH-60B Seahawk - cutaway drawing; Le Mans '85; Observer's diary, Part 2 - 4 March, 1940 - 1 July, 1940; Model transport; Nitto's SF-3D space kits; Naval modelling - HMS Hood, mid 1940 - scale drawings; New kits and models.
Vol.27 No.2 October 1985
This month; Index, Volume 26; New books; Mildenhall Air Fete '85; Military modelling - Other Panthers, Part 2 - scale drawings; Observer's diary, Part 3 - 10 June, 1940 - 17 April, 1941 Hawker Demon four tone profile; 1:12 BMW K100 kit review; USS Missouri - four tone profile; International Air Tattoo, Fairford, 1985; In Flanders' skies, Part 9 - LVG C.VI; Hotting up the Cold War - ice bound wargaming ideas; Model transport; New kits and models; Reader's letters.
Vol.27 No.3 November 1985
This month; Reader's letters; Where are they now? - Inpact aircraft kits; Model transport; In Flanders' skies - Part 10 Hanriot HD-1 - markings summary, four tone profiles; Special SF / Space supplement, Part 1; X planes; Observer's diary, Part 4 - 2 May, 1941 - 5 November 1941; Fighting Maple Leaf, Part 8 - scale drawings; New kits and models
Vol.27 No.4 December 1985
This month; New books; Reader's letters; USAAF markings update; In Flanders' skies, Part 11 - Bristol Scout - markings summary, four tone profiles; Where are they now? - Aurora; Cruiser tanks, Part 2 - scale drawings; Observer's diary, Part 5 - 6 January 1941 - 2 May 1941; Special SF / Space supplement, Part 2; Model transport; New kits and models.
Vol.27 No.5 January 1986
This month; New books; Reader's letters; IPMS news; In Flanders' skies, Part 12 - SE5 / SE5a - markings summary, four tone profile; Model transport; New kits and models; Observer's diary, Part 6 - 10 May, 1942 - 30 December 1942; Armoured column; Where are they now? - Strombeck Becker; Military modelling - Israeli M48A3 Patton, Part 1 - scale drawings; Meccano column; 12 British bombers, No. 1 - Canberra; New kits and models;
Vol.27 No.8 (sic) February 1986
This month; Reader's letters; Armoured column; Where are they now? - Renwall; Model transport; Meccano column; Aircraft modelling - Vickers Victoria; 12 British bombers, No. 2 - Short Stirling; Small space; Observer's diary, Part 7 - 1943; New kits and models
Vol.27 No.9 (sic) March 1986
This month; New books; Where are they now? - Deora; Armoured column; Observer's diary, Part 8 - 30 September, 1943 - 12 November 1943; Israeli M48A3 Patton, Part 2 - scale drawings; Model transport; Short run injection moulded kits - Merlin Models; AFVs in metal and resin; 12 British bombers, Part 3 - Whitley; Aircraft modelling - Fifty years of the Spitfire - Spitfire prototype; Small space; New kits and models; Meccano column.
Vol.27 No.10 (sic) April 1986
This month; New books; Reader's letters; Armoured column; Where are they now? - Tiger Moth kits; Model transport; 12 British bombers, Part 4 - DH9A; Cruiser tanks, Part 3 - scale drawings; Hendon's RAF Museum; Observer's diary, Part 9 - 14 November, 1943 - 9 January, 1944; Aircraft modelling - LDM 1:48 metal kit; Kiwi colours, Part 1, Tiger Moth - markings summary, four tone profiles; Small space; New kits and models; Meccano column.
Vol.27 No.11 (sic) May 1986
This month; New books; Reader's letters; Armoured column; 12 British bomber, No. 5 - Lincoln; Small space; Model transport; Dubendorff Air base, Zurich - visit; Iowas - battleship models; Lancaster legend - Newark Club's 1985 modelling project; Where are they now? - Jo-Han; Vietnam for modellers - modelling details; Kiwi colours, Part 2 - Avro 504, Part 1 - markings summary, scale drawings
Vol.27 No.12 (sic) June 1986
Editorial; News; Comment; Armoured column; 12 British bombers, No.5 - Handley Page Hampden; Model transport; Where are they now? - Kitmaster; Small space; Display diary; Observer's diary, Part 10 - 18 January, 1944 - 13 July, 1944; Kiwi colours, Part 3 - Avro 504, Part 2 - scale drawings, modelling notes; Reader's letters; Improving plastic kits; New kits and models; New books; Meccano column
Vol.27 No.11** July 1986
Editorial; News; Armoured column; Small space; New books; 12 British bombers, No. 6 - Hawker Hart; Vehicle modelling - Gunze Sangyo TR3; Model transport; Plastic card modelling, Part 1; Observer's diary, Part 11 - 15 August, 1944 - 31 December, 1944; Kiwi colours, Part 4 - Strikemaster - markings summary, four tone profiles; New kits and models
Vol.27 No.12** August 1986
Editorial; News; Armoured column; 12 British bombers, No. 6 - Vickers Valiant; Fighting Maple Leaf, Part 9 - scale drawings; Observer's diary, 10 February, 1945 - 12 May, 1945; Reader's letters; Small space; Plastic card modelling, Part 2; Model transport; Kiwi colours,Part 5 - Bell UH-1 - scale drawing, four tone profile; RAF markings changes; New kits and models. [Last issue from this publisher].
- September 1986
Not published
- October 1986
Not published
- November 1986
Monday column; Top un competition; Junior modellers; Small space - space models; Intrepid Air and Space Museum, New York; F-104 Starfighter - history; IPMS news; Aircraft modelling - F-104 Starfighter; All change - ownership changes in model manufacturers; New books.
- December 1986
Top Gun winners; Model transport; Tornado - NATO's fighting bomber - history; Reader's letters; IPMS news; Shorland SB 401 - history, scale drawing; Junior corner; Viewpoint - vacforms; New books;
- January 1987
Junior corner; New kits and models; Tornado - kit review; Reader's letters; Vehicle modelling - Bugatti 35; Expo '86; Heathrow 2nd International Swapmeet Toy and Model Fair; Scorpion Reconnaissance Vehicle family, Part 1 - history, scale drawings; Super Etendard - Dassault's super striker - history.
- February 1987
Starstreak missile system; Scorpion Reconnaissance Vehicle family, Part 2 - history, scale drawings; RAF LandRover and USAFE generator; Viewpoint - vacforms; HMS Prince of Wales - kit review; Reader's letters' New kits and models; A7 Corsair - Vought's Little Fella - history; In the air; Kit collectors column; Lancaster - history; Street talk; IPMS news; New kits and models; Reader's questions.
- March 1987
One man's Airfix Collection; Earls Court Toy Fair, 1987, Part 1; Bristol Blenheim - history; Viewpoint - vacforms; Herky bord - RAF heavyweight - C-130 - history, markings summary; Military modelling - Eager Beaver - rough terrain fork lift - scale drawing; Military scene - Abrams, M113 ACAV; Porsche - the man, the history and the super cars; Junior corner.
- April 1987
Not published
- May 1987
Not published
- June 1987
Not published
- July 1987
Keep on trucking; New books; Earls Court Toy Fair, 1987, Part 2; Reader's letters; Fortresses of the Winged Eight, Part 1; Aircraft modelling - Bomb bay for the Monogram 1:48 B-17; Viewpoint - vacform B-17; Marking time - current markings; IPMS news; Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle YPR 765; M113 FSV Scorpion; New kits and models; In the air - USAF Phantom.
- August 1987
Street talk; Fortresses of the Winged Eight, Part 2 - markings summary; Military modelling - GAZ AAA artillery tractor; Phantastic Phantom - history, RAF modelling notes; Military scene; Display debrief, Part 1; M113 FSV Scorpion - scale drawing; Entente cordiale - Matchbox BAe Harrier and Dassault Mirage IIIB kit reviews; In the air - BAe Hawk 200.
- September/October 1987
New kits and models; Viewpoint - vacforms; Display debrief, Part 2 - June; Sunderland, queen of the flying boats; Centurion BARV - history, scale drawing; New books; Street talk; Military scene.
- October 1987
Not published separately
- November 1987
Not published
- December 1987
Not published
- January 1988
Not published
- February 1988
Not published
- March 1988
Not published
- April 1988
Not published
- May 1988
Not published
- June 1988
Not published
- July 1988
Not published
- August 1988
Not published
Vol.1 No.1 September 1988
Aircraft modelling - Fujimi McDonnell Douglas TA-4J - colour profiles, modelling notes; Trouble with drawings - comparison of published drawings of aircraft; Primer on painting model cars; Vehicle modelling - 1:24 Ferrari F40; Decalomania; Military modelling - 1:35 Challenger - scale drawings; Space Shuttle - kitography; Kit comment; O Group; Scenic bases for waterline ships; Vehicle modelling - DAF 3300 tractor; Back to basics - joint lines.
Vol.1 No.2 October 1988
Aircraft modelling - Matchbox and Modeldecal Meteors - colour profiles, four tone profiles; modelling notes; Military modelling - Sherman Firefly - scale drawings; Resin aircraft models; Bases for models; Gliders - kitography; Back to basics - wheels; O Group; Kit comment; Decalomania.
Vol.1 No.3 November 1988
Vehicle modelling - 1:24 Jaguar XJR-8; Early Mistels - Focke Wulf Fw-56 / DFS-230 four tone profile; Paint storage; Military modelling - Esci / ERTL Merkava kits; Bases for models; Vehicle modelling - 1:24 Iveco 190.42 Turbostar tractor; Back to basics - canopies; Military modelling - 1:35 T-34 scale drawing; Messerschmitt Bf-109E - kitography; Naval modelling - converting full hull ship models to waterline models; Aircraft modelling - undercarriages; Speciality modelling shops; O Group; Kit comment; Decalomania.
Vol.1 No.4 December 1988
Straight from the box: The Airfix 1:72nd Lightning F.3; Carry on Lightnings: Variations on a Lightning theme; Painting the real thing: Alan W. Hall visits RAF St Athan; Ferrari 250 GTO: Franco reviews the 1:24th scale kit; Accent on armour: The World War 2 Challenger; Back to basics: Brush painting silver; '0' Group: Phil Greenwood's armour column; Kit comment special: Limited run kits reviewed; Kit comment: Reviews by Airfix Magazine staff
Vol.1 No.5 January 1989
Straight from the box: The Airfix F-5E; Kitography: A list of current F-5 kits; XM734: An M113 conversion; Improving the JB M113: 1:76th scale modification; 'Crikey. it's a Whirlwind': Plastic profile; Colourquest: The search for the 'right colour'; Bases and cases: Catapults; The inside story: Detailing cockpits; The M48 Patton; Kit comment: Reviews by Airfix Magazine staff; Back to basics: Dealing with decals
Vol.1 No.6 February 1989
Straight from the box: The KP MiG-17; Kitography: A list of current MiG kits; Bases and cases: Vacuformed bases; Accent on armour: The M-3 'Lee' tank; Back to basics: A weighty problem; Comparing the MiG-29 kits; Plastic profile: The P-39 Airacobra; Search and Rescue Wessex; '0' Group; Kit comment: Reviews by Airfix Magazine staff; Decalcomania
Vol.1 No.7 March 1989
Kitography: The Tomcat in 1:72nd scale; Ironhammer 88; British tanks in Korea: Armour in the Korean War; New on the sprue: The 1989 Earls Court Show; T34 tanks: How to build a mini collection; Revell's electronic fire engines; Tamiya's 1:12th scale Honda N5600; Back to basics: Heat stretching sprue; The '0' Group: Phil Greenwood's armour column; Kit comment special: The cream of the cats; Kit comment: Reviews by Airfix Magazine staff; Decalcomania
Vol.1 No.8 April 1989
Straight from the box: Airfix's Mirage F.1; Kitography: The Mirage F.1 in 1:72nd scale; The Scorpion story British armour in the Falklands; New on the sprue; Biking: Tamiya's VFR750R; MLRS: Britain's new artillery; The '0' Group: Phil Greenwood's armour column; Kit comment: Reviews by Airfix Magazine staff; Decalcomania
Vol.1 No.9 May 1989
Straight from the box: Esci/Erti's M48 series; Straight from the second box: Airfix's 1:48th scale Bf 109E; Kitography: 1:48th scale Bf 109 kits reviewed; Accent on armour: US M4 Sherman tanks; Back to basics: Painting figures; Bases and cases: Bundeswehr diorama; Expo South 1988: Rod Holland reports on Mitcham; Battlefield taxi: A look at the Warrior APC; The '0' Group: Phil Greenwood's armour column; Kit comment: Reviews by Airfix Magazine staff
Vol.1 No.10 June 1989
Straight from the box: The Heller F-86F; RAF Sabres: Between the Meteor and the Hunter; Kitography: The North American Sabre; Accent on armour: The Leopard 2 tank; Handy tip: Photo-etched brass; Tamiya Yamaha: The YZR 500; Gis in 'Nam: Figure painting; Back to basics: Knives and files; Airfix, a recollection: The first 17 years; The '0' Group: Phil Greenwood's armour column; Kit comment: Special new Verlinden products
Vol.1 No.11 July 1989
Straight from the box: The Heller T-6G Texan; Kitography: Texan alias Harvard kits; Accent on armour: Soviet heavy tanks; Back to basics: Painting polythene figures; Paras: The British paratrooper in World War 2; Leopard update: Bundeswehr Leopard camouflage; '0' Group: Phil Greenwood reviews the latest armour; Airfix kits: Terence Marriott visits his loft; Honda NXR750: Tamiya's 1:12th off road wonder; Moonrockets from the cupboard; Mildenhall Air Fete '89: USAF in the UK
Vol.1 No.12 August 1989
Straight from the box: Airfix Martin B-57; Building the RB-57A; Building the RB-57D - conversion; Building the long-wing RB-57F; The '0' Group: Cottage industry review; Back to basics: Painting military models; Italian M13/40 medium tank; Kit comment: PP Aeroparts latest releases
- September 1989
Not published
- October 1989
Not published
- November 1989
Not published
Vol.2 No.1 December 1989/January 1990
Aircraft modelling - Boulton Paul Defiant TT.III - four tone profile; modelling notes; Vehicle modelling - 1:12 Suzuki RGA 500; Aircraft modelling - Frog Whitley Mk V; Aircraft modelling - Airfix 1:24 Messerschmitt Bf-109E - four tone profiles; Vehicle recovery in the British Army; Back to basics - rigging biplanes; Military modelling - British Shermans; O Group; Kit comment

** Volume/Issue numbers not printed in July & August 1986 issues.

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Airfix Magazine

Contents Listing 1990-1993

Vol.2 No.1 December 1989/January 1990
Aircraft modelling - Boulton Paul Defiant TT.III - four tone profile; modelling notes; Vehicle modelling - 1:12 Suzuki RGA 500; Aircraft modelling - Frog Whitley Mk V; Aircraft modelling - Airfix 1:24 Messerschmitt Bf-109E - four tone profiles; Vehicle recovery in the British Army; Back to basics - rigging biplanes; Military modelling - British Shermans; O Group; Kit comment
Vol.2 No.2 February-March 1990
Straight from the box: Vickers Armstrong Wellington Mk.lll; Kitography: The Wellington trio; Conversion topic: A Wellington with Merlins; Accent on armour: British postwar tanks; Back to basics: Stick to it!; Vincent black shadow; The' O' Group; Decalcomania; Kit comment
Vol.2 No.3 April 1990
Truly revolting: Sevans Models TV monster reviewed; Armour conversion: Panzer IV L/70; Bike world: A combination of two well known 1:72nd scale kits'; UK Cottage Industry Directory 1990-91; From the trade: Airfix Magazine visits Hannants; The '0' Group; Kit conversion: Avro Lancastrian; Kit comment
Vol.2 No.4 May 1990
Salute the Samurai; Straight from the box, 1: Suzuki Samurai; Accent on armour: The Matilda; Back to basics: First steps with a Phantom - F-4J build; Conversion topic: Lockheed Hudson; Bovington: The Tank Museum; Bike world: The Tamiya 1:12th scale BMW R80 GIS; The '0' Group; On the Wavelength: Japanese 1:700th scale ships; Straight from the box. 2: 1/48th Mosquito FB.VI; Kitography: Mosquito; Kit comment
Vol.2 No.5 June 1990
30 years. The life and times of Airfix Magazine; Competition; On the wavelength: Viking raiders; Kit conversion: Completing the circle; Kitography: Buccaneer the long-lived heavyweight; Bike world: Zundapp KS750; The '0' Group; From the trade: Flying High; Back to basics: Chipmunk pair; Accent on armour: British armoured cars; Kit review special: Theme kits for 1990; Kit comment; Decalcomania
Vol.2 No.6 July 1990
Straight from the box: Italeri DC-3; Kitography: Douglas DC-3; Accent on armour: The Cromwell tank; Feature: The fabulous Seven; Model motoring: Tamiya's 1:24th scale Lotus Seven; Kit conversion: KV1 to KV2; Back to basics: Messerschmitt lair - Bf 109 diorama; The '0' Group; Wroughton revealed; Bike world: Panzer Grenadier; Military miniatures: Renault FT-17 and Char 1bis; Them bones!: Fun with a skeleton; Kit comment; New on the sprue
Vol.2 No.7 August 1990
Kitography: The Curtiss Hawk by Frank Reynolds; Algy's world of modelling: Is he someone you know by S. P. Rue; Model motoring: One man and his Jeep; Straight from the box: Italeri 1:24th scale fire Jeep; The '0' Group by Phil Greenwood; Bike World: Esci 1:9th scale Harley Davidson ML-45 by Greg Kerry; On the lighter side: Something fishy by Des Knock; Accent on armour: The Soviet T-34/85 by K. Brown; Military miniatures: Austin K3 4 x 2 3-Tonner by Tom Muir; Back to basics: Humphrey the Wessex by Richard Reynolds - HMS Antrim's helicopter; Source of inspiration: The Museum of Army Transport; Kit comment: Two 1:72nd scale aircraft from Airfix; Letters; New on the sprue
n/a September 1990
'The publishers apologise for the absence of the September issue due to difficulties beyond our control'
Vol.2 No.8 October 1990
Straight from the box: Vostok One; Accent on armour: The Centurion tank; Military miniatures: Tippers and dumpers; Source of inspiration: Mosquito museum; Bike world: BMW R-75; The '0' Group: Compiled by Phil Greenwood; Collecting on a theme: By Greg Kerry; On the wavelength: A pair of submarines; Back to basics: Heavy metal from the Soviet Union - Tu-26B Backfire; Loctite wordsearch competition; Dapol Highway Pioneer; Kit comment; New on the sprue; Editor's postbag
Vol.2 No.9 November 1990
Straight from the box: Hormones above; Bike world: Bike rider conversion; Accent on armour: Japanese tanks of World War 2; Back to basics: It's all a question of money; The '0' Group: Compiled by Phil Greenwood; On the Wavelength: The sea shall not have them; From the trade: Shopping by post. The case for catalogues; Source of inspiration: The Cellan model aircraft museum; Military miniatures: Dodge D154 x 215 cwt; Mosquito spy: Modelling the Matchbox kit using Aeroclub accessories; Kit comment; New on the sprue; From the editor's postbag
Vol.2 No.10 December 1990
Bike World: The Aoshina 1:12th scale Kawasaki Z400J; Military miniatures: Breakdown gantry body; Accent on armour: Panzerkampfwagen IV SdKfz 161; IPMS Nationals 1990; Source of inspiration: The International Helicopter Museum; Straight from the box: Lindberg's Convair Pogo; The '0 Group: Compiled by Phil Greenwood; From the trade: Model specialist; Tank modelling: Sherman Easy 8; On the wavelength: The Discovery; Kit comment; Algy's world of modelling
Vol.2 No.11 January 1991
Accent on armour: Early British Cruiser tanks; Back to basics: Big Gooney Bird - 1:48th Dakota; Kit review special: Horse drawn haulage; Source of inspiration: Imperial War Museum, Duxtord; On the wavelength: Vosper MTB; Military models: Cottage industry review; British Traditions; The '0' Group: Compiled by Phil Greenwood; Military miniatures: 2-Pounder anti-tank gun portee; On the lighter side: Sci-Fi fliers; Algy's world of modelling; Kit comment; New on the sprue; From the editor's postbag
n/a February 1991
'The publishers wish to apologise for the non-appearance of the February 1991 issue due to unforeseen production difficulties.'
Vol.2 No.12 March 1991
Straight from the box: The Colt Peacemaker; On the lighter side: The terrible reptiles; Bike world: Harley Davidson FXE/F-80 Fat Bob; Writing on a theme; On the wavelength: The Kaiten Japanese manned torpedo; Kit review special: P-51 D Mustang; The '0' Group: Compiled by Phil Greenwood; Ten new kits from Minicraft; An early eagle: Jim Howard builds a Me 109B - 1/48th scale Bf 109B; Tips and techniques: A biplane jig; Kit comment; New on the sprue; Algy's world of modelling; From the editor's postbag
Vol.3 No.1 April 1991
Straight from the box: 1:144th Grumman EA-6B Prowler by Des Knock; Austin FX-4 Taxi by Greg Kerry; Bike world: Harley Chopper by Greg Kerry; The '0' Group: Compiled by Paul Woodman; Military miniatures: AEC Matador by Des Knock; From the trade: Tasman Models by Matthew Wright; Source of inspiration: Midland Air Museum by Terence Marriott; Accent on armour: Lease-Lend tanks by Paul Woodman; Military models: M-19 Tank Transporter by Des Knock; Cottage industry review by Jim Howard; Kit comment
Vol.3 No.2 May 1991
Bike world: Airfix BMW R69 by Greg Kerry; Accent on armour: Evolution of the Main Battle Tank by Paul Woodman; Converting the Hawk 100/200 by Greg Kerry; Basic Bases by P. Wyborn-Brown; Tips and techniques: Photographing models by Matthew Wright; The '0' Group: Compiled by Paul Woodman; Source of inspiration: Mildenhall Magic by Terence Marriott - Air Fete '91; Military models: Afrika Korps diorama by Greg Kerry; New on the sprue; Kit comment
Vol.3 No.3 June 1991
Straight from the box: Westland Sea King by Greg Kerry; Military models: SdKfz 250 Series by A.M. Oughton; Historical figures by Greg Kerry; Paasche Fl and Rotring 777 Compressor by Des Knock; Accent on armour: Soviet T-54 and T-55 Main Battle Tank by Paur Woodman; Kitography: Swordfish Kitography by Malcolm Lowe; The '0', Group compiled by Paul Woodman; New Zealand IPMS Championships by Matthew Wright; Tips and techniques: Replacement canopies and cockpit detailing by Greg Kerry; Source of inspiration: Duxford Museum; Kit comment
Vol.3 No.4 July 1991
Figure modelling: The Airfix 54 mm figures by Greg Kerry; Bike world: Protar motor cycle kits by Greg Kerry; Tank modelling: The SdKfz 234 series of armoured cars by A.l.M.C. Oughton; The '0' Group compiled by Paul Woodman; Kitography: Shorts Tucano T.Mk.1 by Malcolm V. Lowe; Accent on armour: Chaffing at the bit? by Richard Randle; Model motoring: Buggati with a background by Richard Randle; Straight-from-the-box: The bird from Brazil by Malcolm V. Lowe; Kit comment
Vol.3 No.5 August 1991
Editorial - Its been a long hard struggle; Straight from the box, Sophisticating the Sea Hawk 1:72 scale update of the Airfix kit using Aeroclub parts; Accent on Armour, Tank Armament in World War Two; The 'O' Group: The Universal Carrier Mk II 1:35 scale Tamiya kit build; Imai's 1:12 scale Harley Davidson Electra Glide kit build; Armour conversion, Rebuilding Old Models (resin upgrades); Tank Modelling, SdKfz 221 Series of Armoured Cars; Multipose Germans, figure work for dioramas in various scales; Decal Co Mania, review of Decals and accessories
Vol.3 No.6 September 1991
Military modelling - PzKfw V Panther; Figure modelling - Multipose US Marines; Aircraft modelling - Grumman Panther; O Group; North American T-6 Texan / Harvard - kitography; Military modelling - German light tanks in WW II; Mosquito Museum; Military modelling - M998 HMMVV; Aircraft modelling - rigging the Stranraer; Kit comment
Vol.3 No.7 October 1991
Straight from the box: Sea Harrier by Richard Randle; The '0' Group compiled by Paul Woodman; Kitography: The All American Twin by Terence Marriott - B-25 Mitchell kits; SdKfz 232 Schwere Panzerspahwagen (B-radl) FU by A.M.l.C. Oughton; Bike World: Harley Davidson Cafe Racer by Greg Kerry; KIingon Battle Cruiser by Richard Randle; Is small scale military modelling in decline? by Paul Woodman; Dioramas: Revell's Grumman HU-16 Albatross by Greg Kerry; Accent on armour: Soviet BMP Series by Paul Woodman; Source of inspiration: RAF Museum, Hendon by Greg Kerry; Kit comment
Vol.3 No.8 November 1991
Kitography: British Aerospace Harrier GR.5 by Greg Kerry; Patriot missile system by Richard Randle; The Marder Ill by A.M.l.C.Qughton; Dioramas: A simple desert diorama by Greg Kerry; Military miniatures: Tamiya's SAS Jeep by Greg Kerry; Euro Militaire by Phil Wyborn-Brown; Straight-from-the-box: Gloster Whittle E2B/39 by Greg Kerry; Accent on armour: SdKfz 163 Sturmgeschutz IV by Paul Woodman; The '0' Group: compiled by Paul Woodman; Kit comment
Vol.3 No.9 December 1991
Straight from the box: Westland Gazelle by Richard Randle; Military modelling: Italeri's 1:32nd scale SAS Land Rover by Greg Kerry; Aircraft conversion: TF-86 two-seat Sabre by Malcolm V. Lowe; Sci-fi modelling: Imperial Tie Interceptor by Richard Randle; Model motoring: Gotham City Police Car by Richard Randle; Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) by A. I. M .C. Oughton; The '0' Group compiled by Paul Woodman; IPMS Nationals: Twice the size this year by Alan W. Hall; A-4K 'Kaku' Skyhawk by Matthew Wright; Tank modelling: Shermans in the Middle east by Paul Woodman; Kit comment
Vol.3 No.10 February/March 1992
Vehicle modelling - Keil Kraft's Routemaster double decker bus; Hetzer; Pegasus Models; O Group; Building metal kits; Vehicle modelling - Captain Scarlet Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle; Vehicle modelling - Ferrari F1/90; World War 2 British cruiser tanks, 1942 - 1945; Aircraft modelling - Tropical Spitfires; Aircraft modelling - Revell's P-51 Miss America; Kit comment
Vol.3 No.11 April 1992
Detailing the Mil Mi-28 Havoc by Greg Kerry; Resin Kits: A34 Comet Mk 1 by Paul Woodman; Imai's Archduke Siegmund by Greg Kelly; Accent on Armour: The CVR(T) Family of AFV's by Phil Greenwood and Paul Woodman; Luke Skywalkers Snow Speeder by Richard Randle; Rockwell B-1B Lancer by Richard Randle; Italeri's Opel Blitz by Greg Kerry; The 0-Group compiled by Paul Woodman; The PT-76 Amphibious Reconnaissance Tank by A.M.l.C. Oughton; Model Motoring: Porsche 928 S4 by Richard Randle; Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero by Richard Randle; Kit Comment
Vol.3 No.12 May 1992
Straight from the box: 1910 'B' Type Omnibus by Richard Randle; The Marder II by A.M.l.C. Oughton; Whether to weather by Greg Kerry; Model motoring: Lamborghini Countach LP5OOS by Richard Randle; Accent on armour: The Challenger (1) Mk.3 by Paul Woodman; 'Spirit of St Louis' by Richard Randle; Star Wars by Richard Randle; Dioramas: Seaplane base by Greg Kerry; TF-104G Starfighter by Richard Randle; The '0 Group' compiled by Paul Woodman; Kit comment
Vol.4 No.1 June 1992
Military modelling - 1:35 T-34/76; Vehicle modelling - 1:12 Ferrari Testarossa; PzKfw II: 1:32 Northrop Hawk - missile system; O Group; Space modelling - Aliens Drop Ship; Aircraft modelling - 1:48 Hasegawa P-51D Mustang; Aircraft modelling - 1:72 Airfix Boulton Paul Defiant; Military modelling - 1:35 M18 Hellcat; Kit comment; Decal review.
Vol.4 No.2 July 1992
Aircraft modelling - 1:48 Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate; MP43 / StuG 44 automatic rifles; Aircraft modelling - Heinkel He-162 / Arado Ar-377a Mistel 5; Vehcile modelling - 1:24 Mercedes Benz RW 196 F.1; O Group; Vehicle modelling - 1:12 Honda CR450R; Military modelling - M1A1 Abrams; Aircraft modelling - Northrop F-5E Tiger II; Figure modelling - Painting faces; Space modelling - Narcissus Escape Ship; Vehicle modelling - 1:32 Ford Escort; Kit comment.
Vol.4 No.3 August 1992
Light tanks of WW I; Aircraft modelling - Bomarc 1M-99; Aircraft modelling - Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa; O Group; Nebelwerfer; Vehicle modelling - 1:25 Pontiac Firebird GTA; Military modelling - Caldey DUKWs - drawings; Detailing your model - after market kits; Figure modelling - Terminator T-1000; Kit comment.
Vol.4 No.4 September 1992
Vehicle modelling - 1:8 Harley Davidson Police Bike Duo; Military modelling - Australian M113 FSV; Aircraft modelling - McDonnell Douglas A4D-1 Skyhawk; Building fronts in dioramas; Figure modelling - Terminator T-800; Military modelling - Krupp Protze light truck; Earls COlne Aircraft Museum; O Group; Vehicle modelling - 1:24 De Tomaso Pantera GTS; Kit comment.
Vol.4 No.5 October 1992
Editorial: The Results Of Our Labours; The Battle of El Alamein: kits of armour that took part; Monogram 1:48 scale Republic P-47 Thunderbolt; The 'O' Group armoured cars; Organising the spares box and mini diorama bases; Tamiya 1:12 scale Honda CB900; Accent on Armour: The Soviet T-80 MBT; Dragon Carrier Deck Dioramas, displaying 1:144 scale aircraft. Improving the image: Battle Colours-Britain 1940 to 1942; Reviews
Vol.4 No.6 November 1992
Editorial: Writing For Publication; Bike World: Tamiya 1:12 scale Honda NR750; Straight From The Box: Lindberg SNARK missile; Source of Inspiration, the long range desert group, armed trucks; Airfix 1:48 scale Messerschmitt Bf 109 'Ausburg Eagle'; Airfix Tyrannosaurus Rex; Accent on Armour: The A22 Churchill Infantry Tank; Lindberg Statue of Liberty; The 'O' Group; Aurora Silver Knight of Ausburg; Reviews
Vol.4 No.7 December 1992
Editorial: Christmas Long Ago; Airfix Sopwith Pup; Accent on Armour: A15 Crusader; Tsukuda Hobby Co Metaluna Mutant vinyl kit; Apex Models, pewter Daimler Scout Car kit in 1:76 scale; The 'O' Group (armour column); Improving the image, Battle Colours-Britain 1943-92 (armour); Dragon 1:35 scale US Light Infantry; Metal (foil) finish for a Hasegawa 1:32 scale P-51D Mustang; Mongrel Modelling a look at various kits; Reviews
Vol.4 No.8 January/February 1993
Editorial: A move in the right direction; Forgotten Projects; Model Motoring: AMT 1955 Chevrolet Step side Pickup; Improving an old propliner Revell 1:144 scale Lockheed Constellation; The 'O' Group (armour column); Italeri 1:48 scale Stingbat LHX future helicopter concept; Accent on Armour: US M4 Medium Tank; Cottage Industry Directory 1993; Airfix 1:144 scale Vostok; Building an accurate Gunze Sangyo Jagdpanther; Reviews
- March/April 1993
Not published
- May/June 1993
Not published
- July 1993
Not published
Vol.4 No.9 August 1993
Editorial: The past and the future; Comparative study of Hawker Hurricane kits; Lindberg Anatomical kits; Converting the Tamiya M3A2 to the M5A1; Airfix Lamborghini Countach LP500S; Revell Lockheed P-38J Lightning; Imai Sky 1 (UFO TV); Accent on Armour: The Soviet T-28; Esci's 1:12th scale F-16 cockpit; Reviews
- September 1993
Not published
Vol.4 No.10 October/November 1993
The Case for The Defence: Autobiographical jottings from the Editor; The First Stuka: by Greg Kerry; Sources of Inspiration: British Anti-Armour Missile Systems by Michael Maxwell; Straight from the Box: Jurassic Park Inmates by Richard Randle; Enhancing the Image: HMS Devonshire in Detail; Accent on Armour: Mixed Media M52 SPH; Viewpoint: Model Making with Attitude by Greg Kerry; Kit Comment; The Sweeper